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Monday, March 3, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Training' Category

‘LIMA: The Breakthrough Sales & Marketing Method’ Kevin Wilke’s Webinar September 20

Kevin Wilke is hosting a webinar on Thursday, September 20 at 9.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “LIMA: The Breakthrough Sales & Marketing Method”. Wilke says, “On this brand new LIMA webinar, you will receive a MAJOR breakthrough that makes the entire sales and marketing of your local marketing business 10 times EASIER, FASTER and SIMPLER. We will be covering… *** Brand New Breakthrough 6 Step Sales Process (that takes less than 10 minutes with a brand new prospect) *** The 1 question (just 7 words long) that gets the prospect to sell themselves. *** How to tap into... [...]

Traffic King: Traffic experts share their secrets in interviews #ad

If you are seeking consistent ways to drive traffic to your site, and don’t like the “moving targets” that Google and Facebook offer, Traffic King may be what you’re looking for. Ricky Ducent has interviewed two traffic experts, one on driving traffic with banner ads; the other on driving it with Videos. They will show you several ways these tools can be used. To make sure you can get the most out of these interviews, he gives them to you in video, in audio and in PDF. You get to use the information however you need to fit it into your life. Also included is a bonus that... [...]

Second Reminder- ‘Social Cash Rockstar’ Jeremy Shoemaker’s Webinar September 19

Jeremy Shoemaker is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 19 at 4.00 pm CDT. The topic of the webinar is “Social Cash Rockstar”. Shoemaker says, “A brand new unique way for people to make money helping local businesses and is something that hasn’t been shared before”. Webinar Details Organizer: Jeremy Shoemaker Topic: Social Cash Rockstar Day/Date: Wednesday, September 19 Time: 2.00 pm ET – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Social Cash Rockstar’ Webinar  [...]

Reminder- ‘Armand Morin Live’, Las Vegas, September 21-23

Armand Morin is holding ‘Armand Morin Live’, a three-day event in Las Vegas on September 21-23. Morin says, “Join us in Las Vegas for three intensive days where you will capture some of the most effective, cash-on-demand marketing strategies ever devised geared to help make your online business become insanely profitable! Plus… Special Presentations by Guest Speakers Thousands of Dollars in Gifts Given Away Exclusive Sponsored Networking Party Event is Sponsoring World Teacher Aid Special Offer! Get Two FREE Tickets!” ‘Armand Morin Live’, Las Vegas, September 21-23  [...]

Second Reminder- ‘See the Research Applied Live’ MarketingExperiments Webinar September 19

MarketingExperiments is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 19 at 4.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “See the Research Applied Live: Dr. McGlaughlin personally optimizes your landing pages”. MarketingExperiments team says, “Generating more revenue from your pages and paths takes more than learning optimization theory. It requires you to apply that theory to your own particular situation. However, that application requires a leap that many marketers find difficult to make. It’s one thing to see how optimization applies in field tests and case studies, but another thing... [...]

Final Reminder- ‘Engage Your Digital Customer: 4 Strategies that Drive Results ’ Lyris Inc. Webinar 2.00 pm ET

Lyris Inc. is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, September 18 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Engage Your Digital Customer: 4 Strategies that Drive Results”. Lyris Inc. team says, “In 2011 over 300 Billion emails and 200 Million tweets were sent every day, and over 60 Million Facebook updates are posted daily. How do digital marketers break through this massive amount of data to reach their customers and drive results? In this webinar Alex Lustberg will share four proven strategies to engage your customers and prospects with relevance. Plus, Andrew King will share how retailer... [...]

Last Reminder- ‘From New List to Critical Mass: Grow Your Audience With Content Marketing’ Aweber and Copyblogger Webinar 2.00 pm EDT

Aweber and Copyblogger is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, September 18 at 2.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “From New List to Critical Mass: Grow Your Audience With Content Marketing”. Copyblogger team says, “In this special new session for AWeber, Brian and Sonia will share: — What is a Minimum Viable Audience, and why do you want one — The right ingredients to organically grow a healthy opt-in list — How minimum is minimum? — Reading your audience’s mind: the right and wrong way — What the “lean startup” trend can teach you about building... [...]

‘Newbie makes $30,000+/mo with Google top-10 ranking software… COPY his niche!’ NicheATMs Webinar 3.00 pm ET

NicheATMs is hosting a webinar on Monday, September 17 at 3.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Newbie makes $30,000+/mo with Google top-10 ranking software… COPY his niche!”. Webinar Details Organizer: NicheATMs Topic: Newbie makes $30,000+/mo with Google top-10 ranking software… COPY his niche! Day/Date: Monday, September 17 Time: 3.00 pm ET – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Newbie makes $30,000+/mo with Google top-10 ranking software… COPY his niche!’ Webinar  [...]

Outsourcing For Your Business, get more done at lower cost #ad

If you want to grow your business, you need helpers; you can’t keep doing it all yourself. But there are risks with outsourcing along with its advantages. A new book, Outsourcing For Your Business, can help you reap the benefits and bypass the problems. Planning your outsourcing in advance can save a lot of headaches. Outsourcing For Your Business helps you systematically deal with issues such as: • Deciding what parts of your business to outsource • Choosing the best candidates for doing your outsourced work • Building strong relationships with your workers • Tracking... [...]

Second Reminder- ‘Engage Your Digital Customer: 4 Strategies that Drive Results ’ Lyris Inc. Webinar September 18

Lyris Inc. is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, September 18 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Engage Your Digital Customer: 4 Strategies that Drive Results”. Lyris Inc. team says, “In 2011 over 300 Billion emails and 200 Million tweets were sent every day, and over 60 Million Facebook updates are posted daily. How do digital marketers break through this massive amount of data to reach their customers and drive results? In this webinar Alex Lustberg will share four proven strategies to engage your customers and prospects with relevance. Plus, Andrew King will share how retailer... [...]

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