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Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Webinars' Category

‘Gaining Competitive Advantage’ MarketingExperiments Webinar August 8

MarketingExperiments is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, August 8 at 4.00 pm EDT. MarketingExperiments team says, “Your competitors are continually making your job as a marketer more difficult. They are constantly spying on you, uncovering your hidden marketing strategies, and beating you at your own games. And, when they aren’t doing that, they are executing their own plans for market domination. It feels as though you’re fighting a war on more fronts than you can count … especially when your business is in a highly competitive or commoditized market. So what is the hard-pressed marketer... [...]

MarketingExperiments’ ‘Five Steps to Better Metrics’ Webinar on Replay

MarketingExperiments’ “Five Steps to Better Metrics: How to translate your Web analytics into ROI” webinar is on replay. MarketingExperiments team says, “Web analytics can yield an intimidating mound of data — much more than marketers can interpret and use. The overwhelmed marketer needs a way to discipline the process — a way to turn this raw data into valuable insights concerning their customers. The problem for today’s marketer is not collecting this data, but distilling it to its predictive power. Once a marketer is able to effectively predict customer behavior,... [...]

Reminder- ‘How To Build a Highly Targeted, Ultra-Responsive List in ANY Niche.. FAST!’ Alex Jeffreys’s Webinar 6.00 pm EDT

Alex Jeffreys is hosting a webinar on Thursday, July 19 at 6.00 pm EDT. Jeffreys says, “ou Need a List… FACT. Anyone who knows me, knows I’m ALL about automation and doing things FAST – and list building is no different. On the LIVE List Building webinar you’ll discover: * How to build a HIGHLY Targeted, Responsive list – FAST * How to automate the list building process so you see the sign ups roll in all day, every day.. * The one thing you absolutely MUST do to ensure you build the ‘right’ list * How to build a list of hungry subscribers who... [...]

‘How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers’ MarketingProfs Seminar 12.00 pm ET

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, July 19 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? Why you need a visual hammer The 10 different types of visual hammers How to find a visual hammer for your brand”. Webinar Details Moderator: Matthew Grant Key Person: Laura Ries Topic: How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers Day/Date: Thursday, July 19 Time: 12.00 pm ET – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘How... [...]

Reminder- ‘Ten Best Practices for Performing Competitive Teardowns’ MarketingProfs Seminar July 26

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, July 26 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Ten Best Practices for Performing Competitive Teardowns”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? How to apply benchmarking to your business How to perform a product teardown trump your competition”. Webinar Details Moderator: Matthew Grant Key Person: Sean Campbell Topic: Ten Best Practices for Performing Competitive Teardowns Day/Date: Thursday, July 26 Time: 12.00 pm ET – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Ten Best Practices... [...]

Reminder- ‘How To Build a Highly Targeted, Ultra-Responsive List in ANY Niche.. FAST!’ Alex Jeffreys’s Webinar July 19

Alex Jeffreys is hosting a webinar on Thursday, July 19 at 6.00 pm EDT. Jeffreys says, “ou Need a List… FACT. Anyone who knows me, knows I’m ALL about automation and doing things FAST – and list building is no different. On the LIVE List Building webinar you’ll discover: * How to build a HIGHLY Targeted, Responsive list – FAST * How to automate the list building process so you see the sign ups roll in all day, every day.. * The one thing you absolutely MUST do to ensure you build the ‘right’ list * How to build a list of hungry subscribers who... [...]

‘How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers’ MarketingProfs Seminar July 19

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar on Thursday, July 19 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? Why you need a visual hammer The 10 different types of visual hammers How to find a visual hammer for your brand”. Webinar Details Moderator: Matthew Grant Key Person: Laura Ries Topic: How to Hammer Your Brand Into the Minds of Your Consumers Day/Date: Thursday, July 19 Time: 12.00 pm ET – Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘How... [...]

Mario Brown’s ‘How To Handle All the Crazy Local Search Changes’ Webinar on Replay

Mario Brown’s “How To Handle All the Crazy Local Search Changes” webinar is on replay. Brown says, “We’re reviewing the product right now and we’ll offer you a cool bonus tomorrow if you pick it up, it’s one of the hottest topics currently in local search and it’s quite lucrative, so be on the lookout for an email from us tomorrow afternoon. Also, if you missed our amazing local search webinar last weekend, this is the last chance to watch the replay before it’s gone”. Mario Brown’s ‘How To Handle All the Crazy Local Search... [...]

Reminder- ‘Slide Makeovers: How to Design Slides for Webinar Presentations’ Citrix Online Webinar 2.00 pm EDT

Citrix Online is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, July 17 at 2.00 pm EDT. The Citrix Online team says, “If you’re like most people, the challenge in creating powerful and impressive slides for webinars stems not from a lack of desire but from a lack of time. Join Roger Courville, author of The Virtual Presenter’s Handbook, as he demonstrates practical ideas for improving virtual presentations quickly and easily with real slides from real people”. Webinar Details Organizer: Citrix Online Topic: Slide Makeovers: How to Design Slides for Webinar Presentations Day/Date: Tuesday,... [...]

‘Live demonstration of NEW software that I predict will make people more $$$ than any other tool in 2012’ Brad Callen’s Webinar 8.00 pm EDT

Brad Callen is hosting a webinar on Monday, July 16  at 8.00 pm EDT. Callen says, “This tool (which I wish I would have created myself) could very well make the Adsense website creator tools of the early 2000s look like children’s toys. And that’s a BIG statement, considering those tools made people millions and millions of dollars in the early 2000s. We’ll be speaking directly with the creator of the software and will be grilling him, to uncover exactly how he’s using it to make the maximum amount of money, with the least amount of work. If you’re looking... [...]

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