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Monday, February 24, 2025

Archive for the 'e-mail marketing' Category

‘Native Advertising Is Broken: Here’s How to Fix It’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Native Advertising Is Broken: Here’s How to Fix It”. Steve Hall says, “Native advertising is all the rage these days. Companies like BuzzFeed and ShareThrough have based their business models on the notion that in-stream, organic-like content will save the day and finally allow everyone to retire those tired and underperforming banner ads to a nice tropical island far, far away”. Native Advertising Is Broken: Here’s How to Fix It  [...]

‘Give website visitors more choices via site search’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Give website visitors more choices via site search”. Vishal Srivastava says, “Customers everywhere love choice. And when you sell online, giving shoppers choice means making sure they can find what you have to sell, and making it easy for them to compare and contrast different product or service options.  Site search can be one of the most useful tools in yourecommerce toolbox for helping website visitors browse products and information quickly and easily, and view search results in ways that best fit their needs”. ... [...]

‘How to optimize your lead generation forms: three case studies’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to optimize your lead generation forms: three case studies”. Justin Rondeau says, “Lead generation marketers are remarkably lucky. If your peers in ecommerce run a series of utterly brilliant A/B or multivariate tests for conversion optimization (CRO), the most they can expect is a 20-something sales lift. (Heavy testers like Dell are thrilled when a test wins single-digit additional sales.) But, lead generation marketers can expect a much higher impact. In fact, the average lead generation CRO campaign results... [...]

‘Produce content for sales and branding’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Produce content for sales and branding”. Kumail Hemani says, “Two main things highlight a successful business online: attracting more visitors and engaging your audience. Content is everywhere. It is not just limited to one industry, you need content to promote all kinds of products or services and to improvise a business online. Content marketing is a clear pitch for branding as it directly deals with the audience, answer questions, clear their concepts or misconceptions and find an ideal way”. Produce content... [...]

‘The Marketer’s Go-To Guide for Creating Data-Based Content’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The Marketer’s Go-To Guide for Creating Data-Based Content”. Kieran Flanagan says, “We inbound marketers are a unique bunch. One day we love to dream up lovable campaigns to delight our audience, and the next we want nothing more than to dive into some data. As more and more companies begin to turn on their inbound marketing machine and start creating content, let’s remember that our inherent data chops as marketers can help us create content that’s high-quality, shareable, and insightful”. The Marketer’s... [...]

‘Five demoralising Google Trends’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Five demoralising Google Trends”. Ben Davis says, “Google Trends is a time vacuum. Many a time I’ve been lost, exploring abstruse, spurious and tantalising connections between search terms, instead of doing actual work. Below, with more than a hint of my own tastes, I’ve screenshot some of what I consider to be dispiriting Google Trends (one of the more fun uses of Trends). See if you agree with my pseudo-pop-culture laments. Yes, this is a pre-UK holiday post, a bit of fun, but, with the inclusion of YouTube search... [...]

‘REPORT: Twitter Ad Revenue To Hit $1 Billion in 2014’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “REPORT: Twitter Ad Revenue To Hit $1 Billion in 2014”. JimEdwards says, “Emarketer, the advertising research company has a new estimate of Twitter’s revenues: $582.8 million in global sales in 2013 before closing in on $1 billion in 2014. Of that, $308 million will be from mobile ad impressions alone in 2013, the company reckons. Note that Twitter‘s revenues — fueled by its new Ads API — are scaling up a little bit like the way Facebook’s did before its IPO“. REPORT: Twitter Ad Revenue To Hit... [...]

‘The 10 Commandments of DIY Marketing Design’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “The 10 Commandments of DIY Marketing Design”. Keith Frankel says, “When we first posted a photo of our do-it-yourself design ebook cover on Facebook, one of our fans challenged us a bit on whether we really designed the cover ourselves by commenting, “I bet 1 million $ they hired someone to design that image.” Since I’m the guy who leads the creative services part of our Brand & Buzz team at HubSpot, I figured I would step out from behind the curtain and share the truth about how we go about designing our content”. ... [...]

‘How Nike uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How Nike uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+”. David Moth says, “Sports are an inherently social activity, so brands like Nike are a natural fit when it comes to social media marketing. To find out how the sports giant makes the most of this opportunity, I thought it would be interesting to see how it uses Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+. This post is the latest in a series of blogs that have taken a similar look at major brands includingASOS, Tesco, Red Bull, Cadbury and McDonalds“. How... [...]

‘What Is A Facebook ‘Like’ Actually Worth In Dollars?’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “What Is A Facebook ‘Like’ Actually Worth In Dollars?”. Jim Edwards says, “About three years ago, when Facebook marketing suddenly became popular, a number of studies attempted to quantify how much, on average, a single “Like” on Facebook might be worth to a marketer. The numbers varied wildly, of course, depending on the variables you use to calculate the value”. What Is A Facebook ‘Like’ Actually Worth In Dollars?  [...]

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