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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Affiliate Marketing' Category

10 Steps to $10K per week #ad

Mao Flynn has released this new training, 10 Steps to $10K per week, to help you build a stable, profitable business online. The key to this income is what Flynn calls “digital assets”. A digital asset is a web-based property that puts money into your pocket every month. It is easy to replicate, costs virtually nothing to operate, and makes you money while you are sleeping. 10 Steps to $10K per week is a blueprint that will show you how to create digital assets to secure your business with ongoing income. Lest we misunderstand and think we will turn on a magic faucet that spews out... [...]

LinkSwiper: Is it better than Trustjacker? #ad

Give value to those who follow you and gain their trust, their respect and their appreciation. LinkSwiper will help you do that. Use it to share content from high-value sites with your followers and follow-up with a related affiliate link. You can find out more here: LinkSwiper  [...]

FluidZone – High Impact Amazon Theme for Professional Online Store #ad

The FluidZone theme is specifically designed to increase your amazon commissions, is responsive to portable devices (such as iPad and Android) and has a random pop up that gives it that “something extra” that will set your site apart from the crowd. FluidZone has a clean & simple layout and a fast loading times (vital for avoiding Google penalties) and the built-in high impact random product pop up. It’s a definite advantage for your Amazon store to have a theme that is: • SEO Friendly • Fast Loading • Gives an elegant, unique design to your store • High... [...]

WP SalesCode: Create one sales page list your product on multiple networks #ad

If you are working on creating a product, you want to get as much “distribution” as possible for your sales message. It would be nice, for example, to offer it through Clickbank, Warrior forum, and other platforms since each provides a unique set of affiliates to sell your product, each with their own set of contacts. The problem is that the requirements and culture for these affiliate platforms vary, so creating a common sales page is difficult; you have to repeat the process for each one. But Mark Hess and Matt Mood have tackled this problem in their new WP SalesCode. They have analyzed... [...]

Commission Infusion: A way beginners can earn affiliate commissions #ad

Justin Michie is launching Commission Infusion Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at 8 AM EDT. He is maintaining secrecy until announcement time so IM NewsWatch has only a few tidbits of information to share. According to Michie, Commission Infusion promises the following: – You don’t need a website. – You don’t need a product. – You don’t need an email list. – You don’t need to spend any money. – And you don’t need any experience. By saying all this, he is implying anyone can use Commission Infusion to make money. In this, Michie shows you how to... [...]

BannerZon Creates High Conversion Banners #ad

Chris Guthrie, who knows a lot about what Amazon affiliates need to succeed, has just released BannerZon to create banners advertising Amazon products. This powerful WordPress plugin creates banners for you blog in seconds, banners that advertise multiple Amazon products. Amazon offers banners of their own for you to use on your site, but they have been shown to not convert well. They aren’t targetted enough to draw a lot of clicks. BannerZon, on the other hand, lets you home in on a sub-nighe (for example, not “electronics, as with native Amazon banners, but “GPS”). You... [...]

WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro Plugin: Make more afiliate sales on your blog #ad

With WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro plugin, you can place affiliate links within your blog content, where they will be seen and clicked on. Google heat maps show people notice ads in the heart of your content more than they notice them in the right sidebar. This plugin makes it easy to put affiliate links on every page of your blog. Systematically add affiliate links, with sophisticated relevant anchor text. Then track the clicks on these links, with WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro. You can also cloak your links so they look nicer and so you hide the actual affiliate link. This leads to more clicks and more... [...]

New WP Hot Clickbank Offers Plugin shows Clickbank offers on your blog #ad

Banner ads on you’re blog can earn you affiliate commissions. Popular Clickbank products cover many different niches and probably offer a good opportunity for affiliate sales in your own niche. WP Hot Clickbank Offers V2 Plugin comes with several new, and best-selling, Clickbank products built in, but you can change the products advertised (especially, as time goes on, to insert new products.) WP Hot Clickbank Offers V2 Plugin has banner two styles, with motion and static. This plugin will automatically add your Clickbank affiliate ID to all ads and when someone clicks on an add, it adds... [...]

CandyZon Theme for Amazon affiliates #ad

Jaka Pradana and his partner, El Niño have created a new attractive (and very functional) theme for Amazon affiliates called CandyZon Theme. They have built other themes before and this new theme builds on all they have learned. Furthermore, it builds on the specialty Amazon work done by other developers. Over recent years, several plugins have been developed for Amazon affiliates: ZonBuilder, Associate Goliath, ReviewAzon and WP Robot. CandyZon Theme is compatible with all of them, so you can take advantage of their automation capabilities, which taking advantage of the power and beauty of this... [...]

WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro: Track, Cloak, No-follow & Convert any Keyword in your WordPress Site #ad

Take control of your selling process in your blog or other WordPress site. Automate placing contextual affiliate links onto your posts. Kevin Byrne just released the WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro plugin, which helps insert affiliate links inside your posts, links based on the text you write in the post. WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro find your blog’s main keywords and converts then into links that can bring you revenue. This new plugin is sophisticated: it’s sensitive to capitalization and it recognizes phrases besides handling individual words. But it does even more: • It let’s you... [...]

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