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Monday, March 3, 2025

Archive for the 'B2B Marketing Tips' Category

‘What You Missed At The B2B Marketing Forum — If You Weren’t There’ – Forrester Blogs

Peter O’Neille says, “Wow! It may have taken place seven days ago, but I am still exhausted — and exhilarated — from our inaugural B2B Marketing Forumin Miami last week. Here is a short recap of what we covered during the two days. Day 1: Obsess On Customers; Orchestrate A Relationship; Conduct An Engagement The opening main session began with Forrester’s James McQuivey, who inspired us all to understand both how to understand customer obsession and how to drive the necessary organizational, process, and even cultural change. Molly Murphy, from Eaton Industries, presented a best... [...]

‘Account-Based Marketing Will Elevate, Not Eclipse, Lead-To-Revenue Management’ – Forrester Blogs

Lori Wizdo says, “The explosion of interest in account-based marketing has created uncertainty for business-to-business (B2B) marketers who have invested in marketing automation to optimize their lead-to-revenue processes. It’s not surprising because the vendors that market ABM-badged wares – and many pundits — generate attention with controversial proclamations, like: “ABM is the death of demand generation”; “ABM replaces inbound marketing” and “Lead to Revenue Management (L2RM) is only a suitable strategy for selling products and services to small businesses”. While... [...]

‘Microsoft Dynamics 365 adds predictive lead scoring from Versium to its B2B CRM’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Last month, Microsoft boosted its Dynamics 365 customer relationship management (CRM) system through a new alliance with Adobe’s Marketing Cloud. This week, Microsoft and predictive analytics firm Versium are announcing a new integration that boosts the CRM’s ability to highlight which individuals and businesses are most likely to become customers. The Versium Predict integration enables Dynamics 365 for Sales to automatically — via a “single button push,” according to founder and CEO Chris Matty — generate a list of leads that can be marketed via email,... [...]

‘Three Ways B2B Marketers Can Put Interactive Content To Work’ – Forrester Blogs

Daniel Klein says, “Interactive content (i.e., online assessments, calculators, and quizzes) helps B2B marketers shift from explaining to conversing. As my colleague Laura Ramos explains, “Interactive tools…help to create an ‘across the table’ approach at scale.” Despite this obvious connection, only 44% of attendees at a recent webinar I hosted said they currently use interactive content on their website. So what should B2B marketers do to help close this gap between content delivery and buyer engagement? Interviews with over a dozen senior B2B marketing leaders reveal three... [...]

‘How Quickly Does B2B CRM Contact Data Become Outdated?’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 7.5% of essential contact information in B2B sales databases become outdated within three months,according to recent research from Radius. The report was based on a Radius analysis of B2B database information, conducted between May and August, 2016. The researchers took the original customer relationship management (CRM) data for 10,000 B2B contacts and re-examined it three months later, using Web research and calls, to determine whether the information was still correct. For the database with 10,000 contacts, the researchers found that 757 of the entries were no longer... [...]

‘What’s more important than a B2B buyer’s lead score?’ – Marketing Land

Jeffrey L. Cohen says, “Sometimes I think about changing famous movie quotes to include marketing terms. I will admit that I may need to get out more, but these can be instructive in drawing some analogies to the topic at hand. Since this post is about leads, here are a few: – May the leads be with you. – Show me the leads. – You can’t handle the leads. B2B marketing is often all about generating leads for sales. And in our demand-driven culture, where marketing is held accountable for having an impact on revenue, it has become even more prevalent. There are many ways... [...]

‘How to Write a B2B Explainer Video Script That Converts’ – MarketingProfs

Colin Hogan says, “You market and sell to businesses, not to consumers. We’re talking real B2B stuff here. So, if you’re going to create marketing and sales material, which make no mistake your explainer video is, you should make sure to keep the type of business you’re selling to in mind, right? Sure, but what about the people who are going to be watching the video? The way you write your script needs to focus on the humans you’re crafting it for, not just on closing the deal or selling your offering to theirs. There needs to be a story. Your video should evoke some... [...]

‘2017 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends’ – MarketingProfs

Ann Handley says, “B2B content marketers are doing a great job, but they’re still up against some challenges, according to brand-new research. First, the good news: B2B marketers are indeed finding success with content marketing: 62% of B2B marketers in North America say their organization’s overall approach to content marketing has been much more or somewhat more successful than a year ago, according to B2B Content Marketing: 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends—North America. MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute, a UBM company, today released the seventh annual iteration... [...]

‘How B2B Vendors Can Generate Trust and Credibility With Their Website’ – HubSpot

Lizette Louw says, “What do B2B buyers actually want from your website? What causes them to leave your website and not return? How many times do typical buyers return to your website before taking the next or final step in the buyer’s cycle? What kind of content is important to them? We looked at the results of the 2015 B2B Web Usability Survey and discovered what it would take for you as a B2B vendor to create credibility and trust. Spoiler alert: it’s not rocket science. 1) Buyers won’t give you a chance until they’ve seen legitimate identification Vendors beware: Buyers judge... [...]

‘Back to Basics: 4 Simple Changes That Will Transform Your B2B Website Ranking’ –

Tony Messer says, “Do you offer services to other businesses in your area? Maybe you’re an Accountant, a Printer or a Training Company. If you do then I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that it’s competitive out there. And that means that if you want a consistent flow of new inquiries coming into your business then one thing you need to be sure of is a high ranking website. But what exactly does it take to have a high ranking website? Well, recently we did some research on B2B websitesto identify what are the most important factors that determine a high ranking. So here are... [...]

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