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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Archive for the 'e-mail marketing' Category

‘Why empathy is a crucial skill for web designers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Why empathy is a crucial skill for web designers”. Paul Boag says, “The ability to empathise is recognised as a crucial soft skill that web designers, writers and managers require. However, empathy needs more than an intellectual understanding. If you spend anytime at all reading the plethora of articles on designing or running websites, it won’t take you long to encounter the word empathy. The user centric movement obsesses (rightfully so) about understanding users. We create personas, customer journeys and empathy... [...]

‘Get Beyond Views: 3 Metrics That’ll Help You Prove Video ROI’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Get Beyond Views: 3 Metrics That’ll Help You Prove Video ROI”. Kristen Craft says, “In the world of video marketing, there are lots of things you can measure. You can measure views. You can measure how many thumbs up (or thumbs down) it gets. You can measure social shares. But that doesn’t always mean you should be measuring them. If you’re trying to use video”. Get Beyond Views: 3 Metrics That’ll Help You Prove Video ROI HubSpot  [...]

‘Facebook ads undervalued by last click’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Facebook ads undervalued by last click”. Matthew Whitehead says, “Last click attribution models undervalue the contribution of Facebook ads by up to 30% in cross-channel advertising campaigns. The last click attribution model, which credits the last ad clicked before a sale or other conversion with all the value for that conversion, is still widely used to measure the contribution of advertising. However, a recent Kenshoo study focused on Facebook advertising helps expose its weaknesses”. Facebook ads undervalued... [...]

‘How to Build a Content Creation Process for Your Marketing Agency’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “How to Build a Content Creation Process for Your Marketing Agency”. Ron Medlin says, “You’ve heard it time and time again. It’s the mantra for the new world of SEO and inbound marketing: “Content is king!” We all understand that content is the foundation on which every successful online marketing plan should be built — but that doesn’t make it easy”. How to Build a Content Creation Process for Your Marketing Agency HubSpot  [...]

‘New Twitter stats: talking is way more popular than sharing links’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “New Twitter stats: talking is way more popular than sharing links”. Chris Lake says, “I thought I’d share a recent study into Twitter usage habits, conducted by Carolin Gerlitz and Bernhard Rieder. I missed this back in May, when it was first released, so apologies if you’ve already seen it. The findings are significantly different to an older study from 2010 by a Microsoft team (Boyd, Golder and Lotan). This may be due to a different – arguably more robust – sampling method, using the Twitter... [...]

‘The 8 Types of CTAs You Need to Have on Your Website’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The 8 Types of CTAs You Need to Have on Your Website”. Ginny Soskey says, “There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for calls-to-action. You can’t just slap the words “Click Here” on a red button, put it everywhere on your site that you want people to click, and then start to rake in leads and customers. Effective calls-to-action (CTAs) are abit more complex than that. You’ve got multiple audiences looking at your website”. The 8 Types of CTAs You Need to Have on Your Website HubSpot  [...]

‘What’s the point of relationship marketing?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “What’s the point of relationship marketing?”. Luke Brynley-Jones says, “What have Ford Retail, Maersk and Boden all got in common? (Clue: it’s got nothing to do with cars, shipping or clothes). You might have seen that Ford Retail UK has just launched a range of nail varnishes based on the colours of their latest Ford Fiesta. The colours themselves, which include Hot Magenta and Candy Blue, might not be to your taste, but if you work in social media, you’re probably already wondering why you didn’t think... [...]

‘What the Best Business Bloggers Do (And You Should Too)’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “What the Best Business Bloggers Do (And You Should Too)”. Corey Eridon says, “You know those business bloggers who never run out of innovative ideas, churn out a piece of content like it ain’t no thang, and are always one step ahead of industry trends? How annoying are they? Well, the good news is you can be like them!”. What the Best Business Bloggers Do (And You Should Too) HubSpot  [...]

‘Got 5 Minutes? Use It to Find a New Prospect on Social Media’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Got 5 Minutes? Use It to Find a New Prospect on Social Media”. Maggie Hibma says, “Do you remember the children’s book Where’s Waldo? C’mon, you know — the one where each page is filled with a busy scene full of people but you’re always looking for the same, brown-haired, red-striped-sweater guy? Well, social prospecting is a lot like Where’s Waldo?. No, seriously. Let me explain”. Got 5 Minutes? Use It to Find a New Prospect on Social Media HubSpot  [...]

‘Google’s keyword data apocalypse: the experts’ view’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Google’s keyword data apocalypse: the experts’ view”. Graham Charlton says, “Yesterday it emerged that Google is planning to encrypt even more organic search queries, thus removing even more search keyword data from sites.  The already tricky task of measuring natural search data has been made even harder by this latest move. I’ve been canvassing opinions of search marketing experts on the latest move from Google”. Google’s keyword data apocalypse: the experts’ view ‘Econsultancy’... [...]

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