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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Search Engine Rankings' Category

Voice search: ranking factors you should know

Voice is the new trend in the mobile-led Internet world. When it comes to getting good rankings for the voice search, you need to consider several metrics. Search Engine Land columnist Greg Sterling has shared an analysis of the eleven voice search ranking factors. Sterling says, “Backlinko has done an extensive analysis of “voice search ranking factors” and identified 11 variables tied to appearing in Google Home results. The company examined 10,000 results delivered over the smart speaker. What Backlinko found was consistent with what many others have been saying but there were also... [...]

How (and Whether) to Invest in and Structure Online Communities [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Rand Fishkin on ‘How (and Whether) to Invest in and Structure Online Communities’. The MOZ team says, “Building an online community sounds like an attractive idea on paper. A group of enthusiastic, engaged users working on their own to boost your brand? What’s the hitch? Well, building a thriving online community takes a great deal of effort, often with little return for a very long time. And there are other considerations: do you build your own platform, participate in an existing community, or a little of both?... [...]

Using the Cross Domain Rel=Canonical to Maximize the SEO Value of Cross-Posted Content [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Rand Fishkin on ‘Using the Cross Domain Rel=Canonical to Maximize the SEO Value of Cross-Posted Content’. The MOZ team says, “Same content, different domains? There’s a tag for that. Using rel=canonical to tell Google that similar or identical content exists on multiple domains has a number of clever applications. You can cross-post content across several domains that you own, you can benefit from others republishing your own content, rent or purchase content on other sites, and safely use third-party distribution... [...]

Diagnosing Why a Site’s Set of Pages May Be Ranking Poorly [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Rand Fishkin on ‘Diagnosing Why a Site’s Set of Pages May Be Ranking Poorly’. The MOZ team says, “Your rankings have dropped and you don’t know why. Maybe your traffic dropped as well, or maybe just a section of your site has lost rankings. It’s an important and often complex mystery to solve, and there are a number of boxes to check off while you investigate. In this Whiteboard Friday, Rand shares a detailed process to follow to diagnose what went wrong to cause your rankings drop, why it happened, and... [...]

Three ways technical SEO can help you perform better

Your content plays the vital role in getting good search engine ranks. Apart from content, your techniques to get your sites rank high also matters. Search Engine Land columnist Ryan Shelley has posted an article on how these techniques, i.e. technical SEO can help you get good search engine rankings. Shelley says, “Technical SEO can help your site in the age of semantic search in a number of ways: Titles & meta. Your title is one of the first things crawled on your web pages. Providing a clear and focused title helps the crawler understand the content on the page. It helps set the tone... [...]

What Does It Mean to “Write for SEO” in 2018? [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Rand Fishkin on ‘What Does It Mean to “Write for SEO” in 2018?’. The MOZ team says, “”Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes” — it’s a quote that’s actually quite applicable when it comes to writing for SEO. Much of the advice given to copywriters, journalists, editors, and other content creators for SEO writing is dangerously out of date, leaning on practices that were once tried and true but that could now get your site penalized. In this edition of... [...]

Five reasons why number one rankings have fallen in importance

When it comes to search engine rankings, most of us wish to achieve the number one spot on the web. Though it is a challenging job, most marketers try to achieve it and some could do it. Forbes contributor Jayson DeMers has a slightly different opinion on continuously trying to achieve the number one spot in SEO. He has cited five reasons why the number one rankings have fallen in importance. DeMers says, “The thing is, number one rankings have fallen in importance to search optimizers, and for several independent reasons: 1. Rank one is no longer rank one. The last time you asked Google... [...]

Why It Can Pay to Get Links from Domains that Don’t Always Rank Highly [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Rand Fishkin on ‘Why It Can Pay to Get Links from Domains that Don’t Always Rank Highly’. The MOZ team says, “Contrary to popular belief, the top ranking pages aren’t always the best targets for your link building efforts. There are good reasons to chase those links, sure, but there are also drawbacks — as well as some hidden alternatives you may not have considered trying. This Whiteboard Friday delves into the pros and cons of targeting high-ranking sites for links and why you should consider a link intersect... [...]

Should SEOs & Content Marketers Play to the Social Networks’ “Stay-On-Our-Site” Algorithms? [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Rand Fishkin on ‘Should SEOs & Content Marketers Play to the Social Networks’ “Stay-On-Our-Site” Algorithms?’. The MOZ team says, “Increasingly, social networks are tweaking their algorithms to favor content that remains on their site, rather than send users to an outside source. This spells trouble for those trying to drive traffic and visitors to external pages, but what’s an SEO or content marketer to do? Do you swim with the current, putting all your efforts toward placating the social network... [...]

Why Google AdWords’ Keyword Volume Numbers Are Wildly Unreliable [MOZ Video]

MOZ has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Rand Fishkin on ‘Why Google AdWords’ Keyword Volume Numbers Are Wildly Unreliable’. The MOZ team says, “Many of us rely on the search volume numbers Google AdWords provides, but those numbers ought to be consumed with a hearty helping of skepticism. Broad and unusable volume ranges, misalignment with other Google tools, and conflating similar yet intrinsically distinct keywords — these are just a few of the serious issues that make relying on AdWords search volume data alone so dangerous. In this edition of Whiteboard... [...]

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