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Friday, March 7, 2025

Archive for the 'Internet Entrepreneurship Tips' Category

Guru Destroyer connects you with real buyers #ad

Jamie Lewis has built a seller marketplace (called Guru Destroyer) for affiliate marketers, domainers, ecom and service/agency sellers and more. And he has just released it for use by online marketers. Users sign up, and then can use the marketplace to sell digital products. In addition to the marketplace, he includes training modules where you can learn some of the newest cutting edge marketing strategies for 2020 taught by Lewis, himself. Guru Destroyer allows you to post your marketing link, such as • A product for sale, • A service you offer, • A domain you want to flip, •... [...]

Beware of Websites Bringing Gifts

You’ve hear the saying, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”. That’s true online, too. (IM NewsWarch is still the exception.) Free services have bills to pay, just like everyone else. They will find a way to pay those bills; almost always from their users. One extreme example of this is the Hola service (, a proxy that anyone can use at no charge. Wonderful;right? Well, not necessarily. When you sign up for the service, you are agreeing to their terms and conditions and their privacy provisions. In the terms, they say that they can use your PC... [...]

Growing Profits – Fast Actionable Business Tips & More #ad

Joel Comm has been a leading online marketer for close to 10 years. He is best-known as the author of the best-selling book, The AdSense Code: What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense . In addition, he has come up with many other creative ideas for software, training and pre-built websites in online marketing. Now, he has just released his latest, called Growing Profits. . This is a community website he and his partner, Dan Nickerson have built to be a repository of short actionable tips and nuggets in multiple business categories. Each month they share new ideas that will improve... [...]

‘Why Creativity Matters More Than Passion for Entrepreneurs’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Why Creativity Matters More Than Passion for Entrepreneurs”. BusinessNewsDaily team says, “What is the most important quality of an entrepreneur? Many would argue it is passion — an overwhelming love of what one is doing, and the drive and determination to see one’s dreams realized. Others might say leadership — the ability to bring a team of people together and guide them toward a common goal. But some believe that creativity — a boundless imagination that is constantly innovating and seeing the world through a different lens... [...]

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