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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Archive for the 'YouTube Marketing' Category

CPA Bully: Make profit pulling CPA marketing videos #ad

Mark Dickenson and the rest of the team that created Backlink Bully have turned their attention to CPA. Their new training, CPA Bully, shows how to win in the CPA business, using YouTube videos to promote qualified (he explains what offers to look for) CPA products. They promise that this training is: ■ Easy to understand ■ Easy for beginners ■ Straight to the point; no fluff to waste your time. Dickenson’s second promise is “You just need to promote the right offers, in the way I tell you to and you’ll be on your way to profits.” He sounds sure of his training.... [...]

Improved SEO for your consulting clients #ad

Offline clients (and online clients, too, for that matter) like to see their websites on page 1 of Google. If you could get your clients’ videos on page 1 of Google search for virtually any keyword for their niche, your services would be worth top dollar (or pound, etc.) Especially, if you could do it without any complexity or hard work, this could be a major help for your consulting business. Devin Zander and Wyatt Jozwowski from Money Mindset SEO have been ranking videos for a long time. Their system, Video Vantage Pro, for using videos to gain page 1 in Google seems to be top-notch. In a day... [...]

Video Vantage Pro software shares your videos around the web #ad

Devin Zander has teamed with marketer Wyatt Jozwowski and programmer Mo Miah to produce software that builds backlinks to your videos all around the web. They call it Video Vantage Pro. This innovative software takes your video, even if it’s brand new, and builds a backlink structure that will increase the rank of nearly any video, they promise. Here’s what it will do for your videos: ■ Automatic, drag and drop video upload to YouTube ■ Optimize tags, keywords, meta-data and titles of your videos automatically ■ Automates account creation on many wiki websites that you can use... [...]

Profit Pirate: Affiliate & CPA profits on YouTube and Facebook #ad

James Knight has released new software called Profit Pirate. He explains it thoroughly on his sales page, but in summary, this software automates your process of getting CPA and affiliate sales on two large free websites, Facebook and YouTube. James reports that he has made over $5020.85 using this software in only 1 week. And it didn’t require advertising or viral help from other marketers. No, he pulled in organic traffic, lots of it, from Facebook and YouTube. With this new software, you can: • Promote CPA offers on Trusted News Sites • Promote CPA and Affiliate Offers on Facebook... [...]

‘What’s the perfect YouTube ad length?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “What’s the perfect YouTube ad length?”. Dan Williams says, “How long should my YouTube ad be? It’s a question that every advertiser creating a video ad for YouTube has to consider. Depending on your advertising goals you may have different opinions on the matter. In this article we look at the results of a split test we recently carried out with one of our clients to find the optimal lenght for an ad when focusing on driving online conversions“. What’s the perfect YouTube ad length? ‘Econsultancy’... [...]

6 Second Blaster: The viral power of Vine videos #ad

Vine is a popular piece of software the thousands of people are using to create compilations of videos, funny, inspiring, or “you name it” videos. It debuted just one year ago, but it’s responsible for some of the most watched videos ever. Marketers can use Vine to build videos to promote their product or an affiliate product they want to sell. It is a curation tool that has many uses. The nice thing is that these videos can often go viral. The bad thing is that it normally takes hours and hours to create one. That’s why Vlad M created 6 Second Blaster. This new software... [...]

YouTube Bully: top methods for easier affiliate or CPA sales #ad

YouTube Bully has been around since 2011. The latest version is v. 2, which Stuart Stirling has just put on sale. There’s a marketing principle that goes back over 100 years: A demonstration is a powerful tool in getting people to buy. That’s why direct selling has always been filled with demonstrations, from automobile spark enhancers to Bibles to vegetable choppers to potato slicers. Every physical product sells better if the potential buyer can see the product in action. Now, YouTube has made it possible for any marketer to provide a demonstration to people all around the world.... [...]

Six Second Blaster: Put the Vine app on overdrive #ad

Vine is a free app for iPhone, iPod Touch and a host of Android devices. It has grown explosively, and now it’s the way most people share videos with their friends. With Vine, people string together 6-second clips (usually funny) into a longer video called a vine. The videos people create with Vine tend to go viral because Vine users are really loyal and even fanatical. Wherever there are fanatical fans, there’s an opportunity for marketers. Six Second Blaster by Romanian marketer Vlad M. is designed to help you take advantage of this Vine craze, making your own videos go viral. Imagine... [...]

Tube Assassin: Get traffic from one of the biggest sources online #ad

YouTube videos can be an effective selling tool, but only if they are seen. One of the key factors in building your viewership is getting your videos ranked highly by YouTube. How do you increase your rank? Research what people are interested in, and make your videos to respond to that interest. How do you find out what they are interested in? That’s what James Sides created Tube Assassin for. With this new software, you can choose a niche and discover all the critical information about what YouTube viewers are looking for in that niche. It shows you the keywords, descriptions, tags, backlinks,... [...]

Super Simple Videos: making and ranking them in Google Bing, and Yahoo #ad

Stephen Gilbert and Devin Zander have worked at optimizing the results they get with YouTube videos. They have found remarkable ways to improve the rank of any video they make. They have put their recipe for high-ranking, profitable videos into Super Simple Videos. Gilbert reports that the techniques in this training: • Have been working for him for years • Work every time • Work quickly • Rank videos for major buying keywords • Work durably; once you’re on page 1, you stay there • Work for any niche • Are evergreen; they are likely to continue to work for years to come. The... [...]

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