The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “The Fatal Mistake Content Marketers Are Making With Nofollow”. Danielle Wiley says, “RIP, content marketing. Thanks to Google’s algorithm updates and quality guidelines that require paid links to include a nofollow tag, there’s simply no value any more in online promotions for brands and agencies. After all, if a sponsored link can no longer provide a direct PageRank boost, what’s the point? Everyone knows the only reason to bother promoting a brand online is for the improved search engine rankings. Did you... [...]
Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category
The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “3 Real-World Tips for E-Commerce Bloggers”. Allison Howen says, “Blogging is a top marketing strategy for retailers on the Web. Not only can a blog with quality content increase brand awareness, but it can also be instrumental in driving traffic to a retailer’s product pages. In fact, a Demand Metric infographic reveals that content marketing costs 62 percent less than traditional marketing and generates approximately three times the amount of leads as traditional marketing. Moreover, 60 percent of consumers are actually inspired... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Why Econsultancy has implemented nofollow for guest blogging”. Chris Lake says, “There has been a lot of noise recently about guest blogging, and whether or not it is something that Google will crack down on. Well, the guest blogging Armageddon is upon us, and we have decided to take a safety first approach. That means adding nofollow to links in the bios of guest bloggers, something that we implemented yesterday. I’ll explain our thinking in a bit more detail. First, some facts“. Why Econsultancy has implemented... [...]
John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Goin Back To Blogging Basics”. Chow says, “Many people hear the word “blog” and think it is only a place for angsty teens to voice their unapologetic world views or of bored housewives to post pictures of their precious little ones. This however, is not the case. Blogging has turned into a great way to connect business to it’s customers, and connecting people to others in the world with similar interests and lives”. Goin Back To Blogging Basics John Chow’s Blog [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Eulogy for a Blog”. Barry Feldman says, “ Dearly Beloved, We gather here today to honor the memory of our friend, Web Log. That was his birth name. Most knew him simply as Blog“. Eulogy for a Blog ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Split testing vs personalisation: fighting for the conversion crown”. Duncan Heath says, “There is a fight brewing in the conversion rate optimisation (CRO) world. There are two main camps and there’s a whole lot of money at stake. In the blue corner, we have split testing (AKA a/b or multivariate testing). Split testing has been continually growing in notoriety in digital marketing. It has firmly proven itself to be highly effective at improving conversion rates and increasing average order values, driving often staggering... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “12 ways to automate and systemise 95% of your blog promotion strategy”. Marcus Taylor says, “Promoting blog posts can be a very repetitive and mundane task, especially for bloggers in the early stages who don’t have a six or seven figure audience to send their content out to. Below are some of the tactics and techniques that I’ve experimented with over the past few years to try and systemise aspects of blog promotion. Some of them are very basic, such as using simple IFTTT recipes, and some are slightly more complex... [...]
Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “9 Ways to Improve Your Blog from Beginner to Advanced″. Baer says, “Corporate blogs have become de rigueur in the social and content marketing worlds as vehicles to build authority, share insights, foster community and provide value. As an integral part of your marketing portfolio, it’s more important than ever to truly put some elbow grease into making your blog the best it can be. If you’ve”. 9 Ways to Improve Your Blog from Beginner to Advanced Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog [...]
The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “Hey, Bloggers! The 4 Spring 2014 Marketing Need-To-Knows”. Brandon Olson says, ““And if you don’t know, now you know…” Earlier this year, the 2014 marketing “predictions” and “resolutions” rolled out (including this 6-times-fabulous list). It’s March now. The dust has settled, and we’ve picked through it. Three of these trends, we wouldn’t have guessed a year ago, but all of them are absolutely making an impact”. Hey, Bloggers! The 4 Spring 2014 Marketing Need-To-Knows Aweber Blog [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google ‘takes action’ against major guest blog network”. Graham Charlton says, “Earlier this year, Matt Cutts announced the ‘death’ of guest blogging for SEO, declaring it finished as a link building tactic. Now, following a tweet by Cutts announcing that action has been taken on a ‘large guest blog network’, it seems that, though Google hasn’t confirmed it, MyBlogGuest is the ‘victim’. It no longer ranks for its own brand name, a classic sign of a Google penalty,... [...]