Imagine what a mailing list of 500,000 names would do for your business would do for your business. Well, Simon Greenlahgh and Richard Golko build a list of 500,000 leads in three short months. In List Building Bonanza they show you how it is done. They have packed into this new training: – A 47 page guide, – 7 videos and – An 8 point marketing plan, all dedicated to building your list. Your strategy will be to give away a product and get paid for doing it by a CPA offer. In the process, you capture the names and emails of the takers. You will be funneling these eager people... [...]
Archive for the 'CPA Marketing' Category
If you do it right, Chris says, simple websites can generate consistent hands-free cash for you. He calls his training CPA Loophole. In it he shows how you can form a direct CPA relationship with merchants, bypassing the CPA networks that put up a lot of barriers to success and take a piece of the commission. He tells you, step-by-step, how to build a website, find CPA opportunities to promote, build a customer list, and monetize your traffic beyond the initial CPA payment. This is CPA marketing that can be done by beginners, but that can pay well. Chris guarantees it. Check out CPA Loophole here. [...]