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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Facebook News' Category

‘Facebook Groups: Now there’s an app for that’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Facebook is breaking out yet another feature into a standalone app. The social network rolled out Facebook Groups, an app to help users stay in touch with all of their Facebook groups and find new ones. The app functions as a hub for everything related to groups on Facebook. Upon launching the app, users see a list of the groups they belong to, with the most frequently viewed appearing first”. Facebook Groups: Now there’s an app for that Mashable  [...]

‘Facebook Has Finally Killed Organic Reach. What Should Marketers Do Next?’ – Forrester

Nate Elliott says, “After years of pushing brands’ reach lower with one hand (and opening marketers’ wallets with the other) Facebook has finally announced the end of organic social marketing on its site. In a Friday night blog post the social giant warned brands that “Beginning in January 2015, people will see less of this type of content [promotional page posts] in their News Feeds,” and admitted that brands that post promotional content “will see a significant decrease in distribution.” It’s not as if marketers could count on much organic reach or engagement anyway. Ogilvy... [...]

‘Why Facebook For Work Will Be A Hard Sell To Employers’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “If your office blocks Internet access to Facebook, odds are it doesn’t block LinkedIn, too. Facebook thinks that’s no fair. Now, the social network is building “Facebook at Work,” a version of its site for the workplace. According to the Financial Times, the site will look like Facebook proper, but allow employees to keep their work life separate. Users will be able to chat with coworkers, collaborate on projects, and build catalogues of colleague’s contacts, with each of these services directly competing with Microsoft’s Yammer, Google’s Drive, and... [...]

‘Facebook is cracking down on ‘overly promotional’ posts from brands’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “Facebook announced that it intends to crack down on “promotional content” from brands, citing feedback on Friday from users who complained about too much hucksterism in their News Feeds. Such content was showing up in the form of status updates from brands that consumers had Liked at one time or another. Starting in January, updates with a promotional bent won’t show up in users’ News Feeds as much, thanks to an algorithm tweak. Facebook defines “promotion” in three ways: Posts that solely push people to buy a product or install an app”. Facebook... [...]

‘Facebook is making ‘Facebook at Work,’ so you can Facebook at work’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “You already Facebook at work, so here’s “Facebook at Work.” Facebook is working on extending its network beyond the social realm and into the professional world, according to the Financial Times, citing anonymous sources. The company’s new, enterprise-focused product will be similar to the functionality of its current site, with a newsfeed, groups and messaging capability. However, it will also include collaborative tools for work on shared documents. Facebook at Work will be entirely separate from personal accounts, with no information from a... [...]

‘Facebook’s Latest “You Are The Product” Message: We Will, We Will, Sell You’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Helena A. S. Popkin says, “Facebook’s latest iteration of its privacy policy is both the shortest and clearest so far about what it means to do with your personal information: Squeeze it for all the money it’s worth. Your privacy settings won’t be changing, the social network explained Thursday in a blog post. But its rules for using your location and payment information (when that service is added) are getting an update to accommodate its expanding empire. To augment—if not distract from—this reminder that it owns its users, Facebook simplified its privacy settings with... [...]

‘Beyond Tag Management: The Future Of Advertising Data’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Josh Dreller says, “Throughout this series on Tag Management Systems (TMS), you’ve read about tags, how to manage them, how to evaluate TMS vendors, and other tag related issues. Tag management is certainly an important part of online marketing to date, but marketers are beginning to realize that better tag management only takes advertisers and the digital marketing ecosystem so far. Simply put, tag management is just one slice of the advertising data pie that marketers need to wrangle. Yes, tags are a crucial component for collecting web data, but your data doesn’t just live on a website,... [...]

‘Facebook Messenger now has 500 million monthly active users’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Facebook now has another app with more than half a billion users. Facebook announced Monday that its Messenger app has 500 million monthly active users. The company had said there were more than 200 million active users during an earnings call in April. “This is an exciting milestone but with a half billion people relying on Messenger to communicate and connect, it is also a reminder that there is so much left for us to do,” Peter Martinazzi, director of product management at Facebook, wrote in a blog post“. Facebook Messenger now has 500 million monthly... [...]

‘Mark Zuckerberg On Facebook Organic Reach: We Optimize For Users Not For Businesses’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg answered the question on every Facebook marketers’ mind today. What happened to the organic reach on my Facebook Page? His answer, during an hour-long Q&A With Mark live-streamed from the company’s Menlo Park headquarters, will sound familiar because Facebook has been giving a variation of the same answer all year. That Facebook’s billion-plus community is sharing more, which means there’s more competition in the News Feed. The average user, Zuckerberg said, trotting out a well-used stat, could see 1,500 updates a day but only sees... [...]

‘Facebook is giving you more control over your News Feed’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Facebook is giving you more ways to tweak what you see in your News Feed. The social network unveiled a new settings menu and customization options for News Feed that allows users to personalize the types of content they see. SEE ALSO: 20 Things Your Most Annoying Friends Do on Facebook The News Feed settings menu, which appears in the Facebook apps and on the web, displays which friends appear most often in your News Feed and which friends you’ve chosen to unfollow. From there, you can choose to unfollow people you don’t want to see anymore or re-follow (Facebook... [...]

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