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Friday, October 18, 2024

Archive for the 'Marketing Commentary' Category

Building Backlinks for SEO: Best Practices and Strategies

Building backlinks for SEO (“Search Engine Optimization”) is a driving force behind any successful online marketing strategy. So, let’s explore proven techniques and best practices for maximizing your backlink-building efforts. Understanding backlinks Understanding backlinks is required knowledge for anyone engaged in digital marketing outreach. They are links from other sites to yours and serve as digital endorsements. They indicate to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy, boosting your credibility. Acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites... [...]

Personal Branding for Solopreneurs: Building Your Online Identity

A strong presence is necessary if you want to make it in the online world. So, let’s go over personal branding for solopreneurs: building your online identity. Understanding personal branding Understanding personal branding is a cornerstone of masterful marketing. In essence, it’s about shaping how your audience perceives you. By crafting a distinctive identity, you differentiate yourself in a crowded online world. Personal branding goes beyond a logo; it’s the story you tell through visuals, content, and interactions. Your unique value proposition and all other aspects of your brand... [...]

Keeping up with AI Advances

I came across an interesting blog, called Ben’s Bites, by Ben Tossell. Every day he posts short comments on news in the AI world. It’s free. It’s fun. It’s a quick read. I subscribed. Check it out. You might like it, too: Ben’s Bites, blog by Ben Tossell This post contains, among other topics, an interesting list of AI-based tools available to the public. Some are free to use; some have a cost for use; some have a free trial. This post isn’t unique. Several other times he has mentioned public AI-based apps. Many are of interest to marketers: Ben’s Bites’... [...]

Organically Growing With Authenticity: How to Connect With Your Audience

Organic growth is crucial to the success of any business. The days of solely focusing on paid advertising and pay-per-click are gone. While those things are still important and have their place, nowadays, people want to feel a connection with the businesss and businesses they choose. So you need to investigate how to connect with your audience. For the sake of your business, do it now, not later. One study found that when companies create and participate in relevant conversations online,44% of consumers said they would feel a stronger connection. Since many consumers base their spending habits... [...]

Using Video Marketing to Appeal to Gen Z

The global marketplace has never been more crowded. No longer are you competing with the Mom and Pop next door or the Big Box chain down the street. Now, more than ever before, ensuring that your online business presence not only survives but thrives also means ensuring that it stands out above a sea of competitors. While this borderless marketplace opens up a virtually infinite target market, it also requires immense skill, creativity, and strategy if you are going to cultivate a reputation (or “brand”) that your target market will both recognize and respect. And if your goal is to... [...]

Garnering Major Impressions Through Gaming

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels Gaming and gaming viewership is on the rise. Twitch, a major broadcasting platform for gaming, has reported an 86% increase in viewership since January of 2020, with several days where viewership has surpassed 6 million people. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, either: in 2021, 227 million Americans played video games.  Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just Gen-Z men who are gaming. Data from the U.K. suggests that more women are getting into gaming and gaming streams and that more mature audiences are also playing and watching games on... [...]

Stupid Marketer Tricks, #8

Impressing potential customers with the urgency of making a decision and buying is a frequently used marketing tactic. Every grocery and general merchandise store in developed countries around the world has time-limited offers. In the USA, they are called “sales”; elsewhere they may have other names. There’s nothing stupid about that. They are effective in getting people to buy, and they give the customer a true bargain. When we see peaches at 40% off the normal price, we are attracted and buy them. However, we at IM NewsWatch have seen a perversion of this technique over and... [...]

4 Reasons Why Email Marketing is Important for Your Internet Marketing

Image Source: Unsplash New may be exciting in the marketing world, but traditional doesn’t mean outdated. An email marketing strategy can be one of the most cost-effective strategies you can adopt. Social media news can seem compelling enough for even seasoned marketing professionals to ditch email. But while trying out new content formats on trending platforms like Clubhouse and TikTok is important for staying relevant, tried-and-true email marketing is still a powerful opportunity to engage current and potential customers in the long term. Here are four compelling reasons why email marketing... [...]

5 Ways To Use Google Search Console To Boost SEO Traffic

Every day, Google ranks millions – if not billions – of websites and pages for many key search terms. But even if your 'successful' pages are targeting some of the most highly-ranked keywords, you probably not ranking well for all of the keywords relevant to your site – or even the best ones for your marketing – from search engines. There is a free tool that can help you see where your content stands in search engine rankings: Google Search Console. This free tool from Google can help you identify these 'hidden' keywords, so that you can further optimize... [...]

How to Plan Your Social Media Strategy

Every online marketer understands the importance of social media and how it can help build their brand and boost their sales. The reach of the popular social platforms is enormous. Ignoring them can be deadly for your business. Despite this awareness, some marketers have not been willing to invest the time and effort needed into properly planning their social media campaigns, leaving everything to chance. If this sounds like you, you may be missing out on a lot of opportunities for increased visibility and ultimately increased profits. In this post, we want to help you start the planning process... [...]

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