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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Affiliate Marketing' Category

“5 Figure Day”: Learn how at 11 AM EDT #ad

Bryan Winters has had his ups and downs in marketing. When he discovered how to create over $10,000 in a day, it was definitely and “up” day. He has put his blueprint for this process into 5 Figure Day, and he is sharing it with us. Basically, he is showing how he built an email list of multiple thousands (he picks up 1000 or more subscribers in a day sometimes; about 125,000 total) that he can now monetize ever and over again. He did this without a launch and without JV partners. And as a result, he is earning over $100,000 a year. Winters says that with 5 Figure Day, you can also... [...]

AGCZON: Automated WordPress Theme for Amazon affiliates #ad

From the creative team of Dani Wijaya and Pumama San comes a new tool that will be welcomed by Amazon affiliates, AGCZON Auto Amazon Script Machine. This new theme has been created to make the affiliate’s job simple. The theme has been coded to automatically build listings for Amazon products in the niche you select. The creators have built-in key features to make the affiliate site almost build itself: ■ Critical plugins are automatically included. ■ Optimizes your site automatically ■ Automatically writes posts about niche products ■ Supports Amazon’s Gold Box, and automatically... [...]

Camera Cash Crescendo: The Amazon affiliate’s answer #ad

Mike McKay is back with another of his famous Amazon affiliate marketing kits. This time it’s for cameras and he calls it Camera Cash Crescendo. Every Amazon affiliate needs quality content on their website to attract customers. Reviews of recent products are a prime example of content that people are searching for, content that will bring people to your site. McKay includes enough content that you might even build 2 sites without a lot of overlap. In this bundle, you get content for your site, content for emails, content to give away and content you could sell. The digital camera niche is... [...]

Super Affiliate Reveals How He Earned $22k from 1 Affiliate Campaign #ad

Precious Ngwu just launched the Optin Emperor WordPress plugin that builds a flow of evergreen traffic to your business. This plugin is built based on a super affiliate technology that any marketer can use; no tech skills needed. According to Ngwu, Once you install Optin Emperor on any of your niche sites, it collects high quality targeted leads for you and it collects them by the dozens every hour. As Ngwu says, this process “builds your own personal army of money makers” and once you have them, you can assure traffic and commissions anytime. Once you have Optin Emperor instsalled: •... [...]

KMG Amazoner Bundle: Three complete Aamazon affiliate websites #ad

Mari Yamada has released several products in the past. Her latest is KMG Amazoner Bundle. It’s a set of 3 fully built-out niche-oriented Amazon affiliate sites. The 3 niches your sites will attract are: • Wine accessories • Pools and Spas • Pets Your stores will never get old and stagnant; new products are continually added. As Amazon requires, prices are continually updated. All the products in your store are neatly categorized so your visitors can easily find what they need. And if they don’t see a particular item on your site, there’s a search bar so they can... [...]

The Simple Affiliate: The beginner’s guide to affiliate marketing #ad

Bill Hugall and Drew Trainor have just released a guide to affiliate marketing for beginning marketers. It’s a guide, not just to the concept of affiliate marketing, but to the process of building a real business doing affiliate marketing. This is a printable guide, with a recorded webinar that explores the same topic. Bill has coached hundreds of people to making their first sale online. Drew is an underground super affiliate Who specializes in big ticket Sales. In The Simple Affiliate, they are releasing the Methods they have been using to make thousands every month. These methods aren’t... [...]

CB Golf Swing Sensation V2 affiliate pack from Eleanor Ruse #ad

Eleanor Ruse is attacking the golf niche, one of the most profitable on the internet. As usual, Ruse has a comprehensive collection of sales aids in her package ■ Introductory PDF helping you organize your Amazon promotions ■ 15 Clickbank Product Recommendations ■ 15 High Quality Product Reviews ■ 100s of Keywords ■ 100s of Exact Match Domain names ■ 15 High Quality Website Graphics ■ 3 PLR eBooks to sell or give away ■ Lots of PLR Articles to build your credibility ■ Plus several excellent bonuses. If you have any interest in the golf niche, check out what Ruse offers... [...]

‘Affiliate Summit East 2013’, Philadelphia, August 18-20

The ‘Affiliate Summit East 2013’ is taking place in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA. on August 18-20. The keynotes for Affiliate Summit East 2013: Rae Hoffman, CEO, PushFire Dr. Randal Pinkett, Founder, Chairman and CEO , BCT Partners Wil Reynolds, Founder, SEER Interactive The Affiliate Summit East 2013 confirmed speakers include Mike Allen, Leyla Arsan, Syed Balkhi, Don Batsford, Jr., Debbie Bookstaber,  Hunter Boyle, Alicja Borucinska, Wesley Brandi and more. ‘Affiliate Summit East 2013’, Philadelphia  [...]

Review Rocket plugin adds more authority to your review sites #ad

Product reviews are a way to get into the affiliate marketing business. Amazon affiliates often post product reviews to attract visitors to their site and get clicks on their affiliate link. It’s such a common technique that any particular affiliate has trouble getting their site to stand out. If you want to make your product reviews stand out and add more authority to your reviews, take a look at Josh Precht‘s Review Rocket, a WordPress plugin that can give your review a professional look, com[parable to what you would see on a major corporate site. It adds attention-grabbing review... [...]

Are you prepared for the worst case scenario? #ad

Millions of Americans, and some number of people around the world, are posing the question, “Am I prepared for the disasters that are likely to come? 50 years ago, they thought of building fallout shelters. Today, they think of “getting off the grid” and “growing a survival garden” and “having a long-term food supply. As you might expect, Amazon would like to help concerned people to get ready. It offers all kinds of equipment, building plans, food, etc., that a “preparer” or “prepper” might want. Mike McKay has created Preppers Paradise... [...]

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