Pete Prestipino says, “Digital marketing software Cake has announced a new release of Cake for Networks, an SaaS-based affiliate data tracking and analytics solution with some much improved reporting and attribution capabilities. The updated system offers much improved network management, enabling the use of one tool to manage an entire affiliate network program – from tracking and analyzing results, to providing creative and optimizing digital marketing spend. The new system also offers extended attribution capabilities which should help marketers move beyond just first- or last-touch... [...]
Archive for the 'Affiliate Marketing' Category
Three online marketers well-known to readers of IM NewsWatch, (Tom Yevsikov, Gaurab Borah and Venkata Ramana, have combined their knowledge to produce a handbook for building your commissions for your online affiliate sales, called Commission Kaboom. They report that by using these methods they are regularly making hundreds of dollars per day (occasionally up to $2000) and they do it with free traffic. Commission Kaboom. is a video course where they show you how they do it. They present the process clearly in a series of 7 videos showing you how they maximize their commissions. Along with that,... [...]
At Midnight, Reed Floren closes the door on his sale, and How to Find Profitable Affiliate Programs to Promote will go back to normal pricing. Until then, you can get this training everyaffiliate marketer will find helpful for under $15 (although the price is rising and the last minute rush may boost the price, substantially, to $27.) Among the many things you will discover in this training, you’ll get his 14 point checklist on how to evaluate a product; is it a good one worth promoting? How to Find Profitable Affiliate Programs to Promote is, first of all, a video course. But it’s... [...]
Jimmy Reilly just released this new training. He says that you can avoid expensive Facebook ads and still earn a living on Facebook. The process is simple in concept, and, based on the experience of Katrina Mayors, Reilly’s partner, requires only a couple of hours a day doing “cut and paste” work. They found a way to get lots of fans, keep them interested by pasting fun content into their Facebook page, and then monetize the huge fan base by reviewing relevant products with an affiliate link. That’s the simple concept, but there are plenty of specific optimizations to the... [...]
ClickBank team says, “In a previous article we discussed tips on selecting ad networks and we hope that was helpful. Today we’re taking a look at media buying strategies, especially for mobile. The world has untapped mobile markets, including Africa, South America and the Middle East. Plus, more than 70% of the world’s online traffic happens outside of Google. The bottom line is this: there is great opportunity for your ads to be seen and clicked. It comes down to three steps: planning, targeting and optimizing. Here are 3 simple yet helpful tips to help you navigate the world of media buying”. 3... [...]
Gina Broom says, “Site owners across the globe blow their noses noisily as they discover the obituary here. And then they don their black clothes and head out. The year is 2014, and this is the funeral of Google Authorship. Many put time and effort making sure that rel=”author” was laced throughout their website. Each content page frosted with the name and picture of whoever had compiled all of those words into a coherent, informative blog post. But in the words of the (once) famous boy band Five”. Google Authorship is Dead: What’s Missing and How to Fix It Mark Ling’s ’Affilorama’... [...]
Today, Reed Floren is releasing How to Find Profitable Affiliate Programs to Promote, his latest training product. This is another of his inexpensive training products. If you are new to affiliate marketing, this may be a good way to get started. Affiliate marketing is one of the simplest approaches to earning a living onine, but still, if you are just beginning, there are some things you need to get right if you want to be a success. In this new training, Floren shares these key insights: • How to survey your potential customers for clues to what will sell • How to find affiliate programs... [...]
Peter Szabo has been working online for several years, It’s been a goal of his not to work too hard, though. In fact, he reports he has been getting “$900 Paydays From 30 Minutes of Work Per Day.” He does it by selling affiliate products and CPA leads. He has been perfecting his techniques and a while back he created The Easiest Money Ever to show how it’s done. After repeated updates, he has just released the third generation of The Easiest Money Ever. Szabo has created instructions for his process that are both step-by-step and to-the-point, simple enough for a beginner... [...]
If you are looking to earn money on the internet, you need to be selling what people want to buy. If you are looking for the right niche, it’s good to know that the world spends billions on food. That’s an opportunity too good to pass up. Everyone needs groceries. We can profit from selling them. Of course, we don’t want to deal with spoiled bananas or bad checks. That’s why smart affiliates are taking advantage of the opportunity ptovided by Amazon’s affiliate program. Now that it is selling groceries, Amazon offers any affiliate the chance to make money in the... [...]
Recently, Amazon has started selling groceries again. Affiliates who build grocery store sites will face very little competition because this is so new. CoolIce has created another of his famous clone websites for affiliates to help you take advantage of this new opportunity. Every one of his clone sites has sold in the high hundreds of copies; some have sold in the thousands. People see the value in what he creates, and there is a “land rush” whenever a new one is released. GroceryClone goes live at 11 AM EDT. All his clones get 100% positive feedback. This is likely to be the same. As... [...]