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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'email marketing' Category

‘Another Foray into A/B Split Email Testing’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Another Foray into A/B Split Email Testing”. Derek S, says, “Testing an email marketing campaign is a tedious, often stressful, task. Having to decide which platform to use doesn’t make the process any easier. Campaigner, a paid email marketing software service, has announced the release of their new A/B split testing solution that it hopes will simply the task for its users“. Another Foray into A/B Split Email Testing Website Magazine  [...]

‘The ultimate guide for a successful campaign’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The ultimate guide for a successful campaign”. Joel Windels says, “The release of a campaign is for marketers the pinnacle of months of hard work. But don’t be fooled, it is not the end of the story. Marketing teams need to continue to track the activity around their projects to determine its success. By analysing the conversation surrounding campaigns marketers can tailor their strategy dependant on real-time reactions. Changes to the theme of a project to reflect sentiment or adjustment of placement can have a huge... [...]

‘ASCEND’ Digital Marketing Summit 2014, Philadelphia, October 22-24

‘ASCEND’ Digital Marketing Summit 2014 is taking place in Philadelphia on October 22-24. ASCENT Announcement ASCEND is a two-day summit that focuses on delivering digital marketing tactics and strategies that will cover a range of topics intended to help you create successful, results-driven digital marketing initiatives, including: email marketing, content creation, social media, SEO, conversion optimization and buyer psychology. Email is the hub for successful marketing programs. Customers have been growing their businesses with AWeber over the past 15 years and we thought it was... [...]

‘Gmail grid view: six implications for email marketers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Gmail grid view: six implications for email marketers”. Ben Davis says, “I’ve only recently been thinking about Gmail and its trial of grid view, though the trial has been happening since the end of March 2014. The announcement had passed me by until I chatted to someone from an email build company that specialises in creative use of imagery. See this post on agile creative in email. If you’re not familiar with Gmail’s grid view, it’s the ‘Pinterest-isation’ of the promotions tab in Gmail’s tabbed inbox,... [...]

‘Don’t Overlook These Email Marketing Fundamentals’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Don’t Overlook These Email Marketing Fundamentals”. Jim Davidson says, “When it comes to email marketing, it takes a lot to shock me. That’s not to say I’m left unimpressed when I review my set of about 7,000 retail emails every month. Email continues to be a medium in which marketers can work their magic, but that’s part of the problem. HTML is more flexible than it was 10 years ago, and responsive design allows for variable designs that render content in a more predictable fashion. But because of that, many marketers... [...]

‘5 Signs You Don’t Have an Email Strategy’ – Return Path

The latest article on Return Path blog is titled “5 Signs You Don’t Have an Email Strategy”. Margaret Farmakis says, “As a Professional Services organization, my team is called upon to help solve a variety of email marketing challenges. A missing email strategy is one of the most common, and perhaps the one that causes the most widespread damage, while also being particularly complicated to solve. “Strategy” is often overused and incorrectly applied, so I will rely upon a few business experts here to clarify the definition. Richard Rumelt, author of Good Strategy, Bad... [...]

‘4 Sure Fire Ways to Win Back Customers with Email’ – VerticalResponse Blog

The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “4 Sure Fire Ways to Win Back Customers with Email”. Lisa Furgison says, “Every once in a while, a few subscribers stray. It`s natural. But that doesn`t mean they`re gone forever. We’ve got some tips to help you bring ‘em back.First, you`ll want to segment your list and send an email to those who haven`t opened your recent messages. The goal of this email is to re-engage with your subscribers. What should this email say? Linda Pophal, who helps small businesses with online marketing through her company, Strategic Communications,... [...]

‘A 5-Point Inspection On Email Deliverability’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “A 5-Point Inspection On Email Deliverability”. Brandon Olson says, “Deliverability is the name of the game when it comes to email marketing. It’s the first step to a successful email campaign. Without it, your emails are like a red hot Ferrari without the engine. Most email marketing providers offer some great features, like mobile responsive email templates, customizable signup forms and autoresponders, which are all important. But when selecting an email marketing provider, email deliverability should be your number one priority. There are... [...]

Download: Marketo’s ‘Top 10 Tips for Better Email Performance’ eBook

Marketo has released a free ebook titled “Top 10 Tips for Better Email Performance”. The Marketo team says, “Better email results can immediately improve the success of your marketing programs. Search no further – these 10 quick and simple tips for email marketing will help you get the results you’ve been looking for! You’ll discover: Which metrics to measure (beyond just click-through rates) How to improve on standard list segmentation How to streamline your email process so you can focus on email strategy & creative concepts The best ways to incorporate... [...]

‘Email Marketers Give Up on Inactive Customers Too Soon’ – Return Path

The latest article on Return Path blog is titled “Email Marketers Give Up on Inactive Customers Too Soon, Return Path Study Finds”. Return Path team says, “Return Path, the global leader in email intelligence, today released a new research study, “Email Win-Back Programs: Everyone Recommends Them, But Do They Work?” The findings show that win-back campaigns, or email marketing campaigns designed to re-engage inactive subscribers, serve a vital purpose by mitigating the inbox placement risk posed by inactive subscribers while enabling senders to maximize their audience reach.... [...]

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