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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Archive for the 'Twitter Advertising TIps' Category

‘Reactive Tweeting, It’s A Thing Of The Now’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Reactive Tweeting, It’s A Thing Of The Now”. Rachel David says, “Brands flocked to squawk in 2013 proving Twitter is where the conversation is at no matter the event. These companies taught us that you don’t have to create an event and live tweet to increase brand visibility and engagement. Instead, hijack one. If done correctly, brands can capitalize on already established events such as football games, award shows, TV specials, etc., and join the already ongoing conversation alongside their fans. Two great examples... [...]

‘Most Top Brands Still Don’t Engage With Twitter Followers’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Most Top Brands Still Don’t Engage With Twitter Followers”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Taco Bell and T-Mobile have both gained attention in recent months for engaging with customers and other brands on Twitter, but a new study shows most big brands still hold off from the practice.During the final three months of 2013, 98 of Interbrand’s top 100 global brands tweeted at least once and the average company tweeted 12 times per day, according to data from Simply Measured, a social media analytics provider. However, the report also... [...]

‘E-Commerce in Your Twitter Stream’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “E-Commerce in Your Twitter Stream”. Pete Prestipino says, “While information publishers and service providers still struggle with how to best use the platform, Twitter is reportedly extremely close to releasing an e-commerce solution of its own, as a new deal pends between the social network and payments startup Stripe. Little is actually known about the pending arrangement, but the two companies would likely work together to introduce functionality that would enable retailers to accept purchases directly from inside a tweet.... [...]

‘Twitter Is Catching Up to Facebook in Ad Targeting’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Twitter Is Catching Up to Facebook in Ad Targeting”. Todd Wasserman says, “Twitter announced that advertisers can now reach you through your Twitter ID or email address, offering the kind of targeted ad messages that Facebook specializes in.Granting access to email addresses could mean more CRM messaging. If you signed up for a Banana Republic credit card, for instance, you might now be targeted on Twitter with Promoted Tweets from the company advertising a one-day sale. Using Twitter IDs (usernames and handles), meanwhile, will let advertisers... [...]

‘5 Tips To Leverage Twitter’s New Nearby Feature’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on  ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “5 Tips To Leverage Twitter’s New Nearby Feature”. Wesley Young says, “In recent weeks, Twitter has made headlines with the quiet launch of its experimental Nearbytimeline, which allows eligible mobile users to discover tweets posted by others in their immediate vicinity, regardless of whether they are following them. This feature is currently available to a select number of users who have opted-in to allow their location information to be shared on Twitter. Nearby appears as its own tab alongside the Home... [...]

‘Getting Started with Twitter Ads’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Getting Started with Twitter Ads”. Melissa Mackey says, “Businesses are increasingly turning to pay-per-click advertising on social media sites to reach customers and prospects. Twitter Ads are one way to do this. Many business executives wrongly assume that Twitter is just a place for people to tell others what they are having for lunch. But Twitter is useful for business news, information, and interaction. Many people, including me, get most of their news from Twitter, since stories often break there first. The interactive nature... [...]

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