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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Twitter Advertising TIps' Category

Your Guide to Running Twitter Ads in 2022

By advertising on Twitter, you can extend your reach to its vast user base. Social Media Examiner contributor Anna Sonnenberg has published an article on how to run Twitter ads in 2022. She says, “The cost of a Twitter ads campaign depends on a few factors. Most importantly, which type of Twitter ad do you want to run? Each Twitter ad type has a different average cost range: Twitter promoted ads average about $0.25 to $2 per action. Twitter follower ads average about $2 to $4 per follow. Twitter takeovers average about $200,000 per day. While Twitter takeovers have a fixed rate, promoted... [...]

HubSpot’s Guide to Twitter Ads Campaigns

HubSpot contributor Sarah Goliger has shared a guide to help you create Twitter Ads Campaigns. This guide elaborates various ways you can use to start advertising on Twitter. It also describes steps to set up your ad campaigns. Goliger says, “To expand your reach and grow your follower list on Twitter, consider supplementing your organic efforts with the paid promotional opportunities Twitter has built right into the platform. Using Twitter Ads is an easy way to get your tweets in front of the audiences that don’t yet follow you, which is particularly useful for generating... [...]

‘In-stream video ads have arrived on Twitter’ – Marketing Land

Greg Finn says, “As more and more of us consume video on mobile devices, advertisers are looking to capitalize. On Tuesday, Twitter rolled out in-stream video ads to help advertisers reach their audience in a very engaged setting. These in-stream ads can be run across video clips and live streams from Twitter’s Amplify publishing partners. Included in the Amplify partner program are major sports networks, top TV networks, news outlets and magazines. These ads can be run as pre-roll or mid-roll ads to match up with the content that users are consuming. Other video ad options on Twitter... [...]

‘Twitter to bring pre-roll ads to Periscope videos’ – Marketing Land

Tamar Weinberg says, “Twitter is chasing the money, and Periscope is their next target. Per an announcement today, Twitter will soon allow publishers and creators to monetize their Periscope content with support of pre-roll ads within video. With pre-roll ads, viewers will receive the same user experience that is seen within Twitter videos, just now extended to Periscope. This enables brands to engage with viewers with their marketing message before the actual video is viewed. Just scroll through the Periscope feed, and all videos (live and replay videos) will start with an ad. This is a... [...]

Instant Tweet Cash: How to use Twitter in Marketing #ad

Leon Tran just released a new training course, Instant Tweet Cash, that shows you how to use the power of Twitter to reach millions of Twitter users. Some of those users surely want your product or service. You need to know the ropes of twitter marketing and take advantage the techniques that give you an advantage. Here’s what you are going to discover in Instant Tweet Cash: Video Module 1: Introduction To Twitter Marketing Video Module 2: Successful Twitter Page Video Module 3: 7 Steps To Twitter Marketing Success Video Module 4: Creating Your Twitter Page Video Module 5: Customize Your... [...]

‘Twitter is testing carousel ads again, but a different type’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “A little more than a year after Twitter began testing carousel ads that could include multiple app install ads, the company will now start experimenting with carousels that can include normal tweets, including possibly yours. Twitter’s latest carousel ad format lines up an array of tweets — text, photos or videos — into a horizontal slideshow, not unlike Facebook’s, Instagram’s and Google’s versions of the format. Brands can include up to 20 tweets in a carousel, but Twitter recommends they limit themselves to around five or seven. Brands can pick one of their... [...]

‘New Conversion Lift Reports Will Help Twitter Advertisers Capture The Impact Of Ad Exposure On User Response’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “Most direct response and conversion-oriented marketers know that last-click attribution simply leaves too many touch points out of the conversion equation. Today, Twitter has announced a way to help gauge the effectiveness of ad exposure (including cross-device campaigns) on conversions with new “Conversion Lift Reports.” The goal of the new reports is to help marketers capture the incremental lift that ad exposure has in the ad process. In order to set up the campaigns, advertisers need to first request a study through Twitter. Then a target audience is segmented... [...]

‘3 Ways to Use Twitter Ads to Grow Your Business and Personal Brand’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jonathan Long says, “When Twitter announced at the beginning of the month that its ad platform was now available in more than 200 countries and territories, it opened up endless possibilities for entrepreneurs to market their businesses as well as grow their personal brands. Through my online marketing and search-engine optimization consulting I’ve encountered two types of people that have experience with Twitter ads: those that have tried to launch campaigns and failed miserably, and those that have found success — it’s one or the other. It’s a great promotional tool when... [...]

‘Twitter Ads Are Now Available Pretty Much Everywhere’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin BEck says, “Need to advertise in Mongolia, Tajikistan or the Isle of Man? Starting today, Twitter can help with that. The company announced that is has made its self-service ad dashboard available in more than 200 countries and territories, pushing beyond its previous roster of 33 countries and into just about every market that Twitter reaches. Twitter also announced that it has approximately 100,000 advertisers, up from the 60,000 it reported last November. Many of those advertisers are the small and medium business owners who are the primary target market for Twitter’s self-serve... [...]

‘Why you are unsure how to advertise on Twitter’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Twitter is popular among social media marketers. Twitter advertising is decidedly less so. Overall enthusiasm for Twitter remains high, and social media pros plan to use it even more than they already do. 66% of social media marketers plan to increase their Twitter marketing in the near future, according to the 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, released by Social Media Examiner. 66% of social media marketers plan to increase their Twitter marketing in the near future1 (highlight to tweet) Interest in learning more about Twitter is almost equally strong, with 58% of... [...]

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