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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category

‘How to Launch and Grow a Business Blog From Scratch’ – HubSpot

Anum Hussain says, “Roughly six months ago, I was tasked with launching a new business blog for Sidekick, an email productivity tool built in HubSpot’s startup labs. I thought sure, I’ve been blogging for HubSpot for over two years. Taking full ownership of a new content entity should be easy, right? Wrong. I spent days Googling “how to launch a new blog.” And every single time, my search results showed the same, repeated, worn-out, and unhelpful advice”. How to Launch and Grow a Business Blog From Scratch HubSpot  [...]

‘Tools to Help Businesses Harness the Power of Blogs’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “Blogging is one of the most effective ways for businesses, especially smaller ones, to communicate with existing and prospective customers. Among other benefits, blogging allows a company to communicate its brand messaging and share valuable information to the digital public at large – while increasing visibility on the search engines and establishing authority within a niche”. + Tools to Help Businesses Harness the Power of Blogs Website Magazine  [...]

‘Common Headline Writing Myths We Should All Stop Believing’ – HubSpot

Neil Patel says, “Is that a lame title — “Common Headline Writing Myths We Should All Stop Believing”? I could have tried something with a lot more sizzle and punch, right? Like these … OMG! I Just Discovered Why I’m Losing Traffic! Wait Until You See Them! I Won’t Be Able To Sleep For Weeks! The Freaky Reasons Why I’m Losing Traffic!  Mind: Blown! This Guy Knew Something Was Wrong With His Traffic. Wait Until You Find Out What He Discovered!“. Common Headline Writing Myths We Should All Stop Believing HubSpot  [...]

’12 Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers [Infographic]’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “For lots of bloggers, publishing blog post can feel a little anticlimactic. You spend all this time researching and writing and editing and designing to get your post out the door, and when you finally hit publish … … Nothing happens. (Except maybe a tweet or two from your mom and the intern. Thanks, Mom and Intern!) But wouldn’t it be nice ifpeople actually noticed when you published a blog post? Enter: Blog subscribers. If you can get people to subscribe to your blog via email, you can start to build a long-term”. 12 Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers... [...]

‘How to Create a Better Excerpt RSS for Your Blog’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Some people will tell you that RSS is dead and that most people only rely on social media to get their stories. And these people would be wrong. Many of us still subscribe to our favorite websites and we sift through the posts in an RSS aggregator of our choosing, like Feedly or the Digg Reader. Way back in 2006, John wrote about why he offers a full feed RSSfor this blog and up until recently, I did the same for my blog too”. How to Create a Better Excerpt RSS for Your Blog John Chow’s Blog  [...]

‘Which Works Better for Blog Conversion: A Standard CTA or a Full Form?’ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “File this one under Why You Need to Test Stuff for Yourself. A couple of months ago, we got rid of thesecondary call-to-action (CTA) we were using at the bottom of our blog posts to increase blog subscriptions, and replaced it with an actualsubscribe form. The logic behind this was, rather than making visitors click through to a landing page in order to subscribe to our blog, we’d allow them to subscribe right there at the bottom of the post — saving them the extra click, and reducing friction for conversion. Makes sense, right? And it worked! Our post... [...]

‘The Why, What, and How of Blogger Outreach for Your Clients’ – MOZ Blog

Jessica Edmondson says, “Blogger outreach campaigns have gained popularity with big brands like Ford and eBay Deals hopping on the bandwagon. But why does blogger outreach help brands, and more importantly, how will it help your client? Overall, this post serves to gives you a why, what and how glimpse inside blogger promotion”. The Why, What, and How of Blogger Outreach for Your Clients MOZ Blog  [...]

‘The Anatomy of an Optimized Blog Post ‘ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “Congrats! You’ve finally got buy-in to spend time blogging for your business, and your CMS is all set up. You even got a designer to make your blog layout look fabulous! Now comes the time you’ve been waiting for: Finally whipping up that first blog post and publishing it for the world to see. … But don’t click “publish” just yet! When you’re in a hurry to get started with your blog, it can be tempting to overlook some of the key elements that’ll help make it successful. But after investing all that time to get your... [...]

‘WordPress Unveils Version 4.0’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “Considering WordPress accounts for 23 percent of all websites on the Net, when a new version is released it tends to be a big deal. With the first release candidate of WordPress 4.0, the popular content management system (CMS) has updated its platform with several revamped features for its users with one of the largest updates being to the Media Library. Now, in addition to the existing list view, users can select to see their media in a sleek grid view. The Media Library also now allows users to view an enlarged preview, edit information as well as navigate between... [...]

New Bonuses Available for popular Zamurai PBN Blueprint #ad

Tuesday, the first day it was available, over 500 people invested in Joshua Zamora‘s Zamurai PBN Blueprint, an impressive accomplishment for Zamora. The basic training, itself, is mostly responsible for that success. It shows us how to improve our rank in the search engine results by building a PBN (Private Blog Network) that leads people and search engines to your site. It’s a technique used by many marketers (especially, the top marketers) over the years. Zamora has found that it’s still useful today. In this training you will find the 6 steps to creating your own ranking machine.... [...]

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