The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Adidas’ Twitter feed shows that agile marketing isn’t always off the cuff”. David Moth says, “The Oreo super bowl ad is often held up to be the perfect example of agile marketing in action. In truth there have been a number of similarly effective and timely tweets from brands but Oreo grabs all the plaudits for some reason, probably due to the fact that it coincided with one of the world’s biggest sporting events. Adidas is one example of a brand that consistently produces effective marketing tweets that... [...]
Archive for the 'Twitter Marketing' Category
The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Twitter’s Latest Ad Grab: Promoted Accounts In Your Timeline”. RW Editors say, “If you’re a regular Twitter user, by now you’re probably used to seeing “promoted tweets”—paid tweets from accounts you don’t follow—pop up in your timeline. Today, Twitter announced that you’ll start seeing “promoted accounts” start showing up there, too. Promoted accounts are basically ads that prompt users to follow accounts for businesses or brands, and that make it easy by including a “follow”... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Twitter’s Promoted Accounts Coming to Your Mobile Timeline”. Todd Wasserman says, “Twitter on Monday announced that users will soon begin seeing Promoted Accounts in their mobile timelines.Promoted Accounts, introduced in 2010, are a way for advertisers to get their Twitter feeds in front of more users. On desktop, they have appeared as “who to follow” recommendations. Though the ads have run in a dedicated space above “Trends” on desktop, on mobile they will appear in the timeline, à la Promoted Tweets“. Twitter’s... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “11 Easy Social Media Tips and Tricks”. Chris Abraham says, “This week I am going to just take it back to basics. Here’s a list, off the top of my head, of things that could and should make your social media and blogging life more full, exciting, passionate, accountable, and fruitful — and maybe a little less intimidating. Enjoy! Add Social Media Information to Print Media The most effective way to grow your followership organically without needing to resort to either buying followers or playing the super-aggressive... [...]
The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “A Year in Review: The Biggest Social Media Updates of 2013”. Maggie Hibma says, “Can you believe 2013 is almost over? Well, it is, meaning it’s that time of year again to startplanning for the year ahead and thinking about everything you want your marketing to achieve — more leads, more website traffic, you name it. But it’s tough to look forward without understanding what’s happened this year. That’s why it’s important to not only analyze your own marketing data, but to understand what occurred... [...]
The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Twitter Reverts Blocking Policy After User Outrage”. Selena Larson says, “Earlier today we told you aboutupdates to Twitter’s blocking policythat allowed blocked users to follow and interact with those who blocked them, but effectively “muted” their activity so the blockers wouldn’t see it. As you might imagine, Twitter users were unhappy with the update, and voiced their opinions on the social network”. Twitter Reverts Blocking Policy After User Outrage ReadWrite [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “18 of the Best Content Marketing Strategy Guides of 2013”. Tom Pick says, “Content marketing is a hot topic, primarily in the B2B world but increasingly in consumer marketing as well. The number of Google searches for the phrase have increased 400% since January 2011. And as noted here yesterday, 93% of B2B marketers are now using content marketing, with more than half calling it their biggest priority this year. The first step toward content marketing success begins with (or at least should begin with) creation of... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Twitter Lets Advertisers Target Based on ‘Broad Match’ Keywords”. Todd Wasserman says, “Evolving its ad targeting further, Twitter announced Wednesday that it is letting advertisers target based on “broad match” keywords, that is, two words that are linked to express a sentiment.In a blog post announcing the move, Nipoon Malhotra, product manager for revenue, used the example of the phrase “like coffee,” which might be expressed in the following ways”. Twitter Lets Advertisers Target Based... [...]
The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Twitter Stock Hits New High Following Rollout of Ad Targeting”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Twitter’s second month as a public company is off to a promising start.The social network’s stock topped $51 a share in early trading Tuesday, a gain of more than 4% and a new high for the company. Twitter’s stock had previously shot up by more than 9% in trading on Monday, its biggest single-day gain since going public on Nov. 7. The stock surge follows the news late last week that Twitter will let more advertisers target users based... [...]
The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “6 Facts About Social Media Marketing”. Angela Hausman says, “Is your business using digital and social media marketing? Are you getting the most out of your social media marketing campaigns? Are you on the RIGHT social media platforms to reach your target market? Is your social media marketing strategy clearly articulated and complete? Do you feel overwhelmed in trying to optimize your social media marketing?”. 6 Facts About Social Media Marketing [...]