Squidoo is one of the most popular sites on the web. Savvy marketers have learned to piggy-back on that market penetration to build what Squidoo calls “lenses” to market all kinds of goods and services. A while back, the Squidcrafter tools was released to make building lenses so much easier than the native Squidoo process. Now there’s a custom version called SquidCrafter for Amazon that builds Amazon affiliate lenses. It’s not easy to build an Amazon lens since Squidoo and Amazon follow incompatible standards, and there’s a lot of work to get them to play nice with... [...]
Archive for the 'Affiliate Marketing' Category
Eleanor Ruse’s latest ClickBank affiliate package is ready. In CB Dog Training Essentials V2, she has singled out ClickBank products in the evergreen dog training niche for you to promote. To help you set up profitable sites in this niche, Ruse’s package provides you: • A list of top ClickBank products in the dog training niche, chosen because: 1. Their commission payout is above $10 2. They have decent sales, but aren’t too competitive 3. They have a high-quality sales page that brings good conversions • High-quality product reviews for these products,... [...]
Spammers may get an occasional sale, but they are jerks. They waste untold time and money of their victims. All in their hope to make a buck. But you don’t have to be like them to earn a living online. Amazon affiliates can earn more without resorting to spammy methods. Today, at 10 AM EST ( 3 PM in London) Igor Urban is launching This is a WordPress plugin that rests quitely behind the scenes until a visitor to your affiliate site visits a page for a product you are promoting. Then,it automatically pulls listing for competing products, headed “You may also like”) and builds... [...]
Not long ago, Robert Brauer launched his Money Tree Cash System and people started using it. Now, based on feedback, on new learning and on changing conditions, Brauer has just revised and extended his training in The Money Tree Cash System. Brauer says his system, which is a process of doing effective affiliate marketing, is a “set it up and forget it” process that continues to earn money for him week after week. And he says that his students are repeating his success; testimonials from some of the buyers of the first edition bear him out. To make sure you can follow his without confusion,... [...]
Michael Mac has just released his latest niche marketing package for an Amazon niche. This time he tackles household cleaning equipment in Spring Cleaning Riches. Amazon is an affiliate marketer’s dream, a wide selection of products, a great reputation, and capacity to sell and then ship as many products as you can sell for them,products so you never have to worry about the customer giving up while waiting (and causing you to lose your commission.) As usual, Michael provides a wide range of marketing creative materials to help you get your affiliate site on track to greater sales: •... [...]
Gaz Cooper and his partner, Steveie have produced 5 niche-oriented Amazon affiliate sites (he calls them “seed sites” because he expects you to build a bigger site based on them) to get you started on the right path for your affiliate marketing. This is his first set (with more to come) so he calls this set Amz Authority Zone 1. His five niches are: 1. Healthy Living 2. Triathlon 3. Gardening 4. Golf 5. Metal Detecting Each site comes with: • A top-quality premium theme with 3 premium plugins • 5 Amazon product reviews in the niche • A custom-written e-book for the niche •... [...]
Any Amazon affiliate site is improved by having an attractive function theme. The latest of these is AmaGrande WP Theme, a flexible powerful theme by Johan Efendi. This new theme has a lot of power on its own, but is also compatible with the best-known Amazon plugins: AmaNiche, WP ZonBuilder, WP Robot and Associate Goliath. AmaGrande WP Theme offers: • Five built-in languages • Seven Amazon stores (.com, .UK, etc.) • Both manual posting and automated posting allowed • Rich Snippet support • A discount finder • Other top features that will make your site more professional Your... [...]
The latest product from George Katsoudas is Auto Azon Banner adds banners to your blog advertising Amazon products, and does it in minutes. You select the product category and the banner size and this new (very new; it is just becoming available at 10 AM EST today) plugin from George Katsoudas does the rest. The banner will “fade in” and appear on the right side of your blog a few seconds after the page loads. This delayed appearance will draw the attention of your visitors, resulting in more clicks. The plugin can find the exact search term that your visitors used to find your blog... [...]
Ken Reno has just released new training for Amazon affiliates in Amazon Training Bootcamp. [...]
Michael Mac has just released one of his famous Amazon affiliate marketing materials packages, this time on Renewable Energy Essentials. This complete set of marketing creative content and ideo reviews for Amazon niche products will get you started in style. It’s so good that in the first 12 hours he sold over 100 copies. As usual, he has included many marketing aids for you: ► 50 high quality review videos for profitable green energy products. ► 6 professional banner graphics (including the PSDs) for the green energy niche ► Hundreds of “exact match” keywords (with search... [...]