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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Archive for the 'Facebook Graph Search' Category

Audience Drill: More sales from your Facebook ads #ad

When done right, Facebook advertizing can be quite profitable. But it requires you to promote a good offer and to target the right audience. Unfortunately,many people find that (1) it’s hard to figure out what is going to sell and (2) what the best audience for it is. That’s why Sam Bakker and his partner, Brad Stephens have spent the last few months finding a way to solve these two problems. Their answer is Audience Drill, which lets you not only search for what your competition is posting on Facebook. In addition, it shows you the right audience to target for your offers. Audience... [...]

Traffic Genesis: Lots of traffic, No payment, No interest for 6 months #ad

You know you need traffic. By now, you have seen plenty of evidence that the Traffic Genesis team knows how to get it for you. What’s the remaining barrier to your purchase? Maybe, it’s the cost. Traffic Genesis isn’t cheap, but with the loads of extra traffic a site can get when you apply its tools and techniques, the extra sales can pay for your copy. The team has worked a deal with PayMeLater so that you can delay paying for 6 months, without any interest fee. This means that you can get it today, use it for 6 months. Only then do you pay anything for it. The bonuses are outstanding.... [...]

Traffic Genesis goes live today. Facebook traffic generation at its best #ad

If you have enjoyed the free samples of the traffic wisdom of Mike Filsaime,Andy Jenkins and Laura Betterly, in the three free training videos they have shared, you will be interested in getting the details of their complete Traffic Genesis program. There were a lot of insights into marketing on Facebook in the three training videos; plenty of tips to help you begin using Facebook advertising. But if you want to be more than a “beginner”– if you want to master the art of advertising– they have a lot more to share with you in the full Traffic Genesis program. Watch the final... [...]

Graph Authority App: sophisticated targeted Facebook ads #ad

Precious Ngwu has produced the most extensive tool ever for finding individual Facebook members who are good prospects for your ads, for any niche you choose. He calls it Graph Authority App, and he released it over the weekend to rave reviews. This new tool, once you choose the niche to target, can find: ■ People who are members of a group in that niche ■ People who attended an event in that niche ■ People who “like” a particular page ■ People who respond to a Facebook post related to the niche Throw in additional criteria such as gender, where they dine, where they shop... [...]

‘What Facebook Will Look Like by 2024’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “What Facebook Will Look Like by 2024”. Todd Wasserman says, “Online empires come and go. At one time, Alta Vista was the top search engine and Netscape was the only web browser. Both are now gone. Will the same happen to Facebook?It’s unlikely the company could completely exit the stage. However, the Facebook of 2024 will look very different from today’s version. Primarily, the company will continue to morph from a social network to a more traditional media company. Several macro trends will likely drive that transformation,... [...]

‘Facebook Tests Graph Search on Mobile: How It Works’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Tests Graph Search on Mobile: How It Works”. Seth Fiegerman says, “I’m usually the last person to get new features on Facebook. It took days before I started seeing the “trending” section on the main page and I still haven’t been updated to the redesigned Facebook, though the latter may end up getting scrapped anyway.So when I updated a few of the apps on my iPhone on Saturday and saw that I suddenly had access to Graph Search on the Facebook app, I just assumed everyone else did too. Apparently not... [...]

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