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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Archive for the 'Facebook News' Category

‘Facebook Adds Features to Paper, Says Slow Growth Is No Concern’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Adds Features to Paper, Says Slow Growth Is No Concern”. Kurt Wagner says, “Facebook Paper, the standalone news reader app the company launched in January, released its first significant app update Friday — adding a couple new features to the News Feed section of the app as well as making a few subtle design tweaks. You can now see birthdays and events within Paper by clicking on the notifications tab in the upper righthand corner of the app and scrolling to the bottom. Users can also add a photo to a comment by using the phone’s... [...]

‘Report: Facebook Planning E-Money Service in Ireland’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Report: Facebook Planning E-Money Service in Ireland”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Facebook is moving closer to becoming more of a checkbook, at least according to one report. The Financial Times reports that Facebook is “weeks away” from gaining regulatory approval in Ireland for a service in which users can store money on the social network and transfer funds to one another. The electronic money service would work throughout Europe, according to the report. Facebook is also looking to partner with several startups for international... [...]

‘Too Many Facebook Hashtags Seriously Hurt Your Brand’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Too Many Facebook Hashtags Seriously Hurt Your Brand”. Matt Petronzio says, “You really need to stop using so many hashtags on your brand’s Facebook Page, according to a new report (though, it’s probably a good rule of thumb for your personal page, too). Social media marketing company Socialbakers released data this week showing that the more hashtags a brand uses in a Facebook post, the less engagement it receives. Based on a sampling of 200,000 brand posts on Facebook in February 2014, brands that used one or two hashtags... [...]

‘Facebook Sharing Bug Generates Faulty 404 Errors’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Facebook Sharing Bug Generates Faulty 404 Errors”. Martin Beck says, “It’s a minor, but annoying bug. Sporadically, when someone tries to share a Marketing Land or Search Engine Land post on Facebook, the social network displays a 404 error. It’s not an actual 404 error, mind you. If you click the link, you are taken to a live page with all the great content you’d expect from us. Obviously, no publisher wants to be associated with such error messages. And ours aren’t the only sites being hit by the bug, which... [...]

‘When Facebook Sends Visitors to News Sites, They Tend Not to Stay’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “When Facebook Sends Visitors to News Sites, They Tend Not to Stay”. Kurt Wagner says, “Social media is great for finding unique content from sources you might not otherwise visit — but loyalty still matters in the news business. That’s according to new data from the Pew Research Journalism Project. Readers who visit a publication’s homepage spend nearly three times as long on the site as those who visit via Facebook or a web search, according to Pew’s data. Those loyal homepage users visit more than four times... [...]

‘Facebook Continues Redesign Rollout With New Look for Pages’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Continues Redesign Rollout With New Look for Pages”. Kurt Wagner says, “Facebook redesigned its news feed last week, but the company isn’t stopping there. Next up for a makeover is Facebook Pages. Facebook announced a new look for Pages on Monday, changing the appearance for both Page visitors and Page admins to what the company is calling a more “streamlined” look. The new design includes two columns similar to the old version, but the right column is now the Page’s timeline and the left includes information... [...]

‘How to Identify Relevant Hashtags for Your Business’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “How to Identify Relevant Hashtags for Your Business″. Baer says, “Identifying the right hashtags is critical when it comes to social monitoring and engagement. This allows us to find the conversations where our target audience hangs out. By adding value to the conversation, we can start to build up a relationship that could possibly leads to a business transaction (or at the very least awareness). I have developed this three-step method using a few favorite Twitter tools – Twitonomy,, and RiteTag”. How... [...]

‘Facebook Unveils News Feed Redesign, One Year Later’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Unveils News Feed Redesign, One Year Later”. Kurt Wagner says, “Facebook will begin rolling out a redesign for its news feed on Thursday, almost exactly one year after the company initially announced a major overhaul at its Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters. The new look includes font changes and more prominent photos that span the entire news feed, but the overall look is more subtle than the changes Facebook promised a year ago when it first announced the redesign. Those proposed changes never took place, except on a small... [...]

‘Facebook Drones May Soon Be A Reality’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Facebook Drones May Soon Be A Reality”. Selena Larson says, “Facebook may soon have its own drones. According to TechCrunch, the company is looking to acquire New Mexico-based drone maker Titan Aerospace for roughly $60 million. Last year, Titan Aerospace unveiled the world’s first solar-powered atmospheric satellites with a flight range of over four million kilometers. The drones can operate like an orbital satellite and perform tasks including earth imaging, maritime traffic monitoring communications relay, and power Internet,... [...]

‘Facebook To Kill Email Service’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Facebook To Kill Email Service”. RW Editors say, “Facebook is sunsetting the email service that went generally unused, The Vergereports. Initially launched in 2010, the email service allowed Facebook users to send and receive messages in one inbox, with the option of forwarding it to the personal email connected to the social network. Most people had not been using their email addresses, a Facebook spokesperson told the publication“. Facebook To Kill Email Service ReadWrite  [...]

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