Scott Richardson says, “1100 attendees. 101 degree summer heat. One comedian. And of course, Serial. Podcast Movement hosted an amazing conference last weekend in Fort Worth, TX focused on connecting and inspiring podcasters (and aspiring podcasters). The all-star lineup was stacked with the biggest names in the podcasting community including Sarah Koenig of Serial, Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, and John Lee Dumas ofEntrepreneur on Fire. While the takeaways from the speakers on stage were incredibly inspiring, we also learned a lot from the community of attendees. Check out the awesome... [...]
Archive for the 'Internet Marketing Podcasts' Category
Parviz Parvizi says, “Podcasting is having a celebrity moment: Serial’s Sarah Koenig has appeared on The Colbert Report; Arnold Schwarzenegger has been on theTim Ferriss show; and, most recently, Barack Obama visited Marc Maron’s garage to appear on his WTF podcast. The $65 Billion Question Beneath the headlines, however, we see conflicting stats that lead us to ask whether podcasting is truly taking off or just getting more popular with existing diehard users. Measured by Google searches and episode downloads, podcasting has seen 30+% annual growth in recent years. On the other hand,... [...]
Corey Ferreira says, “Podcast listenership continues to grow tremendously every year. According to the Washington Post, in just the last 5 years, the average number of unique monthly podcast listeners has tripled to 75 million. Additionally, 33% of people surveyed by Edison Research have listened to a podcast, which is up from 23% five years ago. What this means for you as a business owner is that podcasting is a content format you should start considering to reach this growing audience to help grow your business. You do not need to be a very technical person nor do youREQUIRE a lot of money... [...]
Tom Tate says, “Okay, I’ll make a bold statement here. The future is in podcasting. Let me explain why. In the beginning, there was the blog. And the blog was good. With a blog, anyone with internet access can easily carve out their own little slice of the web to grow their audience, share their expertise and interact with new communities. The ability to establish trust and credibility with engaging blog content gives businesses and professionals a clear advantage, no doubt”. Podcasting: Are You Ready For the Movement? Aweber Blog [...]
Jay Acunzo says, “One of my favorite analogies I use to describe great content marketing involves the movie The Matrix. (Don’t worry, I mean the first one – not the so-so second or the can’t-believe-I-paid-for-this-crap third.) Throughout the film, Neo gets pushed and poked and prodded to do great things by Morpheus. At first, however, Neo can’t do much of anything. Although he tries his best, he just ends up looking confused, scared, and generally despondent … which, if we’re being honest with ourselves, is a pretty accurate description of many of us when faced with the breakneck... [...]
Rainmaker team says, “Do you want to create a podcast for listeners? Or do you want to deliver a remarkable audio experience to your audience? In this reprisal of his presentation at Authority Rainmaker, Jerod Morris dives deep into the four essential elements of a remarkable audience experience“. Showrunner ‘Short’: The 4 Essential Elements of a Remarkable Podcast ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
Rainmaker team says, “Does your sidebar look like a cluttered closet that’s stuffed to the gills with distracting ads, images, and text? Time to unpack your sidebar, look at everything you’ve put there, and consider whether or not it’s pulling its weight. The result of your efforts? A sidebar that’s good for business. This week on Hit Publish, host Pamela Wilson invited three Copyblogger experts to share their best advice on cleaning up your sidebar once and for all“. Clean Up Your Sidebar! ‘Copyblogger’ Blog [...]
Linda Formichelli says, “You know how to reach success as a writer because you’ve heard it a million times: It’s all about the baby steps, baby. Break down your goal into manageable chunks and take one tiny step at a time towards your vision so you don’t get overwhelmed — and you’ll make steady, if slow, progress. Well, maybe that works for some people. But for me, taking teeny steps towards my goals is hugely demotivating. Seriously, when I think about sending out a single email sales letter, making one cold call, or buying the supplies I need for my business one Post-it note... [...]
Rainmaker team says, “Recent research shows that the human brain can detect confidence in your voice in 0.2 seconds — faster than the blink of an eye. And it’s confidence that influences the listener to give you attention and perceive authority. It’s an interesting finding, especially with the mainstream emergence of podcasting. We’ve already discussed how audio is smart foundational content that can be repurposed into text, slides, and infographics. But perhaps audio is simply the smartest content of all, standing alone? Not everyone writes with authority. But anyone can speak with... [...]
Rainmaker team says, “How do you get your market to notice, remember, and value you, when there are so many competing and conflicting messages out there vying for their attention? And why did Tony record this session from within a pillow fort? In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark reveal: Why being different is not enough Taking the lead — and why that does not mean being an expert What it means to set up camp in your prospect’s brain How trying to please everyone will kill your brand The key positioning questions you need to be able to answer”. Deadly... [...]