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Friday, February 7, 2025

Archive for the 'e-mail marketing' Category

‘Content Creation Lessons From 12 of History’s Greatest Innovators’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “‘Content Creation Lessons From 12 of History’s Greatest Innovators [SlideShare]”. Lisa Toner says, “We preach a lot about creating marketing people love, by way of remarkable content. But what actually makes a piece of content powerful, timeless, and inspiring? It’s something we often wonder, not often answer. With the recent passing of one of the greatest”. Content Creation Lessons From 12 of History’s Greatest Innovators [SlideShare] HubSpot  [...]

‘Web design eye-candy: 24 ultra-colourful user interfaces’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Web design eye-candy: 24 ultra-colourful user interfaces”. Chris Lake says, “Much has been written about the use of colour in web design. Back in the day there were stark warnings. Pick as few as possible, seemed to be the general advice, and be sensible about your choices. I covered the main points when I wrote about colour and web design five years ago. A lot of that advice still stands up but there has been a definite shift, and nowadays it seems that more and more designers are embracing colour like never before.... [...]

‘Micro-failures and the future of marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Micro-failures and the future of marketing”. Bronson Taylor says, “There is a seismic shift occurring in marketing as startups, for various reasons, are forced to discover new ways to grow their user bases. I’d rather not bore you with another philosophical rant about how everything is changing (even though it is), so instead, I’ll share with you one of the underlying insights that is at the core of this new marketing ethos, micro-failures”. Micro-failures and the future of marketing ‘Econsultancy’... [...]

‘What Mobile Buyers Are REALLY Doing on Your Website’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “‘What Mobile Buyers Are REALLY Doing on Your Website”. Meghan Keaney Anderson says, “We are multi-tasking phenoms. During my last trip to the greatest diner on earth, I scanned an article about CRMs between the first and second coffee pour. Midway through my omelet, I got side-tracked by a tweet about Alexander Graham Bell. By the time the check came, I’d forwarded myself a research report for future download — content that ended up”. What Mobile Buyers Are REALLY Doing on Your Website HubSpot  [...]

‘Eight useful tools for testing social marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Eight useful tools for testing social marketing”. David Moth says, “The time and effort spent in coming up with creative, interesting social content is all for nought if Facebook posts and tweets are published at a time when nobody is listening. Therefore marketers need to test and analyse their social activity to work out the most effective types of content as well as the optimum time of day to post updates. In a talk at Brighton SEO last week Moz director of community Jennifer Sable Lopez ran through a number of... [...]

‘OMG! you mean RFM is useful?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “OMG! you mean RFM is useful?”. Malcolm Duckett says, “Those of an analytical/numeric persuasion in marketing can often be heard wittering on about ‘RFM scores‘ and ‘quintiles’, and much of the time these ideas feel like something completely irrelevant to the “real world”… …but a couple of weeks back I had a real OMG! moment, when I had a stark lesson in just why these ideas matter, and how powerful they can be”. OMG! you mean RFM is useful? ‘Econsultancy’ Blog  [...]

’10 Ways Nonprofits Can Make the Most Out of Google Grants’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “’10 Ways Nonprofits Can Make the Most Out of Google Grants [SlideShare]”. Taylor Corrado says, “There are 3 billion searches a day on Google. Yes, we said billion. One of the biggest missed opportunities for nonprofits is Google for Nonprofits, which includes a free membership and access to a variety of products including Google Grants”. 10 Ways Nonprofits Can Make the Most Out of Google Grants [SlideShare] HubSpot  [...]

‘Infinite scroll: its impact on SEO and how to fix it’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Infinite scroll: its impact on SEO and how to fix it”. Andreas Pouros says, “Search engine spiders cannot scroll to the bottom of a page like an ordinary user, trigger the request for more content, and then wait to retrieve it for indexation. Hence content only accessible via infinite scroll simply won’t be seen and therefore won’t make it into the respective search engine results listings. The good news is there are easy solutions so that infinite scrollposes no problem for search, and in fact can also provide an... [...]

”Boring’ Companies Succeeding on Social Media’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “‘Boring’ Companies Succeeding on Social Media, Google+ for Business, and More in HubSpot Content This Week”. Ginny Soskey says, “One of the hardest parts about inbound marketing is juggling to keep up with all of the changes every week among all of your other marketing duties. New tools launch, new best practices emerge in every part of marketing, but two of the fastest-moving fields are web design and social media. New social networks pop up every day. New slices of code take websites from static and drab to interactive”. ‘Boring’... [...]

’16 alternative lorem ipsum generators to spice up your filler text’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “16 alternative lorem ipsum generators to spice up your filler text”. Chris Lake says, “If you’ve ever wireframed webpages then you might have found the need to use some dummy text. Traditionally that meant searching for ‘lorem ipsum’ on Google and copying and pasting a bunch of Latin.  Nowadays, we have a few more options. I have collected some lorem ipsum variants for you to use the next time you need some placeholder text. Choose your weapon wisely! And be warned, some of these tools are a little... [...]

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