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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Twitter Marketing' Category

A Marketer’s View of Twitter’s new Periscope service

What is Periscope? Periscope ( is Twitter’s new live-streaming video app that allows you to watch live video from all across the globe. Periscope also has a function even more important to marketers, the ability to create videos that vcan be seen around the world. The beauty of Periscope is that it saves the video streams once you are finished, so that anyone can view them for up to 24 hours. Periscope’s live feeds can be shot from iPhones and iPads and watched through smartphones, desktops or laptops, either through the app or on the Twitter website. A viewer... [...]

WP Scope: Free Video Content & Viral Traffic #ad

Imagine that you could build a massive video following in just 30 seconds. That could elevate your business success dramatically. That’s what Cindy Battye is offering in her new software : WP Scope. It just went live this week and it has already sold over 2000 basic and upgraded versions. People are aware of the quality software Bettye has released in the past (about a dozen marketing tools) and are counting on this new one to be just as good. With : WP Scope., she is letting you take advantage of the new, free, marketing platform from Twitter, known as Periscope. It is largely untapped... [...]

‘Six Simple yet Effective Ways to Make the Most out of Twitter’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Pooja Lohana says, “Confusing, isn’t it? You religiously compose posts for your Twitter account and follow the advice of experts to the T, expecting a surge of engaged and active followers. After all, how hard can it be to write 140 characters to draw people’s attention, right? But you and I know it doesn’t work that way. Instead of bringing you (or your clients) new leads, Twitter can become a huge time-suck if you fail to apply method to social media madness. So how can you make sense of Twitter, gain more followers, and tick off your marketing goals?“. Six Simple... [...]

Can Periscope expand your audience, build your brand authority overnight? #ad

Veteran marketer, Cindy Battye has just released a turn-key solution for publishing fresh, hot, trending video content and then using it to magnetically gather leads and sales, a solution that she calls WP Scope. In this new software, she is taking advantage of a brand new, and so far, untapped platform: Twitter Periscope (Periscope.TV). This software is a leading edge content creation tool and traffic tool that solves a universal problem for marketers using Periscope: how do you profit from from your ‘Scopes’ long after you have held them? (They usually disappear after 24 hours.)... [...]

‘Twitter Ads Are Now Available Pretty Much Everywhere’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin BEck says, “Need to advertise in Mongolia, Tajikistan or the Isle of Man? Starting today, Twitter can help with that. The company announced that is has made its self-service ad dashboard available in more than 200 countries and territories, pushing beyond its previous roster of 33 countries and into just about every market that Twitter reaches. Twitter also announced that it has approximately 100,000 advertisers, up from the 60,000 it reported last November. Many of those advertisers are the small and medium business owners who are the primary target market for Twitter’s self-serve... [...]

‘Was Twitter’s Visual-Tool Debut at the VMAs a Glimpse of Things to Come?’ – ClickZ Blog

Yuyu Chen says, “At MTV’s Video Music Awards on Sunday night, Twitter gave a select group of celebrities a sneak-peek of its unreleased photo and video editing tools. Is the move indicative of a forthcoming Instagram-like mobile app? Facebook’s leap into social photography via its purchase of Instagram three years ago has certainly served the platform well. And while the image-sharing platform is predicted to claim a big slice of the visual pie in terms of ad revenue, Twitter does not want to fall behind. The micro-blogging platform is rumored to be adding visual features too. At... [...]

‘Why Conversion Rate Isn’t The Whole Story: Using Customer Data To Predict Value And Optimize Media Spend’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

David Booth says, “There have been some tremendous advances in understanding the value of digital (and offline) marketing initiatives in recent years. And with everything from tracking pixels to sophisticated analytics and attribution platforms, many marketers have finally begun to use the ocean of available data to guide their marketing dollars. For those doing this well, it means knowing just how much it costs to acquire a new lead or customer, sell a product or service, or get people to interact and engage in upper funnel activities. For those not doing this, in most industries at this... [...]

‘How To Use Video To Enhance Your Email Marketing Campaigns’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Michael Litt says, “Love it or hate it, email is at the heart of many business relationships, and it is one of the main tools marketers use to develop and nurture relationships with prospective customers. Unfortunately, our inboxes are inundated with messages. It’s hard enough to get a response from someone expecting your email, let alone from someone who knows you’re trying to sell them something. Our inboxes aren’t that different from our social media feeds in that respect. They’re full of updates we don’t care about (and sometimes even from people we don’t care about). Think... [...]

‘Twitter’s Advice For Better Customer Service: Get Personal’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “That brands should be “human” on social media has become a cliche. Worse, in some cases, brands take the advice too far and make embarrassing attempts to act like humans of a certain age. (See the Brands Saying Bae Twitter account.) But when it comes to customer service, authentic humanity works very well. That was the most surprising finding to come out of research that Twitter published this month, Twitter research manager Meghann Elrhoul told Marketing Land. Brands that got personal in customer service interactions did far better than those that kept it businesslike.... [...]

‘5 Ways to Use Twitter for Social Selling’ – ‘’ Blog

Darin Reffitt says, “While a majority of professionals have embraced LinkedIn and the value it provides as a tool for networking, sales and marketing, it seems that Twitter can be a harder sell for some entrepreneurs and sales professionals. For some, highly restrictive company social media policies—coupled with occasional stories of how a single tweet capsized someone’s hard-fought career success—result in the potential benefits of joining the Twitterverse being overshadowed by the perceived risks. To those who feel this way, there are several ways to reap some of the social selling... [...]

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