The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Blog Best-Practices and Benchmarks”. Ayaz Nanji says, “Which are the best days and times to post to a blog? Do capital letters, exclamation points, and question marks in titles lead to more engagement? On which social networks do readers share blog posts most often? TrackMaven recently tackled those questions (and many others) in its Colossal Content Marketing Report, which was based on an analysis of 1.16 million posts from 4,618 blogs and 1.9 million social shares of those posts. The data set included blog posts from a range of publishers,... [...]
Archive for the 'Blogging Tips' Category
John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Come Up with New Blog Content”. Chow says, “As you become a more avid blogger, it is likely you will run in to some form of writer’s block at one point or another. Coming up with interesting, creative, relevant content can be a difficult task. Here are a few tips to help combat those days when you are simply stumped. A first idea, is to browse other social media forums and see if anything sparks your interest. Look for articles that people are linking to, see what is trending, use these mediums as a guide for what people are interested in... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Want Copyblogger to Answer Your Specific Business Question? Here’s Your Chance”. Demian Farnworth says, “ We see it all the time: questions from people like you who are looking for answers to specific challenges. Questions like: What are the best business models for a hyperlocal site? Do I have the right “Big Idea” for my business? How can I expect a certain content strategy to affect my SEO? Will my strong political or religious views interfere with my Google authorship business profile? Just how can I make the time to get... [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Choose Arresting Images for Your Blog Posts (And Why You Should)”. Jerod Morris says, “ You’ve read the headline. You’re intrigued. “But,” you might be thinking, “Why didn’t you choose a different, more arrestingimage for this post?” Good question. First, because The Lede is a regular post series, and the graphic that Rafal created for us is a clear visual cue to our audience that a new episode has been posted. Second, because we are posting this episode a day early, meaning that the visual cue is extra important... [...]
Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Make Money With Your WordPress Blog”. Collins Says, “Missy Ward has authored a new book, Make Money With Your WordPress Blog, that helps people learn how to monetize their blog with affiliate marketing. This quick and informative read is targeted towards the established blogger. Make Money With Your WordPress Blog teaches how to monetize your blog with affiliate marketing embedded product or service reviews and tutorials. I had a chance to read an advance copy and it was really useful information, and it was written in an easy to understand... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “In a Sales Slump? Blog Your Way to Success”. Ali Powel says, “You do the same thing every day. Prospecting. Lead generation. Follow-up calls. Demo meetings. Sometimes the 9-to-5 gets daunting, repetitive, stale, or just plain old. So it’s time to mix it up. I see results from putting pen to paper, outside of hitting my sales quota. As a bonus, blogging helps me stay relevant in my career and gives me time to reflect and refine ideas I often convey to my prospects“. In a Sales Slump? Blog Your Way to Success HubSpot [...]
The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Removing Blog Comments: The View So Far”. Jerod Morris says, “ Shockwaves. That’s what this post by Sonia Simone sent through the Copyblogger community. The post, you’ll recall, announced our decision to remove blog comments and gave the reasoning for why we decided to do so — reasoning that some accepted at face value, others parsed for hidden meaning, and the rest ignored before ZOMG’ing to their social account of choice to share the headline. Agree or disagree, trust or question, the one constant was that everyone had... [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Content Marketers, Kill The Blog Category”. Ric Dragon says, “Plato said Socrates thought very little of the then-newfangled objects that were books, arguing that the written word impinged upon man’s ability to remember and to think. In the early 60s, Marshall McCluhan went on to write about “media determinism,” an idea suggesting that our communications technologies shape the way we think. Anyone who has ever written out a manuscript with pen and ink will be able to attest to the notion that how we write... [...]
The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “7 Tools to Create Killer Headlines″. Joan Stewart says, “On average, 8 of 10 peoplenever make it past your headlineor title. That’s becauseheadlines are usually an afterthought–slapped onto an article, a press release or a blog post after you’ve spent an hour or two painstakingly writing it, rewriting, proofreading and correcting errors. By the time you’re done with all that, you’re exhausted. So you write the first headline thing that comes to mind. In my work as a publicity expert, a writing coach a former newspaper... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Attract More Clicks to Your Blog Posts: 11 Revealing Title Tests”. Sarah Goliger says, “Every marketer in their right mind knows that in order to drive more traffic to your blog, you need to come up with blog post titles that are actually enticing. But that’s easier said than done. If only we had some data to show us how to scientifically create blog post titles that will attract more clicks … Well luckily, I’m about to share with you that exact data. I recently wrote a post on how to use content discovery... [...]