The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Turn Google+ Content into Ads”. Allison Howen says, “Soon, brands will be able to turn Google+ posts into advertisements that can run across the more than 2 million sites in the Google Display Network. According to an announcement posted on Google’s Eran Arkin’s Google+ page, the company has started testing a new ad format called +Post ads. These ads enable brands to take a piece of their public Google+ content, including photos, videos and Hangouts, and turn it into a display ad that runs in the Google Display Network”. Turn... [...]
Archive for the 'Google+ Marketing' Category
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “18 of the Best Content Marketing Strategy Guides of 2013”. Tom Pick says, “Content marketing is a hot topic, primarily in the B2B world but increasingly in consumer marketing as well. The number of Google searches for the phrase have increased 400% since January 2011. And as noted here yesterday, 93% of B2B marketers are now using content marketing, with more than half calling it their biggest priority this year. The first step toward content marketing success begins with (or at least should begin with) creation of... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “6 Facts About Social Media Marketing”. Angela Hausman says, “Is your business using digital and social media marketing? Are you getting the most out of your social media marketing campaigns? Are you on the RIGHT social media platforms to reach your target market? Is your social media marketing strategy clearly articulated and complete? Do you feel overwhelmed in trying to optimize your social media marketing?”. 6 Facts About Social Media Marketing [...]
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Tests Social Ads, Turns Google+ Posts Into Display Ads To Show Across The Web”. Ginny Marvin says, “Today, Google introduced a type of promoted post in Google+ that allows brands to turn their social content into ads that are distributed on the Google Display Network. Toyota USA, Cadbury UK and RITZ crackers are among the test partners participating in the closed beta. Brands can take content posted on Google+ and turn photos, videos and even Hangouts into display ads. Rather than have the ads served only... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “New Google+ Ads Won’t Run on Google+”. Todd Wasserman says, “Google is using its Google+ social network to create ads but not run them, the company announced on Monday.The “+Post” ads will run on Google Display Network, which includes 2 million sites. The ads look just like Google Plus posts but appear outside the network. For example, if you’re in the market for a minivan, you might see a Toyota ad pop up on AutoTrader or another car enthusiast site. In that sense, the units behave much like Facebook’s... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Social Media 101: How To Structure Updates for Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter”. Jonathan Payne says, “Does the way you structure a social media update have a significant impact on clickthroughs, shares, and overall engagement? Data shared by digital marketers Jon Loomer and Dan Zarrella appears to answer this question with a resounding, “Yes structure matters!” Before diving into how you should structure social media updates, I want to emphasize the following: Your updates should be crafted to ensure people... [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Automate Your SEO Reporting by Exporting Your Leads into Excel”. Brian Harnish says, “One of the most time-consuming tasks for SEOs is sifting through emails to find leads and organizing them in a way that facilitates action. With the right tools, you can scrape your inbox into an Excel file, allowing for far easier data manipulation. Whether you’re using Gmail, Outlook, or just about any other client, this post shows you how”. Automate Your SEO Reporting by Exporting Your Leads into Excel MOZ Blog [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Was There a November 14th Google Update?”. Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “MozCast measured a substantial one-day temperature spike on November 14th. This spike coincided with large-scale DNS errors, but the cause of the changes is unclear. Webmaster”. Was There a November 14th Google Update? MOZ Blog [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “9 Lessons from an $11m Marketing Campaign”. James Porter says, “Most marketers would love to have the budgets that large corporations can play with, but the truth is that big-budget tactics don’t have to cost a huge amount of money. Here are some great lessons we can all learn from an immensely successful campaign in the UK”. 9 Lessons from an $11m Marketing Campaign MOZ Blog [...]
The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Remarketing: How to Make Your Content Marketing and SEO up to 7x More Awesome”. Larry Kim says, “Today, I’ll share with you a case study on how we used remarketing to make our content marketing and SEO efforts up to seven times more effective. In the last two years, we’ve moved beyond just doing SEO and I’d love to show you the lessons we’ve learned in the time it took to get here”. Remarketing: How to Make Your Content Marketing and SEO up to 7x More Awesome MOZ Blog [...]