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Friday, February 7, 2025

Archive for the 'List Building' Category

Listbuilder Lightning: the quick list building technique #ad

Jeremy Kennedy has stumbled on a technique that he uses to quickly build his mailing list. He gets several new subscribers in a day, and does it day after day. In Listbuilder Lightning, he is showing you the exact method he uses to bring in this horde of opt-ins on his site. Kennedy shares his traffic source and his funnel system, and includes 5 short videos that take you step-by-step through is process. He reports that using the method, you can have subscribers (and profit) pouring into your list like you see in the videos above in less than 24 hours. Although he shares his traffic source, that’s... [...]

31,000 Opt-in Subscribers in under 2 months. Really. #ad

Dave Gruber (“China Dave”) says he built a list of 31,525 subscribers in 59 days, and he want to show you how in his new training, 31k Subscribers. . And, he says, he will show you how to make $700 in commissions in a single day while you are doing it. There are three steps to his training: Phase #1: List Building Preparation Phase #2: Optin Profits Build-out Phase #3: List Getting Ignition These three phases are revealed in 3 video lessons. In addition, he includes: + an opt-in page, ready to go, that you can use as many times as you want. Just add in your autoresponder details. +... [...]

“Build a list of 1,000 subscribers and make $1,000 in 30 days” #ad

Liz Tomey is a marketer and marketing teacher who has been in this business since 1998. She has built several profitable businesses, including My IM Guru and Biz Model Guru. Besides building her own business, she has built a clientele of coaching students. She just announced a recorded coaching program, available to all of us, not just those able to pay for her more expensive personal coaching. She calls it First List Profits. For a long-term online business, you really need to build a mailing list, a list of people interested in your niche. For example, IM NewsWatch has built a list of thousands... [...]

List Income Generator: Build your list, earn more commissions #ad

Two brothers, Damon and Shea Korte, have been using a list building technique that they say generates 158+ Opt-Ins and $110+ daily, and does it on autopilot. In List Income Generator, they show you how they did it. They give you explicit, detailed instructions, with graphics to illustrate so you can’t misunderstand. Follow what they have done exactly, they say, to build your own list, and create an income stream for your own business. They have found that CPA offers work well with their list, so they include substantial information on the campaigns that work for them, so you can copy and... [...]

Simple strategy to build your mailing list #ad

Anton Nadillo and Andre Stoelinga were going broke as affiliate marketers. As they analyzed their problem, they realized that they were missing a great opportunity because they weren’t building a list of the people interested in their niche. They tried, but they couldn’t seem to interest people in joining them. They knew a mailing list was important; that way, they could sell more than one item to a customer. But people didn’t want to join their list. Seeking a solution, they tried a lot of things until, in their own words, they “stumbled upon a drop dead simple method that... [...]

Easy List Building Machine: don’t believe everything the gurus say #ad

Mike Marin has updated his popular Easy List Building Machine to version 2. Marin admits that list building has been his passion. He became obsessed, spending hours writing articles, getting backlinks, etc. But, no matter what the gurus said, all his work didn’t build much of a list, no matter how diligent he was. In fact, he decided, “most courses when it came to actually showing you how to build a list, were useless, silly, too complicated or involved risking lots of money.” and he determined to find a better way. He found a mentor, a man named Cory Ross, who was no guru, who... [...]

Down and Dirty Listbuilding: A WSO with no Negative comments #ad

Down and Dirty Listbuilding was announced almost a month ago. There have been many sales. But all the comments on the Warrior Forum from the buyers are positive. That’s unusual; there are usually a few complaints, even for helpful products. (Well, I didn’t put it in the forum, but I have a complaint about the mud-wrestling picture he put on his e-book cover. Nevertheless, is training seems excellent.) Lee Murray put this together to be a guide for list builders who are too busy (or too inexperienced) to go through the fairly time-intensive process of “normal” list building.... [...]

Need More Subscribers? Aurelius Tjin shows how #ad

Aurelius Tjin‘s latest training is called More Subscribers. It’s a e-book that gives you 101 tips for building your email list. Building an email list is one of the most effective, inexpensive ways to grow your business. Your own list of opt-in subscribers is the best way to assure a long-term business. That’s because selling to a current customer is a lot less expensive than finding a new customer. And customers who know you and trust you are likely to buy over and over. So you really do want to build a list of subscribers. And, other things being equal, the more subscribers... [...]

List Building Traffic Sources you wouldn’t think of #ad

Lisa Allen has been marketing to people most of us never have dreamed of contacting. And she has been getting sales from them. Now, in List Building Traffic Sources, she shares with us what sources are working for her. She has created video training, as well as a guidebook that lays out “just the facts”; no fluff, no filler. Her guide includes links and an explanation of each source. Her video provides a step-by-step tutorial explaining how to use each source properly. In this training, you will get insider information based on her experience that will save you time and money. And she... [...]

Instantly Capture Kindle Buyer Email Signups #ad

Many times, you Kindle customers for their own reasons don’t sign up for your email list, even if you include a link in your book. In Instantly Drive Hundreds Of Email Signups, Ben Shaffer shows you how to either get them to sign up for the original offer or show them a totally new squeeze page that may be be more relevant to them. In this 19 page report, you will discover: • What to do if you are not currently including an option for your readers to sign up for your list • How you can contact every buyer who has ever bought any of your books and remind them to sign up for your... [...]

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