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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Webinars' Category

‘Improving the Online Shopping Customer Experience’ comScore Webinar August 22

comScore is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, August 22 at 2.00 pm EST. The comScore team says, “In this webinar, the following key questions will be answered: What is important to consumers during the shipping selection and check-out process? What are consumers’ returns experiences and what aspects are important in a returns process? How do all of the services offered during and after the online purchasing experience impact the overall impression of that retailer?” Webinar Details Speakers: Susan Kleinman & David Sisco Topic: Improving the Online Shopping Customer Experience Day/Date: Wednesday,... [...]

Second Reminder- ‘The Rise of India’s Digital Consumer and What it Means for the Future’ comScore Webinar August 21

comScore is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, August 21 at 10.00 pm EST. The comScore India team says, “India is one of the fastest growing digital markets in the world. With an Internet population that has surged 38 percent in the past year and people spending more time online than ever before, the rise of the digital consumer is leaving no business untouched. The presentation will include key insights into recent trends in India and the unique opportunities that exist in this dynamic market. An overview of audience trends globally including insights into how digital media consumption is... [...]

Reminder- ‘The Rise of India’s Digital Consumer and What it Means for the Future’ comScore Webinar August 21

comScore is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, August 21 at 10.00 pm EST. The comScore India team says, “India is one of the fastest growing digital markets in the world. With an Internet population that has surged 38 percent in the past year and people spending more time online than ever before, the rise of the digital consumer is leaving no business untouched. The presentation will include key insights into recent trends in India and the unique opportunities that exist in this dynamic market. An overview of audience trends globally including insights into how digital media consumption is... [...]

‘How To Build An Income Stream That Pays You Each And Every Month’ Joel Peterson’s Webinar 9.00 pm EST

Joel Peterson team is hosting a webinar on Friday, August 17 at 9.00 pm EST. Peterson says, “On the webinar you will learn… – How to avoid the Internet Marketing Hustle! – What are membership sites and why you should focus on them? – Which membership sites are the most profitable? – Critical elements and tools you need to have to run a membership site. – 3 common mistakes of membership sites and how to avoid them. – 3 things highly successful membership sites must have. – How to start a successful membership site, even if you are brand new. –... [...]

‘How To Build An Income Stream That Pays You Each And Every Month’ Joel Peterson’s Webinar 3.00 pm EST

Joel Peterson team is hosting a webinar on Thursday, August 16 at 3.00 pm EST. Peterson says, “On the webinar you will learn… – How to avoid the Internet Marketing Hustle! – What are membership sites and why you should focus on them? – Which membership sites are the most profitable? – Critical elements and tools you need to have to run a membership site. – 3 common mistakes of membership sites and how to avoid them. – 3 things highly successful membership sites must have. – How to start a successful membership site, even if you are brand... [...]

‘Cash in on the Emerging $38 BILLION Mobile App Gold Rush!’ Jason Fladlien’s Webinar 6.00 pm PT

Jason Fladlien team is hosting a webinar on Thursday, August 16 at 6.00 pm PT. Fladlien says, “Discover how to earn “Multiple Streams of Income” with Mobile Marketing and iPhone/iPad/Android Mobile Apps! Our special guest is going to cover 5 multiple streams of income you can easily implement ASAP to start profiting from this groundbreaking opportunity. You’ll discover first hand how this works. Our guest will lay out a step by step plan on how he is making a killing with a system he’s come up with to exploit several aspects of this incredible mobile app opportunity. Register... [...]

Kerwin Rae’s ‘The Million Dollar Payday The Science Of Deal Making’ Webinar on Replay

Kerwin Rae’s “The Million Dollar Payday The Science Of Deal Making” webinar is on replay. Rae says, “If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’ve probably found people you want to deal with, but are worried you’ll mess it up. And if you are, then I’ve got good news for you. I’m going to FIX this problem once and for all. Because I know how you feel. When I started out I had no clue how to structure a deal. And I stuffed up deal after deal. But I kept asking my mentors, kept studying and kept trying new things. And after a while I figured out a... [...]

Final Reminder- ‘Solutions to 14 Confounding Content Marketing Challenges’ MarketingProfs Seminar August 16

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, August 16 at 9.00 pm PT. The topic of the webinar is “Solutions to 14 Confounding Content Marketing Challenges”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? Our favorite tools and platforms for content distribution, management, and workflow How to create content more efficiently Fresh ideas for content that will resonate with your customers Ideas for finding your unique voice The ROI question: What metrics can you use to measure content’s effectiveness?”. Webinar Details Moderator: Matthew Grant Key Persons: Stephanie... [...]

Final Reminder- ‘Social Media Intensive’ Mari Smith’s Webinar 4.00 pm EST

Mari Smith is hosting a webinar on Thursday, August 16 at 4.00 pm EST. Smith says, “During this fun and interactive 60-minute session, you’ll have a chance to be in the “hotseat” where I will do a live critique of your Facebook fan page and other social profiles. You’ll receive valuable, practical tips for instant improvement! Even if you’re not one of the lucky hotseat selections, you’ll still get a ton of value from the tips I share. Plus, during our time together, I will be covering a bit more in-depth about what you can expect at the exclusive 2-day... [...]

Final Reminder- ‘How to Be Number One’ Wordtracker Webinar 11.00 am EST

Wordtracker team is hosting a webinar on Thursday, August 16 at 11.00 am EST. The topic of the webinar is “How to Be Number One”. Wordtracker team says, “Ben Hunt has built up a business advising people how to create successful websites, and in this webinar he’ll be explaining how, by finding yourself a viable niche and working to make it successful for you, you can build up a great business yourself. You’ll be learning his Three Simple Steps of Niche Domination: How to Target your Niche How to Occupy your Niche And crucially, How to Monetize If you want to learn Ben’s... [...]

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