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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Archive for the 'Landing page conversion tps' Category

Conversion Secrets: get more followers, subscribers, and customers #ad

Conversion Secrets training is today’s NAMS December Sales item, until midnight tonight, and then it, like all its predecessors, will be gone. In the marketing world, conversion refers to getting first-time visitors and readers to take an action to increase their relationship with your business. It may be to sign up to your mailing list, to respond to a poll, to buy a product, or to click on a link to another website. It is actions like these that enable your business to survive and to grow. As David Perdew says, “If you’re getting traffic, but nobody’s buying, you’ve... [...]

PageDyno: Lead page creation, faster, easier #ad

PromoteLabs is running a launch-week sale on PageDyno As an online marketer, you already know one of the big keys to growing your lists and your business: You need to have attractive landing pages (sometimes called “lead pages”, or “opt-in pages”, or even “squeeze pages”). In fact, the more valuable lead magnets and engaging lead pages you have, the faster you’ll grow your list and increase your profits. Unfortunately, creating all these lead pages manually takes a lot of time. Even if you’re the best webmaster around, you’re lucky to get it done in... [...]

Building Better Landing Pages

The landing page of a website (sometimes called a squeeze page) is the page where new visitors access your website when they arrive from clicking on a link in a search engine results page. Typically, you want the page to accomplish two things: • Indicate your capabilities for helping visitors by looking professional and offering something of value to the visitor. • Gather contact information from the visitor. The goal of the offer you make is that it is valuable enough that visitors are willing to give their contact information to get it. There is a science to creating a landing page.... [...]

Five Steps to Writing Convincing Sales Landing Pages

The primary goal of a landing page is to make the visitor to take desired action. The goal could be creating a purchase, a newsletter subscription, or a brochure download. AWeber contributor Kelly Frost has shared a five step process to write and create convincing sales landing pages. Frost says, “To help you write high-performing content for your landing pages, we asked professional copywriters to share their best writing tips. Check out what they had to say. Landing page copy should help people solve their frustrations and achieve their aims. Henneke Duistermaat, Founder of Enchanting... [...]

‘A 9-step guide to increase your landing page conversion rate’ – Marketing Land

Khaled Saleh says, “Landing pages are a crucial element of inbound marketing strategies. Companies that have increased the number of landing pages from 10 to 15 see 55 percent growth in the total number of leads, so with this in mind, you need to reconsider your marketing strategy. What we’ve noticed over our more than 30 years of experience in the industry is that one of the biggest challenges marketers face is landing page optimization. On average, a typical landing page converts anywhere between 1 percent and 3 percent. But the plethora of companies that are optimizing have landing pages... [...]

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