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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Social Media Marketing' Category

Aurelius Tjin releases “The Ultimate Social Media Plan” with PLR #ad

Aurelius shows how to move your business forward with the power of high-traffic social media sites. Comes with squeeze page, sales page, download page and complete graphics. Aurelius is well-known for the quality of his PLR products. Check on The Ultimate Social Media Plan here.  here.  [...]

Grow Your Facebook Fans List & Email List at the Same Time #ad

You can use the new Viral Cash Magnet to persuade your readers to do three things: Become a fan on Facebook Post a message about you on their wall Opt in to your mailing list The viral implications are remarkable. Your blog readers become your ambassadors to their friends as well as strengthening their own relationship to you. Explore Viral Cash Magnet here.  [...]

Viral WordPress plugin builds your list while it earns you money #ad

This plugin, which was created by well-known marketer/programmer, Derrick Van Dyke for his mother’s blog, is suited for any WordPress site. Build squeeze pages inside your WordPress blog, using one of the included templates, so you can sell products for years to come to your readers. Very flexible You even get the rights to re-brand and resell the plugin or even give it away to build your business. The only problem is that Derrick and his mother are only selling 300 copies and in the first three days, they have already sold over 200. If you use WordPress, don’t wait. Befor it’s... [...]

Mike Artime has just released “My Blog Monetizer 3.0” for inserting affiliate ads in your blog #ad

This WordPress plugin makes inserting contextually-relevant ads into your blog, automatically and nearly instantly. In addition to the automation, the plugin tracks views and click-throughs for the ads and it does A/B testing, so you can see which ones to cut and which to emphasize. With just a few clicks you can run multiple campaigns throughout your blog, and track every single click. The plugin is well built and easy to use. The admin dashboard is particularly easy to navigate. Get the rest of the story here.  [...]

The “Viral Buyer Plugin” for WordPress increases sales using Facebook’s “Like” #ad

Give people a discount if they will “Like” your page. They want the discount so they “like” you, which attracts their friends to come and see what their friends liked. This plugin makes it easy. People share your story with their friends even before the become your customers. The word is spread to the people who know them and respect them. They become the best kind of ambassadors for your product. You also get help in building an attractive page for the “likers” to see since one of the bonuses contains hundreds of call to action buttons that you could use with... [...]

Build professional websites for your clients with these Business Themes #ad

Get three beautiful, professional business themes for peanuts. Use them for your own sites or for your clients. These themes have flexibility, ease of use and charm all built in. Stir in a few choice words and a knock-out product and you’re dome. You choose the colors, the layout, the widgets and the graphics. Make it uniquely yours. Learn more here.  [...]

Get Viral Traffic Fast With New Facebook Software #ad

Dan Lew has announced his Easy FB Campaigns software. It lets you hide interesting material on your Facebook pages until a person clicks on your “Like” button. It could be a recipe, some celebrity news, some stock picks, etc.whatever your visitors are looking for. When they “like” it, they get the “reward” they were seeking and their friends are informed, and many will click to find out more. If they also “like” it, their friends are also told and the snowball keeps growing. Monetize all these visitors with CPA offers, affiliate products or your own... [...]

Need a Facebook app that gets people to like your fan page? #ad

The technique is simple. Offer something attractive for people who will click your “Like” button. Give them what you promised them. Then ask them to share it with their friends. This can grow your fans quickly. Troy james has released a simple, inexpensive app that will help you do this in whatever niches you choose. And he offers to let you rebrand and sell this app to other people, too. It’s an offer you won’t want to miss. Get the details here.  [...]

‘3 Useful Facebook Media Apps’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “3 Useful Facebook Media Apps”. Alicia Eler says, “Like its users, Facebook’s media apps are fickle. Yesterday Facebook launched 12 media apps: for Buzzfeed, CBS Local (Los Angeles and New York), The Daily Show, MTV News, TODAY Show,, photo-sharing site Pixable, entertainment social network GetGlue, CMT (Country Music Television), SportingNews (coming in March) and The Huffington Post”. 3 Useful Facebook Media Apps ReadWriteWeb  [...]

Is “Think Links 2012” The Ultimate SEO Linking Resource? #ad

The value of on-page optimization is going up, but backlinks are still an important factor is getting your page highly ranked. You want tried and true backlinking methods that have been refreshed with the twists that work best now. Think Links 2012 includes: A complete guide to trials of the most popular automated SEO and linking services. The Big Page of SEO a collection of SEO wisdom that has stood the test of time The SocialBomb Report, to show you how to use social media to accelerate your SEO A special version of Directory Submitter</i software that helps you create 16-17 of the most powerful... [...]

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