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Monday, March 10, 2025

Archive for the 'Curmudgeon’s Corner' Category

Stupid marketing Tricks #2- Anonymous emails

So often marketers think it’s smart to hide their true identity in their emails. In the last 24 hours, I have received emails from people only ideltified as “Admin”, “Notice”, “Support”, Christy, Sean, Dorothy, Clifford, “Download Dept.”,Preeti, Phil and Ray When I open the mail, they usually don’t do any better, signing it with only a first name. The ones above were signed [three first names], [blank], Jessica, Christy, [blank], Dorothy, Clifford, Anastasia,[blank] , Phil, and [Congratulations, Ray. At least you got it right on the... [...]

Addison Faith Locke is 6 years old and has cancer, needs your help

She and her family traveled to Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago in march, where they learned she has a rare form of liver cancer. Many treatment sessions are needed to try to arrest and conquer this aggressive disease, treatments beyond her family’s means. A group of 50 marketers have banded together to raise money for her. Through June 8, they are offering you a tremendous bargain in a fire sale, with the proceeds going to these treatments. IM NewsWatch is spreading the word, along with many others, and taking no commission on the sales. You can get a bundle of training and... [...]

Stupid Marketer Tricks, number 1

One of the worst things a marketer can do is ignore his/her followers. I have been guilty on occasion, and have lived to regret it. But I have been the victim of stupid marketers even more often. For example, six months ago, I opened a ticket on the help desk of a marketer in Asia. It has sat there for 6 months with no answer, despite my adding a supplementary response a month later to try again to get his attention. Do I ever want to buy from him again? No. Do I want to be an affiliate for his future products? No. Do I ever want to run a story about him? Only on a very slow news day (and I never... [...]

It’s Nice, but is it News?

We don’t publish all the internet marketing news items we receive, but we haven’t been too restrictive, either. So we have published information about well-known marketing trainers, as well as info about lesser known people and their work. This has served our readers well for years. However, the time has come to apply additional criteria to stories we publish. The specific problem I currently see relates to webinars. With the recent introduction of systems that make it easy to record a webinar and repeatedly broadcast it ad infinitum, we have been seeing a large number of repetitive... [...]

Why IM News Watch did not shut down to protest SOPA

This is the first issue of the Curmudgeon’s Corner blog. I intend to use this platform to look at the foolishness, foibles and follies of internet marketers. We can probably learn as much from looking at mistakes as we can from looking at success, and I want to make sure these lessons aren’t missed. In this first post, I want to comment on the proposed SOPA law in the United States, and the spreading protests from people around the country. Its goal is to protect authors and publishers from theft of their intellectual property. That’s a laudable goal. I support, and even applaud,... [...]

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