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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Training' Category

Free pass to Video Success Summit (online event) #ad

If you want to convert more prospects into customers or if you want more highly qualified leads that already trust you before you contact them, then video is the tool to explore. In a video, you can show potential clients who you are, what you stand for and what you know. Not only that, video can help turn existing clients into repeat buyers. It’s the tool that can be applied to any marketing problem you face. That explains why so many businesses are using video in their marketing. It is predicted that 74% of all internet traffic will be video by 2017. ( If you aren’t... [...]

Are your competitors smarter about Instagram than you are? #ad

If you don’t know much about Instagram, you could be giving your competitors an unfair advantage. But there’s a solution, and it’s free. Tuesday- Friday, this week only, you can attend Instagram Success Summit, online. If you watch all the sessions, June 7-10, you will find out many ways to profit from Instagram that most marketers never have heard of. Many Instagram experts have joined together to offer this free training. So you have an opportunity to learn from the best minds on today’s hottest social media platform. Get your free ticket now: Instagram Success Summit Here’s... [...]

Want to convert more prospects into customers? (free ticket) #ad

What do you need in your business? • Convert more prospects into customers? • More highly qualified leads that already trust you? • More loyal repeat customers? Well, all of these marketing needs are advanced by video In fact, 74% of all internet traffic will be video by 2017. (according to Besides that, marketers who use video: ■ Receive 41% more web traffic from search than non-users. (according to ■ Grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. (again, from Vidyard) So, although video can bring you more views and followers, it can also put actual money in... [...]

New kind of marketing arbitrage, income for beginners #ad

Arbitrage in marketing is when you offer services for a premium price, then you outsource the actual work to someone else at a fraction of that price, and profit from the difference. Arbitrage has been used for years in marketing businesses, and elsewhere in the business world. You can build a business that way, but there are risks that keep people from using arbitrage. Primarily, you risk receiving poor work from the technician who performs the tasks, or late work, or no work actually gets done. Stephen Gilbert and his partners looked at the risks of arbitrage, and came up with a new approach... [...]

Work 1 hour daily to get online & earn money #ad

Many people start working online part-time. They are busy with another job and only have a few hours a week to invest in their online marketing. If you are one of these dual-career people, you want to make your online hours count, giving you the most possible results for your efforts. Your business needs to be simple and easy to operate in one or two hours a day. For people like you, Lyte Life created Work 1 Hour. This training will get you established in strategic outsourcing. By using outsourcing, you can stop trying to do everything yourself, which is an impossible task. Now, you can breathe... [...]

‘Your Guide to Brainstorming Creative Video Ideas’ – AWeber

In a recent article on the AWeber site, Jason Moore shares some helpful information on video marketing, writing, “Crafting a really great video starts with really great brainstorming. Without it, you could end up creating a lot of really rough drafts of scripts and doing a lot of takes to try to get your video just right. To make a basic analogy – brainstorming is like sketching out the initial concepts of a house that you want to build. Can you build one without that step? Sure. But it won’t be easy. Brainstorming doesn’t necessarily have to be in a group, either; if you’re a team... [...]

‘Get Advanced Training and the Opportunity to Be Certified by Copyblogger (Open 1 Week Only)’ – Copyblogger

Pamela Wilson reports, “Content marketing is exploding right now — and we’re working hard to meet the needs of the market. We create new educational content each week here on Copyblogger. And we offer advanced content marketing training in our Authority program. But for an elite group of professional writers, we offer our most advanced training: the Copyblogger Content Marketer Certification program. This program offers writers the opportunity to submit their content for review by a member of the Copyblogger editorial team. Those who pass the application process are featured on our Copyblogger... [...]

Have an idea for an information product? Maximize your success #ad

You have some expertise. You can record it in a video, an e-book or a combination, and sell it to interested people. But if you have never launched a product before, you may feel a little overwhelmed. It would be good to have a guide who has been through it all before, many times, to show you the way. Kevin Fahey is the author of many information products, primarily in the online marketing niche. He has recorded a new product, IM Product Launching 2.0, that leads you step-by-step through the process of launching a successful product. There is no such thing as a push-button system that will have... [...]

Discover Secret Lead-Gen Strategies that Doubled Profits #ad

Sean Donahoe is holding a webinar (it’s complimentary) in which he shares some of his best ideas for building your business:Donahoe’s Lead-Gen Strategies Webinar He was able to generate 10,231 opt-ins and $36,592 in profits in just 30 days. In the webinar he will share his process for doing it. This is a chance to discover the secrets of a muulti-million dollar marketer. Donahoe has been selling online for years. He has picked up lots of insights for doing it successfully. And you will be privileged to get the benefit of his “blood, sweat, toil and tears” to make your... [...]

CPA, a new and better way, Mr. Right says #ad

You may have heard of the CPA marketer and trainer who calls himself Mr. Right. He has been using CPA in his business for years. And, from time to time, he writes up what he has been doing recently, to show other marketers how they can build a CPA business of their own. His latest training is CPA Emperor Forever, which he reports is novel, an approach you are unlikely to have ever seen before. This training is the latest version (the 6th or 7th, it seems). He continually updates the the training as he finds new techniques and tools. What products you promote have a lot to do with your success.... [...]

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