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Friday, February 7, 2025

Archive for the 'PPC Marketing' Category

‘Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization: Partner Relationships ‘ – Marketing Land

Lori Weiman says, “Welcome to Part 4 of my series on PPC brand bidding. This article covers working with partners and affiliates to corner the search engine results page (SERP) and control CPC costs. I created this series using data from The Search Monitor (Disclosure: my employer) to help answer the biggest question facing PPC advertisers in 2016: How do I get meaningful growth numbers out of a crowded and competitive PPC market? Let’s get you all caught up. In Part 1, we reviewed how gains in PPC evolved over the years and why top-line revenue is so hard to come by today. Part 2 used... [...]

‘5 Reasons Why You Need a PPC Expert to Help You with Your Campaign’ – Small Business Trends

Ronald Dod says, “We’re living in a golden age that finds more and more entrepreneurs going into business for themselves, and it’s not hard to see why. Thanks to the Internet, anyone with a marketable skill can build a website or start a business for very little cost up front. If they play their cards right, work hard, and stay the course, they stand a real chance of becoming wildly successful. However, it’s also increasingly common for self-starters to think that they can and should handle every aspect of managing their business themselves, up to and including their Web marketing... [...]

‘How To Grow Online Market Share Without Increasing Your PPC Budget’ – Marketing Land

Jacob Baadsgaard says, “Pay-per-click advertising is all about buying online market share. People are searching online for something relevant to your business, and you pay to show up in that search. It’s a great model, provided that those impressions actually turn into sales. Unfortunately, even if your PPC efforts are producing profitable sales, most business owners and account managers live with the nagging feeling that their ad spend isn’t producing properly. The market share is there; you just can’t seem to capture it!”. How To Grow Online Market Share Without Increasing Your... [...]

Easy TV Money® 2.0: your guide to affiliate marketing in 2016 #ad

Veteran online marketer, Nick Chou has revised and improved his popular Easy TV Money, training that shows how Chou has earned big from affiliate marketing with Clickbank and other affiliate networks. Starting with no experience and virtually no money, in the last 10 years he has earned millions of dollars. He immigrated to the USA in 2001, with almost no English and just $200. But by getting the right training, he was able to learn online marketing and make the Internet his key to financial security. Easy TV Money 2.0 is his latest and best training, based on his own experience, on how to success... [...]

‘Create A Killer PPC Strategy With 3-Step Process’ – Marketing Land

Jeff Baum says, “Throughout my digital marketing career, I’ve had the good fortune to audit numerous paid search accounts. Many of these accounts are missing one critical component: a coherent strategy. Without a solid strategy, how can we ever employ the correct set of tactics to effect positive outcomes for our PPC accounts? Today, I’m going share a process for creating winning strategy that will lead to strong, sustainable results for your paid search program. What Is Strategy, And How Is It Created? In order to create strategy, it’s important to understand what it is. According... [...]

‘How This Entrepreneur Super Charged Web Traffic with PPC Campaigns’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Brian Hughes says, “With all the hype around content marketing and social media, are pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns still relevant to digital marketing in 2016? Absolutely! While SEO tactics and content marketing are important for building long-term marketplace dominance, these strategies won’t deliver overnight results. PPC campaigns remain a critical component of any well-rounded marketing program and are especially important for building initial traffic for a new business. These campaigns rapidly deliver a high number of qualified leads, thanks to advanced targeting segmentation.... [...]

Five Complete Online Businesses in a Box #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek is offering to set you up in 5 online businesses, all of them designed to attract clients looking to promote their business online. With this new offer (he calls it his 2 Cent Traffic System), you can help business people with these marketing needs: ■ Facebook Ads Made Easy. ■ Facebook Remarketing Made Easy. ■ Google AdWords Made Easy. ■ Pay Per Click Made Easy. ■ Media Buying Made Easy. Pareek includes the following components for each of the 5 niches: • High quality & High Definition Video Series (70-80 Videos total) for you to sell. • Ready to... [...]

‘PPC ads: should you bid on a competitor’s name?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Chris Sheen says, “Picture the scene. You type your company’s name into Google and the top two results are competitors who have taken ads out in your name. What would you do next? This is exactly the scenario I was faced with recently and I was pretty shocked. I mean yes, we all had a good chuckle when Samsung took out its cheeky ‘Awkward You Obviously Mean’ ads on ‘iPhone 6’ a little while back (in fact, I remember forwarding it round the office, and I love Apple!). But that was different. They are the really big boys! We’re in a ‘relatively’ niche B2B market and it just... [...]

‘How to Launch Your PPC Ad Campaign Like a Pro’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Google AdWords is the largest advertising platform that has ever existed in the history of the world. Seems like a good place to start when launching a new advertising campaign, right? Remember when your mom asked you the other day, “How come I didn’t see your business on Google?” You thought, “I better figure this AdWords thing out.” You opened an account and have been giving money to The Google ever since. If you’re anything like I was when I started advertising, you might be thinking about the following: You’re probably scared to death you’re going to burn... [...]

‘3 Unique Areas To Explore When Hiring A PPC Agency’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt Umbro says, “The PPC agency landscape is incredibility vast and competitive. During the sales process, agencies present a variety of credibility badges, including: Audits Case studies Client testimonials Technology (proprietary or third party) This information is all well and good, but it is a commodity. In other words, all agencies are providing this information. As someone who has overseen the sales process and then gone on to manage accounts, I contend that there are three missing areas of conversation that would instill more confidence in potential clients and hold agencies more... [...]

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