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Friday, February 14, 2025

Archive for the 'Marketing Commentary' Category

How to Crush it with SEO

Today, I want to share with you some results of my own experiments with SEO. They have helped me. Perhaps they will help you, too. Of course, in that training I only had time to cover a few aspects of doing SEO properly, so, I’m thinking that if there’s enough demand for step-by-step SEO training based on solid fundamentals, I may put one together for you. Let me know what you think.  [...]

A gift for readers of my marketing commentary

As many of you know I work as a pediatric cardiac surgeon in a children’s hospital in Chennai, India. For years, now, I have used my internet marketing business to help support my work at the hospital. Over the years, I have learned a lot about what it takes to be successful in this business, and I have written several books about what I have learned. Today, I want to give you a downloadable copy of one of my books. It normally sells for $17 here, but for readers of my IM NewsWatch column, I am giving away copies – gratis. What is the book? 21 Copywriting Tips to Make You VERY Rich If... [...]

The time of your life

Today, I want to tell you about a man I admire greatly. And a man I count among my friends. My friend, mentor and role model is a top official in the Indian Administrative Services. He rose from strength to strength in a high-stress, super-achieving field, and retired recently as Cabinet Secretary to the Central Government. I learned a lot from him, but one of the most important things I learned came from his example. He was the most organized man I have ever known. As a result of his skills at organizing his business activities, he was a man who was able to accomplish a great deal of very complex... [...]

Marketing to Millennials; Lessons from Broadcast Journalism

Editor’s note As marketers, it is critical that we understand how to connect with the people we are targeting with our online ads. We can take a lesson from the successes and failures of news organizations as they have tried to build a relationship with the younger adults in our society. In this guest article, DJ Miller reviews some of those successes and failures. The so-called millennials pose a unique problem to those who try to keep them informed about what’s going on in the world. Gen Y is the so-called “me generation,” so trying to keep them interested in the wider arena is... [...]

“It’s ‘Just Business'”… REALLY?

This had me annoyed, irritated, ashamed! A guy asks if he should refund a buyer – many days AFTER his refund guarantee expires – because the widow of the buyer wrote to say her husband died and she couldn’t use the product. Someone else advises him to do it – after confirming the death is true… by asking to see a copy of the death certificate for proof! A third person is offended at a suggestion that’s so insensitive. A fourth argues that business is not charity, and a refund is not legally binding on the seller. A debate erupts over who is ‘right’... [...]

Social Media Strategy: How Much Automation is Safe?

by Ness Garcia Online marketing and social media go hand in hand nowadays, so it is important to understand the best ways to run an effective and successful campaign. More and more people are using automated ways to get their social media strategies finished up, but is it costing them traffic? Let’s take a look at how much automation is safe in social media strategies. Content Posts throughout All Networks The most popular automated part of social media is the software that allows you to post to any website you want with the click of a button. While this might seem really smart to do, it... [...]

Marketers can be victims of phishing

We tend to think we are more sophisticated than most people online, and to a degree that’s probably true. But that attitude of superiority can be our enemy if it causes us to drop our guard. Target Stores were certainly no novice in online commerce, but their store systems wre the victim of a major data theft through a virus planted on their POS terminals. You and I can have our sites hacked, too, if we are not hyper-vigilant. We can be attacked by viruses on our personal computers. And we can be victims of phishing. Phishing is the sending of emails, appearing to be from legitimate businesses,... [...]

Are You Willing to Fight for that Single Inch?

If you have been wondering why there haven’t been any updates for From Where I Stand recently, Veit has been spending a lot of time in his new blog, The Online Rule. His latest post includes his thoughts on succeeding in business (particularly, online business) and in life. In commenting on success, Woody Allen once said, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” To that, Veit would add, “Be careful where you show up, and then stick with it.” You will find Veit’s post here: Are You Willing to Fight for that Single Inch?.  [...]

Chrome spammers duped users, developers — and Google too reports that there’s a new threat growing out of the easy extensibility of Google Chrome with add-ons. It has always been possible for someone to create a malicious or adware plugin and attempt to place it on the Chrome Web Store. Google worked hard to assure that such apps didn’t see the light of day or at the least were removed immediately. But there’s a back door Google apparently hadn’t considered: What if a good app goes bad? That’s what happened to two such add-ons, Add to Feedly and Tweet This Page. Once considered useful extensions downloaded... [...]

Stupid Marketer Tricks #4

A marketer sends me email regularly that violate the common sense rules for building a trust relationship with readers. 1. He (or she) never gives his name. The only signature is “admin” . In my inbox the from column also has only “admin”. 2. His subject lines are usually deceptive. Here’s a sample:  * You requested a new password for access id #82181  * Check #PP3241682KY Issued  * Daily Electonic Transfer (Confirmed)  * A deposit has been made to Acc ID : [my email address]  * Re: $257.00 Tranferred to Bank Local 3. In the last 30 days,... [...]

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