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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Tips' Category

Trey Smith Launches ‘iPhone System’ Course

Trey Smith has launched the ‘iPhone System’ course. According to Smith, this training course teaches how to come out with an iPhone app, market it online and make money. Smith says, “I’ve spent 8 months, tens of thousands of dollars and countless hours making phone calls and networking… to figure out every single secret to making it in the app store Then I took all this information and broke it down into 4 sections: 1. Coming up with a killer app idea (that people will WANT) 2. Getting the app made (and never get ripped off) 3. Setting up your app network (and making the technical... [...]

‘The Reason You’re Not Closing More Sales’ by Jeffrey Mayer

Jeffrey Mayer’s guest article on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “The Reason You’re Not Closing More Sales”. Mayer says, “Don was working with Phyllis at Ajax Manufacturing and was about to put a proposal together. He needed some additional information about their situation. He sat down wrote a list of questions and sent”. The Reason You’re Not Closing More Sales Marketing for Success  [...]

‘Real Proof That You Need to Mix Article Marketing with LinkedIn Marketing’ by Eric Gruber

Eric Gruber’s latest article is titled “Real Proof That You Need to Mix Article Marketing with LinkedIn Marketing”. Gruber says, “Need proof that you should be mixing your article marketing efforts with LinkedIn marketing? Below is an actual  invite to connect that LinkedIn marketing expert Kristina Jaramillo received yesterday. As you will soon see, the person read Kristina’s article that we got published in Website Magazine back in January (6 months ago!) Because Kristina created a discussion on her LinkedIn group and other groups that she belongs to based on her article... [...]

Dr. Joe Vitale Launches ‘ClickBank Secret Code’

Dr. Joe Vitale has launched the ‘ClickBank Secret Code’ system. According to Dr. Vitale, the ‘ClickBank Secret Code’ teaches the ways to create a product from scratch, market it online and more. Dr. Vitale says, “Here’s what you’ll discover when you get the ClickBank Secret Code: How did I get my first e-book into ClickBank’s top 10 sellers list for years? And how can you do the same starting from scratch? How can you create a money-making online system and put it on complete autopilot? So you can set it and forget it, and have ClickBank send you big checks... [...]

‘FanQuest 1000 Continues’ by Jeff Herring

Jeff Herring’s blog post is titled “FanQuest 1000 Continues (and you get the benefit!)”. Herring Says, “We are currently at 587 strong and resourceful action taking Fans on our Facebook Fan Page – Jeff Herring Webinars at FanQuest 1000 is our drive to get to 1,000 fans as quickly as possible. Now if you know me, I’m not going to ask you to do something without giving you something in return. So when you CLICK HERE and “LIKE” our page, here’s what you will get”. FanQuest 1000 Continues (and you get the benefit!) Jeff Herring’s... [...]

‘Instant Video Mastery’ Kathleen Gage’s Webinar July 19

Kathleen Gage is hosting a webinar with Deb LaQua and Mynders Glover on Tuesday, July 19 at 8.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Instant Video Mastery”. According to Gage, this webinar attendees will get answers to questions such as “Does my market watch videos online?”, “How does video marketing compare with article marketing for list-building and sales?”, “Can videos be a part of a business-building strategy?” and more. Webinar Details Organizer: Kathleen Gage Key Persons: Deb LaQua and Mynders Glover Topic: Instant Video Mastery Day/Date: Tuesday, July 19 Time:... [...]

‘How Showing Vulnerability Makes You A Better Blogger’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “How Showing Vulnerability Makes You A Better Blogger”. Neroli says, “I have an ongoing fascination with how technology has changed the way we do business and affects how we connect and communicate, and this fascination was peaked after reading Yaro’s last article. Having only started my adventure into this online world in the last two years, I’m always learning so much from reading the articles posted here. As I spend time on this blog”. How Showing Vulnerability Makes You A Better Blogger Yaro Starak’s ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’... [...]

‘Secret Formula For Finding 5 Cent Clicks’ Marcus’ Webinar 3.00 pm PDT

Marcus is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, July 12 at 3.00 pm PDT. The topic of the webinar is “Secret Formula For Finding 5 Cent Clicks In Super Competitive $20 Per Click Markets AND How To Exploit Them For Instant Profits”. Webinar Details Organizer: Marcus Topic: Secret Formula For Finding 5 Cent Clicks In Super Competitive $20 Per Click Markets AND How To Exploit Them For Instant Profits Day/Date: Tuesday, July 12 Time: 3.00 pm PDT – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Secret Formula For Finding 5 Cent Clicks In Super Competitive $20 Per Click Markets... [...]

‘Discover The Next Evolution Of YouTube’ Adam Schneller Nolan’s Webinar 2.00 pm EST

Adam Schneller Nolan is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, July 12 at 2.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Discover The Next Evolution Of YouTube”. Webinar Details Organizer: Adam Schneller Nolan Topic: Discover The Next Evolution Of YouTube Day/Date: Tuesday, July 12 Time: 2.00 pm EST – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Discover The Next Evolution Of YouTube’ Webinar  [...]

Gina Gaudio-Graves’ ‘Get #1 Rankings On Google’ Webinar On Replay

Gina Gaudio-Graves’ ‘Get #1 Rankings On Google’ webinar is available on replay. In this webinar Gina talks about a software that enables marketers get good rankings on Google. Gina says, “This past Wednesday night, I hosted an incredible webinar where I shared a very simple, 6 step process with you. A number of my students were on hand for the call to share with listeners exactly how they got AMAZING results in their business using this system. This is a system for EASILY using a WordPress blog to get top search engine rankings! This step-by-step system is SO simple!”. Gina... [...]

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