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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Archive for the 'Yahoo Groups' Category

Group Theft Auto: funny name, serious software #ad

There is a lot of talk about Facebook groups, but Yahoo groups are alive and well. Yahoo has bee doing group support for more years than Facebook has been alive. They have a good platform for “birds of a feather” to get together and talk about their mutual interests. Cliff Carrigan has created software he calls Group Theft Auto- Yahoo Edition to find prospects for your products and services among these Yahoo groups. This Windows software will search Yahoo’s database of active groups to find groups in your niche. These groups are discussing topics directly related to your product... [...]

GRT Yahoo Edition: Real website visits from interested people #ad

Cliff Carrigan has developed GTA Yahoo Edition software to search Yahoo Groups for groups in your niche. The people in these groups are in them because they are intensely interested in your subject. And often they are talking not just talking generally about the topic, but specifically about problems they are having and are seeking solutions for. And that’s an opening for a marketer. The problem is that a lot of Yahoo Groups are spammy, bloated or stale, or won’t let you post a commercial link. So Carrigan decided to automate the search process with GTA Yahoo Edition so he doesn’t... [...]

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