Affiliate marketing can be a good way to earn a living online. Some affiliates even progress in their business to be quite prosperous. The other thing that makes affiliate marketing so attractive is that it can be started “on a shoestring” by beginners. As a result many people try their hand. But not all of them find the success they expected. Often, the reason is that they didn’t take time to do the little things that can turn a marketing campaign from a failure into a success. The cut corners and make mistakes that leave them with less satisfaction in their work. Here are some... [...]
Archive for the 'Affiliate Marketing' Category
In many marketing situations, more than one business is promoting a particular product. You have seen it, no doubt. When you are faced with a dozen rivals also promoting a product you want to sell, how do you stand out from the crowd? Often, the buyer chooses which seller (or affiliate) to buy from based on the lagniappe or bonuses. Many people will continue looking if you don’t offer them an incentive to buy from your link. If you have good bonuses to offer, you are a step ahead of the crowd. Today, at 11 AM EDT, Promote Labs is opening the doors on a new version of there well-respected... [...]
Almost 2 years ago, Promote Labs released software that was a big help to affiliate marketers. it was called Commission Gorilla, and it boosted sales for affiliates by making it easy to create custom web pages offering bonuses to people who buy through your affiliate link. We used this bonus page builder to advertise Commission Gorilla in 2015. You can see our bonus page here (the link no longer works): Bonuses for the Original Commission Gorilla. There will be an announcement later this week (Thursday, most likely) that there is a new improved version 2 of Commission Gorilla. If you invested in... [...]
JVZoo is a well-known affiliate platform. It serves as a “middleman” between product creators and people who have an audience who are potentially interested in the product. These “audience leaders” can sign up to promote the product. Whenever any in their audience buys the product, they earn a commission. These promoters are known as “affiliates” for the prodct. The advantage of JVZoo (and similar affiliate platforms) for affiliates is that it gathers a lot of products into a central location, making it easy to find one suitable for your audience, and serving... [...]
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. Attracting more traffic can enhance your chances of growing your affiliate marketing business. Entrepreneur contributor Thomas Smale has shared four ways to get more traffic to your affiliate sites. Smale says, “Keep in mind that even if your content is already generating traffic, the traffic you’re generating may not be the right kind. Your goal should be to attract shoppers. And, to do that, you need to optimize your website for shoppers. Here are four steps you can take to begin attracting more targeted traffic to your website. 1.... [...]
Small Business Trends’ Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead has put together a list of affiliate programs that are performing well. Gabrielle says, “Affiliate marketing is a simple way for bloggers and website owners to make money out of their blog. Rather than having to develop their own products, affiliates only have to place promotions on their blogs for the products of other merchants. The great news is that even the owners of small blogs can make money from their content writing efforts. 30 Top Affiliate Programs to Consider If you own a blog or website and are looking for way to make... [...]
The affiliate marketing domain has expanded into a multi-billion dollar industry in which marketers all over the world capitalize on every day. Of course they need to adjust their marketing strategies beyond a single screen. Marketing Land columnist James Collins has shared five tips to using data and improving affiliate marketing performance. On importance of understanding cross-channel view, Collins says, “Historically, carrying out a non-siloed approach to marketing has been an issue for marketers. However, we’re seeing more and more brands and retailers across our client base taking... [...]
According to, 90% of advertisers have agreed that affiliate programs are important for their overall marketing strategies. Also publishers say that affiliate marketing helps them earn more than 20% of their annual revenue. Affiliate marketing connects the brands with buyers and also enables the affiliate marketers to earn commissions. Econsultancy’s Andy Favell has shared seven tips to help affiliate marketers plan and manage their campaigns. On establishing affiliate marketing goals, Favell says, “An affiliate marketing program is made up from a balanced mix of affiliate... [...]
Affiliate Marketing is a domain that attracts marketers who have little to invest. This domain of marketing has brought in win-win situation for both brands and the marketers affiliated to them. Econsultancy’s Andy Favell has published a short guide to affiliate marketing covering click-fraud, coupons and cash-back, alternative affiliate models etc. On growth of affiliate marketing, Facell says, “Affiliate marketing has quietly become a substantial business and is driving good returns for advertisers and publishers. In the UK advertisers spent £1.39 billion ($1.77 billion) in 2016,... [...]
eCompare was released over the weekend by Mark Bishop, Venkata Ramana and their team. eCompare is a price comparison tool embedded in an affiliate store site. Your store lets you earn commissions from the top 7 affiliate networks in the world. This software automatically builds an online affiliate store under your direction, a store that connects with 7 of the largest affiliate networks. It’s a simple 3 step monetization process: Step 1 – Setup simple eCompare store Step 2 – Your visitors compare deals Step 3 – You collect commissions for all their purchases. eCompare is... [...]