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Friday, March 14, 2025

Archive for the 'Twitter Marketing' Category

‘How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Tweets?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Puru Choudhary says, “If you consider social media as a serious marketing channel, it’s important that you measure your efforts and see what’s working. It’s useful to think of it as a paid channel where you pay with your time. Let’s say I want to promote one of the Terminus blog posts on Twitter. I can be lazy and just click the Tweet button next to the article and be done with it. But I don’t really learn anything from it. I want to find out what makes people click on the links I share. There are at least two things I can test: What call-to-action (CTA) text gets me the most clicks? What’s... [...]

‘Twitter Tests Desktop Trends Box That Displays Details About Each Trend’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “The trends box on Twitter’s desktop site is very spartan — a list of 10 topics and hashtags displayed without context and tucked inconspicuously into either the right or left rail. It’s likely many users overlook the feature, making it a missed opportunity for Twitter as it attempts to make its platform more engaging and hold the interest of the new users it needs to continue expanding its business”. Twitter Tests Desktop Trends Box That Displays Details About Each Trend Marketing Land  [...]

‘Using Twitter and Pinterest analytics to build engaging content strategies’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Simon Penson says, “he news this week that Twitter has opened up its analytics platform to all is a welcome one for all marketers that value data validation within their decision making process. The announcement comes hot on the heels of the news from Pinterest that it has, for the first time, also opened up its vast treasure trove of data to businesses via its new interface. Data-driven content strategy is something I have spent the past 15 years pursuing and so the addition of such insight moves that process on further than ever and today I want to look at actionable ways in which these... [...]

‘5 Cool Twitter Marketing Tips For Your Brand’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

James Arnold says, “Twitter and other social media platforms are great ways to keep in touch. What started as a purely personal platform for people to re-connect with friends and family has today become a marketing tool for business, small and large. Businesses are literally hustling up to get attention on social media platforms and leave their mark on people. There is no doubt that Twitter is a great marketing tool for businesses and taking the right steps is the only way to get noticed. But what are these right steps? In this article we will be looking at a few great ways to use Twitter for... [...]

‘New LeadSift Tool Lets Brands Target Ads On Twitter Using Demographic & Psychographic Data’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Social media marketing platform LeadSift has launched a new marketing tool designed to help brands target consumers on Twitter, much like Facebook’s ad targeting. According to the announcement, LeadSift’s AIM tool uses demographic and psychographic information culled from tweets so that marketing messages can be crafted for specific groups. Segmenting consumers based on four different stages of the purchasing process – from brand awareness to post purchase – LeadSift says its new ad targeting tool helps brands create messaging based on where the consumer may... [...]

‘What The Tweet? Your Illustrated Guide To New Twitter Jargon’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “Twitter has a problem: New users just don’t know how to use it. To help newbies sign up and start tweeting, the company has made a number of recent changes. Redesigned profiles, a giant World Cup marketing push, and rejiggering the Home timeline are just part of Twitter’s many attempts to make it friendlier for first-time users. The problem: It’s not just Twitter’s design or interface that makes it an intimidating service for the average Internet user. It’s, well, Twitter users themselves. Habitual Twitter users like me have a habit of tossing... [...]

‘Twitter’s Retweet Experiment Will Make You Rethink Your Favorites’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “In its latest effort to engage newbies, Twitter is sharing “favorite” tweets on some accounts as if they are re-tweets. It comes on the heels of another experiment earlier this month that displayed suggested follows in your timeline, similar to ads. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo hinted at timeline changes in the past, so the new features aren’t entirely unexpected. The company is trying to attract and retain users, something it has historically struggled with—showing new users favorites and suggested follows from friends could encourage those new eggs to get... [...]

‘Twitter Tinkers With Feeds to Find New Users’ – Re/code

Kurt Wagner says, “Twitter knows best — at least it hopes it does. The social network started surfacing tweets this weekend that users never actually said they wanted to see, a strategy intended to introduce users to new content they wouldn’t otherwise discover. Twitter is showing users tweets that have been favorited by those they follow — meaning you may soon see tweets others didn’t consciously elect to pass along. Twitter is also surfacing tweets from accounts you may not follow, but others in your network do”. Twitter Tinkers With Feeds to Find New Users Re/code  [...]

‘The Big List of Twitter Tools: 59 Free Twitter Tools and Apps’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Kevan Lee says, “Twitter is a fascinating adventure of relationships, entertainment, education, and fun. Now imagine layering on a few dozen powerups. That’s how it feels sometimes when you find just the right Twitter tool. And there’s a tool for practically every desire or whim. Tools for productivity, for efficiency, for research, and so much more. With such a generous API, Twitter tools have become legion—and we social sharers are better off for it. At Buffer, we tend to come across a fair share of social media tools. We’ve collected a great bunch to share with you! Here are... [...]

‘Twitter to Verified Users: Talk Amongst Yourselves!’ – Re/code

Kurt Wagner says, “With an endless barrage of attention, however do celebs separate signal from noise on Twitter? Consider this example last year when one celeb sparked a tweetstorm after being left off a Yahoo list of the top 18 celebrities of 2013. Poor Heidi Klum, who was name-checked multiple times on the thread, probably had no idea this was going on”. Twitter to Verified Users: Talk Amongst Yourselves! Re/code  [...]

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