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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Archive for the 'e-mail marketing' Category

‘HubSpot Launches Free Tool to Analyze the Shareability of Your Tweets’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “HubSpot Launches Free Tool to Analyze the Shareability of Your Tweets”. Dan Zarrella says, “I love data. I’ve spent the last 5 years of my career dedicated to doing research on huge datasets of hundreds of thousands and millions of rows to reach best practice conclusions. And those conclusions are great for experimentation with specific brands and audiences”. HubSpot Launches Free Tool to Analyze the Shareability of Your Tweets  [...]

‘Facebook Is In Danger Of Becoming Yahoo Because Advertisers Don’t Understand ‘Social” – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Facebook Is In Danger Of Becoming Yahoo Because Advertisers Don’t Understand ‘Social'”. Jim Edwards says, “Facebook is in danger of becoming a big, old-fashioned web publisher like Yahoo or AOL because it is now more concerned with audience “reach” than it is with the unique way Facebook users interact with each other inside the social network, Ad Age suggests. “Reach” is about the scale or size of the audience. Television has been the premier “reach” medium for decades. (In... [...]

‘How to create non-news driven content for SEO and content marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to create non-news driven content for SEO and content marketing”. Ryan Sommer says, “Savvy marketers know that content marketing is key when it comes to building up a relationship with other sites, social networks, and syndication partners. Whether or not you agree with slapping the (buzz)phrase ‘content marketing’ across many of the already commonly used SEO tactics, everyone can agree the technology to find, distribute and track how content delivers ROI (meaning influencer tracking, social analytics, custom... [...]

‘Brands that use Vine: five great examples vs. five bad examples’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Brands that use Vine: five great examples vs. five bad examples”. David Moth says, “Twitter’s Vine launched to much fanfare at the beginning of the year and brands have been quick to experiment with the video sharing tool to both promote their products and generally have a bit of fun. Unfortunately too many brands seem to think that just because it’s a throwaway six-second clip they don’t have to put much effort into it, so the clips often end up looking quite messy and of poor quality. Similarly the temptation... [...]

‘This Company Alleges A Huge Portion Of Online Advertising Is Based On Fraud’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “This Company Alleges A Huge Portion Of Online Advertising Is Based On Fraud”. Jim Edwards  says, “A huge portion of the web advertising eco-system is based on fraud, according to, a company that analyzes web traffic. The company tells AdExchanger that it has detected a massive botnet — a network of computers controlled by malware — that drives bogus traffic and clicks to a group of about 202 web sites”. This Company Alleges A Huge Portion Of Online Advertising Is Based On Fraud  [...]

‘A Simple Explanation of the Math Behind 7 Common Marketing Metrics’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “A Simple Explanation of the Math Behind 7 Common Marketing Metrics”. Ryan Ghods says, “There’s this misconception that marketers don’t know how to do math. Instead of debating whether there’s any validity to that statement (because that debate is ridiculous), let’s help any marketers out there that aren’t confident in their math skills. How? I figured we could start by explaining the math behind some common metrics we use every day — or at least every month”. A Simple Explanation of the... [...]

‘Which infographic is right for you?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Which infographic is right for you?”. Danny Ashton says, “That’s right, there’s more to infographics than a scrolling image full of facts and figures. Different types of infographics are consumed differently. The right kind of infographic should match your data to your narrative and ensure that people take away your message after reading it. While infographics may not come in that many shapes or sizes (600 x 1,800 pixels is the norm), that doesn’t mean there’s a stock standard infographic for you”. Which... [...]

‘Find Revenue In Big Data In Months, Not Years’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Find Revenue In Big Data In Months, Not Years”. Matt Ariker  says, “Many who make the Big Data journey are overly fixated on making it to the “Promised Land.” In far too many cases I see people who plan to build out a complete system and architecture before using a single insight or building even one predictive model to accelerate revenue growth”. Find Revenue In Big Data In Months, Not Years  [...]

’15 Insider Tips for Creating a Content Creation Machine’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “15 Insider Tips for Creating a Content Creation Machine [SlideShare]”. Anum Hussain says, “I can’t tell you how many times people have asked me, “How the heck does HubSpot crank out such a high volume of content?!” Well, content lovers, today I’d like to share some of our content tips and secrets with you, so you too cancreate a well-oiled content machine“. 15 Insider Tips for Creating a Content Creation Machine [SlideShare]  [...]

’30+ fascinating stats from Econsultancy’s Q1 2013 reports’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “30+ fascinating stats from Econsultancy’s Q1 2013 reports”. David Moth says, “It’s been Easter this weekend and the clocks have gone forward, signalling the end of Q1 and the beginning of a fresh quarter. So to mark the shift into Q2 I’ve rounded up the surveys and reports our research team has published so far this year including some of the most intriguing and useful stats. The topics include mobile strategy, marketing budgets, data driven business culture, user experience and the state of digital in Australia”. ... [...]

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