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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'PPC Marketing' Category

‘Is Baidu pay per click advertising the only way into China?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Is Baidu pay per click advertising the only way into China?”. Misha Maruma says, “It has been said that, “great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people.” But any discussion about doing business in China cannot help but talk about people. According to the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) by the end of 2013 there were 618m internet users in China. This is around 46% of the population. 500m people use mobile devices to connect to the internet and 302m people... [...]

‘Mobile accounted for 28% of US PPC impressions in Q1 2014: report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Mobile accounted for 28% of US PPC impressions in Q1 2014: report”. David Moth says, “It’s no great secret that mobile search is becoming increasingly popular and that it will soon become more common than desktop search. However new data from The Search Agency suggests that there’s some way to go before mobile devices challenge desktop’s dominance of paid search. Its new Q1 2014 report shows that smartphones accounted for 16.9% of ad impressions, compared to 11.1% on tablet and 72% on desktop“. Mobile accounted... [...]

‘How to Set Pay-per-click Advertising Goals’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “How to Set Pay-per-click Advertising Goals”. Melissa Mackey says, “In my experience of managing pay-per-click advertising campaigns, the most common reason why campaigns fail is due to a lack of goal setting at the beginning. Sometimes advertisers are so anxious to “start a PPC campaign” that they don’t take the time to figure out what their goals are. Resist the temptation to put tactics before goals and strategy. It’s easy to see your competitors online and think to yourself, “we need to do PPC.” What’s wrong with... [...]

‘Google’s Keyword Encryption Coming to PPC Data Near You’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “Google’s Keyword Encryption Coming to PPC Data Near You”. Ginny Soskey says, “These past six months, Google’s been a hypocrite. They encrypted keyword data for organic search, but left AdWords keyword data untouched. It seemed like the company was taking up a “pay-to-play” model for keyword data … which didn’t seem to be very Googly. Recent developments, however, suggest that they’ll soon become much less hypocritical. According to sources at Search Engine Land andGhergich & Co, Google’s... [...]

‘Tips To Improve PPC Conversion Rates’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “My Best Tips To Improve PPC Conversion Rates”. Chow says, “Obviously we all want to improve our conversion rates, right? The real question is – how? Here we will go over some tips to improves these conversion rates for the lowest cost possible. The first tip is to test out your landing pages. Google now has ways to test your web pages quite simply. Try changing up the headers on your page – color scheme, headline titles, remove some of the navigation options, or add some more options, etc. Also changing your actual headlines and the body of your... [...]

‘Use Negative Keywords to Optimize PPC Campaigns’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Use Negative Keywords to Optimize PPC Campaigns”. Melih Oztalay says, “In “High Quality Scores Mean Lower Pay-per-click Costs,” my article last week, I addressed the concept of a pay-per-click quality score, and its inverse relationship with per-click cost. In this post, I will review “negative keywords,” another method of optimizing a PPC ad budget. I’ll start with an example. Say you have targeted “leather shoes” as a key phrase in your ad campaign. Google would then display your ad for search queries that include... [...]

‘High Quality Scores Mean Lower Pay-per-click Costs’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “High Quality Scores Mean Lower Pay-per-click Costs”. Melih Oztalay says, “The Google AdWords quality score is a weighted average from 0 to 10 based on how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing pages are to a person searching and engaging with your ads. A high quality score, which is measured per keyword, can lead to lower prices and better ad positions. The quality score of each keyword is calculated every time that keyword matches a search. The more relevant your ads and landing pages are to the person searching, the higher your... [...]

‘5 Reasons to Use PPC Ads for Local Marketing’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “5 Reasons to Use PPC Ads for Local Marketing”. Melih Oztalay says, “Getting your website to appear in organic search engine results is one of the most important web marketing strategies. But don’t forget about search engine advertising, too. Pay-per-click ads are among the quickest ways to drive website traffic to generate more leads and sales. In this article, I’ll address five reasons to include search engine advertising — i.e., pay-per-click ads — in your local marketing strategy. 1. Target Consumers by Geography and Search... [...]

‘PPC Ads: 10 Signs You Need Optimization’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “PPC Ads: 10 Signs You Need Optimization”. Melissa Mackey says, “Many people who are new to pay-per-click advertising treat it like traditional media, where most of the work is done upfront. Once the ad is designed and the decision is made as to where it will run, the job is done. In PPC, however, the real work”. PPC Ads: 10 Signs You Need Optimization Web Marketing Today  [...]

‘Content and Pay Per Click – Using them Together for Success ’ – VerticalResponse Blog

The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “Content and Pay Per Click – Using them Together for Success”. The VR team says, “With the rise of social media and Google’s search algorithm favoring new and unique content, there’s been a lot of buzz these days around producing content. Blogging, informational videos, infographics, guides, and the like are more popular now than ever. All this great content provides businesses with a unique opportunity to gain new customers.If your business isn’t currently producing content for your prospects and customers, you should definitely... [...]

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