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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Archive for the 'Social Media Marketing' Category

Facebook Timeline for Pages PLR – Your Clients Need This Information #ad

It happens next week. Facebook converts business pages (a.k.a. Fan pages) to the timeline format. Few businesses understand the implications. Even fewer are prepared. You can be their hero; show them the mess they are in, then lead them out of it. And get paid well for doing it. Reese Richards has prepared your silver bullet to get their attention about their problems: A 24-slide PowerPoint presentation that explains the problem and the way out. You can customize with your logo etc. A 30-minute video that goes through the presentation A 30 minute audio of the presentation A 12 page brandable report... [...]

Facebook App System 2.0 lets you create unlimited apps for your clients and yourself #ad

You can join The Big Players By Offering Custom Facebook Apps To Your Clients. This service is normally offered by the major ad agencies at major cost. With this new software, you can compete with these giants and bid way lower. The FB App System is a new software that allows you, no matter what your skill level, to create and build viral Facebook applications. The FB App System comes complete with downloadable software, video instructions, a member’s dashboard, and more. All for a “warrior’s price.” Find out more here.  [...]

‘ Takes an Interest in Pinterest’s Copyright Woes’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “ Takes an Interest in Pinterest’s Copyright Woes”. The Daily Dot says, “Pinterest, the fast-growing online image board, is infamous for its unresponsiveness to ordinary users and big brands alike. Angry content creators, concerned about their photos being copied wholesale to the site by Pinterest users, are looking for somebody to take their complaints”. Takes an Interest in Pinterest’s Copyright Woes  [...]

‘How Social Tools Are Changing Performance Management’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How Social Tools Are Changing Performance Management”. Morgan Norman says, “Cutting edge apps, software, websites and gadgets are sparking big changes in the workplace. Consequently, traditional performance reviews are no longer making the cut, and with good reason”. How Social Tools Are Changing Performance Management  [...]

Automate Your Backlink Building For Top Rankings In Google #ad

Peter Garety’s new WP Magic Black Box Plugin builds useful> backlinks automatically, backlinks that Google still respects. Every time someone visits you site or leaves a comment, it can result in a new backlink with this software. With this software, you can distribute visitor comments on many pages throughout your blog and create instant social testimonials for your site. Use this powerful software for snowball-like content syndication that creates growing backlinks based on visitor count to your site. Get the whole story on WP Magic Black Box Plugin here.  [...]

‘Facebook Diplomacy: ‘Israel Loves Iran’ Pages Take Off’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Diplomacy: ‘Israel Loves Iran’ Pages Take Off”. Zoe Fox says, “Diplomatic tensions continue to escalate between Israel and Iran. But prospects for peaceful reconciliation are looking up if you turn to Facebook. A married pair of graphic designers from Tel Aviv, Ronny Edry and Michal Tamir, are using a Facebook Page called Israel Loves Iran to tell the Iranian people that they don’t want a war”. Facebook Diplomacy: ‘Israel Loves Iran’ Pages Take Off  [...]

‘Mitt Romney Holds Google+ Hangout, Defends Microsoft’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Mitt Romney Holds Google+ Hangout, Defends Microsoft”. Alex Fitzpatrick says, “Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney held his second Google+ Hangout on Tuesday, taking questions from supporters on a wide range of issues. Right off the bat, Romney was asked about how he would handle cybersecurity, digital intellectual property theft and software piracy”. Mitt Romney Holds Google+ Hangout, Defends Microsoft  [...]

‘Why Is Pinterest So Addictive? [INFOGRAPHIC]’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Why Is Pinterest So Addictive? [INFOGRAPHIC]”. Stephanie Buck says, “I ask myself this question every day (and every night at 2 a.m. when I’m still pinning). But seriously, what is so great about spending hours browsing other people’s images? Column Five created this infographic to examine the Pinterest addiction that seems to be spreading like a zombie apocalypse virus. Proof? Pinterest users spend an average 98 minutes on site per month, third only to Tumblr (2.5 hours) and Facebook (7 hours). Antidote? None”. Why... [...]

‘Nimble Streamlines Your Company’s Communication Over Social Media’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Nimble Streamlines Your Company’s Communication Over Social Media”. Emily Price says, “Where day-to-day communications used to take place in the form of handwritten notes and meetings scribbled in a DayPlanner, today businesses communicate with clients everywhere from email to tweets and Facebook wall posts ”. Nimble Streamlines Your Company’s Communication Over Social Media  [...]

People are trying to hack our websites and do us and our visitors harm. Be prepared #ad

Parts of the cyber world may be “going to the dogs” but we don’t have to sit and complain. We can protect ourselves, and we should. Now, with Blog Protector Plan we can. Blog Protector Plan is a complete blog security strategy and implementation plan, all in one. You get the site security report defining what is needed (with lifetime updates), a detailed checklist you can use for each site you need to harden, pus membership in the Blog Protector site, with many additional resources to assist implementing your security plan. This may be your only chance to protect yourself before... [...]

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