Searchmetrics has published the latest Voices of Search podcast episode ‘2022 SEO Predictions’ featuring Benjamin Shapiro. The Searchmetrics team says, “Jordan Koene, SEO Strategist at Searchmetrics, and Ben sit down together to give 5 SEO predictions for 2022. Google caught the community by surprise on multiple occasions this year, and with that in mind, they discuss what could be in store for SEO in 2022.” Searchmetrics [...]
Archive for the 'SEO Tips' Category
Learning is an inherent process that helps you grow. Today, there are multiple resources available to learn the concepts and lessons you need. Ahrefs contributor Rebecca Liew has published an article highlighting 15 podcasts to boost your SEO game. She says, “I have serious commitment issues when it comes to podcasts (and books and TV series, for that matter). That’s because I’m a firm believer in being fussy about what I give my time to. And having tuned in to various SEO podcasts in the past month, I must say 15 of them won my fancy. From broader discussions on SEO to more technical... [...]
On-page SEO is the process of optimizing pages on your site to improve rankings and user experience. Semrush has published ‘On-Page SEO: An In-Depth Guide’ to help you understand this process. Connor Lahey says, “Google regularly updates its algorithm, improving its ability to understand both user intent and overall user experience once a user lands on a page. That’s why it’s important to learn SEO and keep up with best practices. Additionally, Google prioritizes user experience, so it’s key to consider on-page SEO practices in your overall strategy. A well-optimized... [...]
HubSpot has published a new video ‘What Is SEO | How To Rank In 2022’ explaining the SEO basics and highlighting some useful tips to achieve high search engine rankings. The HubSpot team says, “SEO is how you get your website to rank high on Google search results, which drives traffic and increases sales. This video offers a full overview of how to achieve SEO excellence, along with free tools to help the process and the latest tips to rank high in 2022.” HubSpot [...]
A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a web page. A page’s title tag is displayed as part of the search snippet in a search engine results page (SERP). Rank Ranger’s Liraz Postan has published a complete guide titled ‘SEO Title Tags’. He says, “First things first, if you didn’t know by now, you should learn what title tags are and what’s their primary function. Title tags are coded HTML tags that involve selecting a specific title for a website. The location of the title tag is always on the title bar of the selected browser and the Search... [...]
The term bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors from an external source that land on a page and leave without navigating to another. Practical Ecommerce contributor Ann Smarty has published an article explaining what bounce rates mean for SEO. She says, “Bounce rate is a helpful metric only compared to other pages on your site — to identify (and understand) pages with an unusually high or low bounce rate. A high bounce rate could indicate a slow load, poor design, confusing content, or other flaws. (It could, again, also mean the page responded to visitors’ needs without having... [...]
Semrush has published a new six-chapter guide ‘SEO for Beginners: A Guide to SEO & Why It Matters’ to help you better understand and improve your SEO performance. The guide covers the following chapters: Chapter 1: SEO & How It Works Chapter 2: Technical SEO Chapter 3: Keyword Research Chapter 4: On-Page SEO Chapter 5: Link Building Chapter 6: Measuring SEO Success. SEO for Beginners: A Guide to SEO & Why It Matters Semrush [...]
SEO expert Dan Rich has answered this important question ‘Are 301 Redirects Bad For SEO?’ in his latest blog post. He says, “Having a site full of 301 redirects shouldn’t cause any ranking issues, here are a few reasons why: 1. Redirects Don’t Cause You To Lose PageRank In the past (post-2016) if you redirected a page not all of the link authority (PageRank) would transfer over to the new URL. This means that the page would potentially not rank as well as it did prior to the redirect. As of July 2016, this is no longer the case, if you redirect a URL the full link authority... [...]
When it comes to achieving higher Google rankings, there are several elements you need to consider. Title tags are one of such elements. Search Engine Journal contributor Matt G. Southern has published an article answering the question ‘Are Title Tags A Google Ranking Factor?’ He says, “In this piece, we aim to answer those questions by investigating various claims and looking at on-the-record statements from Google. The Claim: Title Tags Are A Ranking Factor A page title is the text that appears in the <title> tag within the <head> element of an HTML document. When... [...]
Search Engine Journal is hosting a live podcast ‘The Key To SEO Success: Effortless Expectation Setting’ featuring Grant Simmons on Friday, February 25, 2022, at 3 pm ET. Loren Baker says, “Whether you’re at an SEO agency or are an in-house SEO professional, it can feel challenging to set and keep SEO expectations in check with reality. Helping non-SEO pros understand your long-plays is easier said than done – or is it? Grant Simmons, Director of SEO at ClickFluent Consulting, will discuss how to position yourself as a thought leader for your department, clients, and shareholders,... [...]