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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Archive for the 'Keyword Research' Category

Keyword Supremacy: Better way to find profitable keywords #ad

Stay tuned to the end of this ad because today only, there’s a 10% discount on this new keyword research tool, Keyword Supremacy Every online business needs to know what keywords shoppers are using when they want to buy a product. It makes no difference if you are the product creator, an affiliate marketer for other companies’ products, a CPA advertiser, a local merchant or an e-commerce store; you need to know what keywords to target in your advertising. When someone searches for a “buying keyword” you want your ad to show up in the search results. So you need to know... [...]

‘3 New Upgrades Make the Web’s Best Keyword Research Tool Even Better’ – MOZ

Rand Fishkin says, “If you know me, you know I’m hyper-critical of the software, data, and products Moz releases. My usual response to someone asking about our tools vs. others used to be to give a rundown of the things I like about the competition and why they’re great, then look down at ground, shuffle my feet in embarrassment, and say “and Moz also has a good tool for that.” But Keyword Explorer (and the progress Moz Pro & Local have made this year) brings out a different behavior in me. I’m still a little embarrassed to admit it, but admit it I must.... [...]

‘Google Is Grouping Keyword Volumes – What Does This Mean for SEO?’ – MOZ

Sam Nemzer says, “As of June this year, Google is now grouping keyword volumes for similar keywords in Keyword Planner. I wanted to investigate whether or not this is having an impact on the pages that rank for these similar, grouped keywords. My hypothesis is that, given that Google is associating keywords closely enough to group their volumes, we should expect that the search results would be very similar too. What has Google changed and why does it matter? The grouping of keyword volumes is a problem for anyone working in search because Keyword Planner is the primary source for volume... [...]

‘Google Keyword Unplanner – Clickstream Data to the Rescue’ – MOZ

Russ Jones says, “Let’s start with the happy ending, which is actually a happy beginning, too. Moz Keyword Explorer has utilized clickstream-derived keyword data in a novel manner since day 1, allowing us to provide consistent keyword volumes despite Google Keyword Planner’s dramatic shifts in data availability and reporting. You probably haven’t noticed any changes in our keyword volume, and you probably won’t notice any going forward, which is just how we built it to begin with: resilient, evolving, and trustworthy. That being said, the truth is that keyword data... [...]

‘How to Build a Killer Content → Keyword Map for SEO’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “You’ve got content on your site that doesn’t intentionally target any keyword. But how do you identify those opportunities and, most importantly, capitalize on them? In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand illustrates the process of creating your own content-to-keyword map to discover where to optimize, what content to build, and how to intelligently target keywords when you’re auditing a site”. How to Build a Killer Content → Keyword Map for SEO – Whiteboard Friday MOZ/a>  [...]

Killer Keyword Tool: Find out what your customers care about #ad

There’s a lot of information about what people want to buy, based on what they search for, if you can uncover it. Sometimes people search for general information; sometimes, for products they want to purchase. When they search, they may search for a variety of terms that have equivalent or closely related meanings. Person A may seardh for sneakers; Person B may search for Tennis Shoes and they may mean the same thing when they do it. Google has a phrase “Latent Semantic Indexing”, which refers to these alternate terms that people may find helpful in their searches, even if they... [...]

‘A Step-by-Step Process for Discovering and Prioritizing the Best Keywords’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “Keyword research, when done right, is a fairly complex process. Uncovering new keywords and appraising their value should involve a robust toolkit, a multitude of different sources, and a great deal of thoughtfulness. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand shares a strategic and straightforward 4-step process (including a passel of tools to check out) for discovering and prioritizing the best keywords for your SEO campaigns”. A Step-by-Step Process for Discovering and Prioritizing the Best Keywords MOZ  [...]

TrafficFresh: Crowdsource website content for better engagement #ad

If you are looking for free traffic strategies that build your traffic better than SEO, you may want to check out this new product called TrafficFresh. Many online marketers long for the “good old days” when eager people, just getting to know the internet, clicked on every link they came across. Back then, traffic was easy. Now, unless you pay for it, traffic is getting hard to find. But TrafficFresh changes all that. It’s a desktop application that helps you get plenty of free traffic by leveraging the major players in your niches, using its ‘Sky Scraper’ strategy,... [...]

Peter Garety’s P1 Targeting App; Enterprise version wins #ad

As we reported yesterday, Peter Garety released his new keyword research tool, his P1 Targeting App. He made 3 licenses available: 1. The Get it Started license, which lets you do 5 searches per day with results capped at 3000 keywords 2. The Growth license, which lets you do 10 searches per day with results capped at 5000 keywords 3. The Enterprise license, which allow unlimited searches and unlimited results So far, the Enterprise version has sold about 10 times as many as the other two versions combined. People are looking for a “no limits” approach. And it’s only a few dollars... [...]

Keyword discovery 3.0: get 10,000 keywords with just 2 clicks #ad

At High Noon, EDT, Peter Garety releases P1 Targeting App, his latest tool for online marketers. This is an exceptional, cloud based, SaaS (software as a service) keyword research and mapping application. This new online service helps online marketers to find lucrative, easy-to-rank keywords in virtually any niche. Garety says that with this new tool, you can find profitable keywords with 2 clicks, keywords that will deliver traffic from people who are proven buyers. If you feed a “seed” keyword into P1 Targeting App, it will find thousands of related keywords with just a couple of... [...]

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