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Friday, March 7, 2025

Archive for the 'CPA Marketing' Category

Who is Stefan Van Ray & how can he help you? #ad

Stefan Van Ray stays away from the spotlight (When you read his story, you’ll discover that’s literally true. He used to be a TV actor.) He is now a successful CPA marketer, and through experimentation, has been successful for years. So successful that he gave up a full-time career to do CPA marketing full-time. Now, he has documented what he has learned in CPA Zenith. He isn’t promising miracles, but he says that even beginners can make a good income following these steps. And, it’s all done with free traffic, from a source you probably aren’t using. In his experience,... [...]

New-Gen CPA; finding CPA buyers with Twitter #ad

CPA Marketer Ezra Wyckoff has been working on his CPA business for a long time. He’s the marketer who released CPA Cash Kings (no longer available) last month, for example. Now, in the process of building his own CPA business, he has found an additional method of sending targeted traffic to CPA offers; he uses Twitter in a unique way. He shares this new method with you in New-Gen CPA. This process he shows you results in high quality traffic that the CPA networks will be pleased with. On the other hand, it is not a “get rich quick” scheme. It will require an investment and some... [...]

CPA Power Blast: Power up your CPA business through paid traffic #ad

Paid traffic has a lot of advantages over organic or SEO traffic: ■ It’s instant. It often takes weeks or months for your SEO to reap results. ■ It’s predictable: Buy 500 impressions and you’ll get that many. SEO is hit or miss. ■ It can be tuned to weed out unprofitable keywords and costs are quickly trimmed. Figuring out what SEO attributes to tweak is hard and time-consuming. Timothy Miranda and Myron Ramsay have found the Bing ads work very well for CPA. Bing seems to like affiliates and their ads better than Google does. And Bing’s traffic is targeted quality... [...]

CPA Infiltration: how to use co-registration for CPA #ad

Timothy Miranda has earned a name as a CPA specialist. He has just released new training he calls CPA Infiltration. In it, Miranda shows you how to use co-registration leads for your CPA marketing. Many major, well-known and frequently visited sites on the web (for example, have a “co-registration” opportunity. Your ad on their site can bring you contact information for their visitors and members. You pay a fixed pre-defined fee for any lead you get from the site. These leads have many advantages over leads from squeeze pages, primarily predictable cost, no fake leads and... [...]

CPA Cash Tycoon: Use 7search for CPA profits #ad

Dan DaSilva has been testing for traffic. It’s a second-tier PPC provider that is run by a Warrior Forum member (and gives a discount on the first purchase by other warriors). In CPA Cash Tycoon, he shows how to use 7search to bring in CPA income. He shows the coupon code for the discount at 7search and then shows, step-by-step, how to set up a successful campaign in 7search. He describes this process as a set-and-forget system. In a video in CPA Cash Tycoon, he sets up a campaign in less than an hour (including all the time he takes explaining what he is doing). (The niche... [...]

The Ultimate CPA Strategy: Make up to 5x your CPA income #ad

There are a lot of guides to making money with CPA. Some good; some not so good. But most of them take one of two approaches: * High-level overview that has a lot of inspiration but few specifics * Revealing a specific “loophole” or technique that may have some value but isn’t something you can build a business on. Now, Stephen Carter has created The Ultimate CPA Strategy to give you a systematic way to build a CPA business that performs well and does so consistently. Carter believes (and has results that demonstrate it) your CPA pages probably aren’t optimized for the greatest... [...]

CPA Cash King Underground: for any CPA marketer who needs more clicks #ad

If you don’t know how to do CPA marketing or have tried it without much success, Ezra Wyckoff says his new CPA Cash King Underground is just what you need. The process he shows you is simple, he says, and can be grasped in 15 minutes and can be performed in 30 minutes a day. It can even be outsourced because it is so simple. [...]

CPA Anime Profits: Create YouTube cartoons that bring CPA profits #ad

Dr. Alex has found that with some traffic sources, animated cartoons are effective or motivating clicks on CPA offers. He knows a traffic source that they work well with; there could be others, as well. He creates cartoons with available online tools, places them on YouTube, and then advertises on a particular traffic source to send traffic to view his cartoons. As Alex points out on his sales page, most YouTube viewers don’t go there to buy anything. They are looking for something amusing or entertaining, or perhaps thought-provoking. Using cartoons fits their mind-set and helps you get... [...]

CPA Cash Kings: Provide targeted offers to targeted viewers #ad

Ezra Wyckoff began doing CPA affiliate marketing three years ago. The first year, he didn’t do so well. But, by experimentation during that year, the next two years proved to be quite successful for him. Now, in CPA Cash Kings, he shares with us the things he did to make his CPA business consistently profitable. The key, he says, if to make sure you have an offer that makes sense to the people you present it to. Choose the right offer and choose the right audience, and your business will grow. He promotes (only?) credit report offers to a crowd of people who care about their credit rating.... [...]

Mobile CPA Anarchy: Catch the mobile rising tide for more CPA success #ad

If you want to grow your CPA income faster, you need to look into the mobile market. Dan DaSilva has recently been applying CPA marketing techniques to the mobile market. Since mobile, as of mid-2013, is already larger that the PC market and is growing much faster, he has found it’s the place to be. In Mobile CPA Anarchy, DaSilva shows you how to tap into this growing market and make your CPA marketing pay off. On his sales page, he give you these five encouraging tips: •You don’t need a website or a landing page. This will save you HUGE amounts of cash. •Direct linking IS the way to... [...]

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