The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Twitter Makes Video Watching Easier With One-Click Inline Viewing”. Martin Beck says, “Continuing its multimedia push, Twitter is rolling out a feature to make watching videos on the platform much easier. As reported today by the New York Times, the social media network is using Twitter Cards to give video a more prominent display in users’ timelines. Instead of showing up as a link, that requires several clicks to view, video items will display with an inline thumbnail. It’s how Twitter’s six-second Vine... [...]
Archive for the 'Twitter Marketing' Category
The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Twitter Study: Photos, Videos Lead To Most Retweets”. Matt McGee says, “Tweets that have a photo or video URL tend to lead to the biggest increase in retweets for verified accounts on Twitter. That’s the key takeaway from a Twitter study out this week that analyzed more than two million tweets sent in the span of one month from verified accounts related to TV, news, radio, government and sports. Twitter’s data team looked at measurable tweet elements like photos, hashtags, videos, links and numbers (to measure... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter Lead Generation Cards”. Darren Braybrook says, “Twitter lead generation cards are a great way to advertise on Twitter and gain leads from interested parties. Here is our beginners guide to setting one up. Start by logging into Twitter, then select the settings button in the top right of the screen and click on Twitter Ads. This will then take you through to the Twitter Ads screen, here you want to select ‘Creatives’ from the top options and then ‘Cards’“. A Beginner’s Guide... [...]
HubSpot has released a free report titled “How to Get 1000+ Followers on Twitter”. The HubSpot team says, “Unless you’re a celebrity or your brand is already a household name, it’s not the easiest to amass a huge following on Twitter. The good news? There are a few big levers you can pull to more quickly and effectively collect at least 1,000 quality followers for your personal or professional Twitter account. In this quick read, you’ll learn seven tactics to focus your time and energy on to see the greatest gains in followers, including: How to discover fantastic... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How to Spend Only 10 Minutes Per Day on Twitter”. Aubre Andrus says, “The No. 1 complaint from businesses new to social media is: “I just don’t have time.” What these people don’t realize is that social media doesn’t always require a huge commitment, especially Twitter. As Facebook constantly changes its algorithm and increases preference for promoted posts and ads, turn to Twitter for free and effective small business social networking. Your plan of attack involves two main tools: Hootsuite and Twitter Lists. Once you’ve... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Grow Your Twitter Presence In 2014”. Monica Romeri says, “Twitter is a heavy hitter in the social arena, and social media is an integral part of inbound marketing success. decisions are increasing driven by social influence. Twitter is ranked as the second most popular social network worldwide after Facebook. Change is a constant in the world of social media; it is vital to commit yourself to ongoing learning so that you do not become ignorant of current best practices. To reach a wide captive audience, you... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “15+ Ways to Lose Your Twitter Followers”. Mitt Ray says, “Would you like to keep your Twitter followers? Having more Twitter followers isn’t just about gaining them, but it’s also about keeping the current ones. When you take steps to keep your current ones happy, it will also help you get more engagement through retweets, favourites and responses. Here is a great infographic from DK New Media on reasons why people unfollow on Twitter. It contains a lot of statistics on why people would unfollow someone on Twitter. Check... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Your Twitter Search, Now Served With a Side of Ads”. Jason Abbruzzese says, “Twitter is getting into the search advertising business — sort of. Promoted accounts will now begin to appear at the top of Twitter’s search, providing a new selling point for the company’s primary marketing opportunity. Twitter offers promoted accounts as the primary way for marketers to gain paid exposure on the microblogging platform. More than 90% of Twitter’s revenue comes from advertising, particularly mobile“. Your Twitter... [...]
The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The inexorable usefulness of Twitter to publishers and authors”. Ben Davis says, “I’m trying my best to sound literary in this post – the pseud’s headline, the confessional first line. I was tweeted by an author this morning. The whole uplifting experience was enough to slap me in the face with the wet fish of Twitter’s usefulness to the author and publisher. I thought suddenly, I should write this up for the blog! One of the great things about the blog is the opportunity it affords us to commit the bonne pensée... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How to Spend Only 10 Minutes Per Day on Twitter”. Aubre Andrus says, “The No. 1 complaint from businesses new to social media is: “I just don’t have time.” What these people don’t realize is that social media doesn’t always require a huge commitment, especially Twitter. As Facebook constantly changes its algorithm and increases preference for promoted posts and ads, turn to Twitter for free and effective small business social networking. Your plan of attack involves two main tools: Hootsuite and Twitter Lists. Once you’ve... [...]