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Friday, February 7, 2025

Archive for the 'List Building' Category

Cash Syphon: A simple technique for consistent income online #ad

Last week, Lexi B launched : Product Pirate, which has sold out. But she has now released a new offer that may be even better. Cash Syphon. This new product is about 2 things. 1. Building a list of buyers (not people who want a free PDF then never open another email) 2. Strategic Offer Sequencing – how to manage the interaction with your list so they buy from you over and over again. There’s a specific way to do it and it’s not just ‘pick an offer and mail’. It’s about planning it out in a specific way that maximizes the benefit for both you and the subscriber. Cash... [...]

“Under The Radar” List Building, using an untapped resource #ad

Amy Harrop and Deborah Drum found a source of new buyers and subscribers that has brought them traffic to their websites and additions to their mailing list at no cost. In Under The Radar List Building they tell the whole story about how they find these eager buyers, interested in nearly any topic under the sun. The core idea is that you supply free e-learning materials to this large group of people eager to learn. Once you get them onto your list, you can then sell them related materials in the same niche. The site they are using has very high traffic that you can leverage to grow your business. In... [...]

Becoming a List Building Pro: the key to your marketing success #ad

Without a list of opt-in email addresses, you’ll have trouble building a business that will last. With a list, you hsve a ready-made market for your products and for affiliate products you promote. Mike Cowles and Niky Ray have produced video training they call List Building Pro to show you how to quickly build a list that will bring you both near-term and long-term revenue. This in-depth training shows you how to get people onto your first list (it’s “first” because they recommend that you build two more lists besides this one) They explain how to create what they call... [...]

List Building 2013 PLR Videos; only if you need a client list #ad

Mark Lareau has just released his latest product, List Building 2013 PLR Videos, a helpful introduction to list-building. We all need a list of client email addresses so we can continue to offer them our new products After all, people who know us from getting our emails come to like us and trust us (the ones who don’t opt out.) This training is delivered in 10 videos: Video 1. Why You Need To Build A List 4:06 Video 2. The Modern Day Tools You Will Want 10:19 Video 1. Why You Need To Build A List 4:06 Video 2. The Modern Day Tools You Will Want 10:19 Video 3. The Perfect Sales Funnel to Suck... [...]

How to get 500 new subscribers per day #ad

Matt Poc has just released his training on list-building, called 500 subscribers per day, where he shows you how he built his list of 37K subscribers who help him earn $21000 each month. Poc says that if you are using the same old approach to list-building that everyone else is, you will not do any better than your neighbor in list-building. His process is different from the typical approach, a little unconventional, but he has shown that it works. If you set up your list-building system the right way, according to Poc, it will only take you 5 minutes a day to keep it going. As one of his clients... [...]

“Golden Ticket CPA” proven to bring traffic to CPA offers #ad

Timothy Miranda specializes in CPA marketing, and he has created several CPA products. His latest (in partnership with Eric James) is Golden Ticket CPA. Miranda and James are revealing exactly how they have been able to launch hugely profitable CPA campaigns while building a list at the same time. They take you step by step in a very detailed course that is very simple to implement. Not only will you know how to profit immediately, but, when you follow their instructions, you will also have a list that you can market to over and over again. It shows you all the key aspects of a successful CPA campaign: 1.... [...]

List Building Pro: building the customer list you dream of #ad

Mike Cowles has been a list-builder for years since he knows that a customer list is the key to a long-term stable business. It’s like the difference between hunters and farmers. Without a list, you constantly have to hunt for new customers. With a list, you only have to cultivate the customers you already have so they will buy more. In List Building Pro, Cowles shows you that building three lists (with different criteria) is much more profitable than building one or even two. He shows you how to create “The Ultimate Gift”, one that potential customers will want so much that they... [...]

How to sell high-end products like hotcakes #ad

In How to sell high-end products, Gerald Gigerl is offering what he calls “Edge mentoring for List builders.” He shares his experience and his methods for selling high-value products. Gigerl describes the product’s goal this way, “it covers the essence of successful list building and product creation, and how really anyone can duplicate my results.” This information is need by every marketer, and Gigerl delivers it in a concise 53 minute video, giving his experience (he made $1167 in 48 hours, and regularly makes similar amounts daily) and the principles and processes... [...]

3 for 1 List Building Bundle: From a man with a100,000 list #ad

Coby Wright has lists totaling over 100,000 that he can market to at will. That does a lot for his income. He has written and recorded training material so we can discover his secrets. Wright has bundled three of his popular list-building products into the new 3 for 1 List Building Bundle, covering all aspects of list-building: • Autoresponder Magic Wright’s best seller. How to start from nothing to build a sizable list. You get both MP4 videos and MP3 audios, plus a mind map. • Inbox Intelligence on how to get more opens and more clicks for your emails. This training is available... [...]

List Ka-Ching: secrets to monetizing your mailing list #ad

Alessandro Zamboni has learned to make a superior income from a small list. He puts that knowledge into List Ka-Ching, his guide to list monetization. In this detailed guide, he explores: • How to use his included squeeze page template to build your list • How to bring in fresh leads for your list • How to avoid angering your list by promoting the wrong things • How to create newslewtters that will cultivate your list and keep them coming back for more. Zamboni says the basis of list monetization is to become friends with your list members and build mutual trust. His methods... [...]

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