The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Leads and opportunities are the primary B2B marketing measure, not ‘attention'”. Louis Gudema says, “We’re at an inflection point in B2B marketing, and marketers should celebrate the opportunity to show their true contribution to revenue and not fall back on squishy metrics like ‘attention’. Last week the esteemed Top Sales World blog published apiece entitled, “Attention (not leads) should be B2B marketing’s primary measure”. I couldn’t disagree more. And, since the post doesn’t include... [...]
Archive for the 'B2B Marketing Tips' Category
The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “B2B Marketers Expect Bigger 2014 Budgets: How Will You Spend It Wisely?”. Laura Ramos says, “Sound the fanfare! B2B marketing budgets are on the rise! Today, Forrester published results from a joint study with the Business Marketing Association (BMA) that looks at CMO-level expectations for overall program budgets, the composition of the 2014 marketing mix, and spending related to technology and innovation. BMA members may download a complimentary copy here. In this research (subscription required), we found that, on average, B2B marketers... [...]
The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “FYI: The ABC of CRO for B2B”. Joe Doveton says, ““Not the right time”- just one of the objections I have heard from business-to-business (B2B) digital marketers when introducing them to the topic of conversion rate optimization. CRO, it is believed, should be left for the big boys in business-to-consumer (B2C). For many webmasters, the first hurdle to overcome in CRO is the terminology. As many B2B businesses may not be fulfilling a transaction online, they may not consider themselves to have anything to convert. The B2B sales... [...]
Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Why B2B Marketing Must Embrace Ninja Customers″. Baer says, “We used to talk to a real person as a first step. To get familiar with the company. To learn more. To create bonds. Not now. Now we talk to a real person as a last resort, after we’ve kicked the informational tires so thoroughly that we absolutely must reach out to get our final”. Why B2B Marketing Must Embrace Ninja Customers Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Ecommerce: how to approach the next big thing in B2B marketing”. David Bowen says, “B2B marketing has long been under-represented, not to mention B2B ecommerce. But with the entry of Amazon Supply and Google Shopping for Suppliers to the market, B2B ecommerce is quietly catching up. So much so that forecasts suggest that the B2B ecommerce market will be double the size of B2C by 2013. This is a real wake up call for B2B companies that have not considered selling their products online“. Ecommerce: how to approach... [...]