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Archive for the 'Marketing Commentary' Category

Stupid Marketer Tricks, #5

I recently received an email from a marketer with the subject line: Download Ten Kindle Courses With PLR For Free, Philip! (Worth $1,379) This sounded interesting. Even if I didn’t want to use the PLR, I might learn something about creating a Kindle book. So I opened the letter. This was one of those cases of “What the large print (in this case, the headline) giveth, the fine print taketh away.” The text of the email said that if you buy a particular product, then you could receive the “Ten Kindle Courses With PLR For Free”. So they were not actually free; they were... [...]

Don’t count on Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft is recommending that users of Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) (called Windows Defender on Windows 8) look elsewhere for their future antivirus needs. Originally, it was a top-tier antivirus product, but over time, Microsoft has reduced support for it and have said that they are providing all the virus information they find to 3rd-party antivirus software makers and are no longer seeking to be at the top of the heap. In fact, a Microsoft spokesperson, Holly Stewart, says it’s normal for MSE to be one of the least effective solutions, since by definition other vendors would take... [...]

Beware of Websites Bringing Gifts

You’ve hear the saying, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”. That’s true online, too. (IM NewsWarch is still the exception.) Free services have bills to pay, just like everyone else. They will find a way to pay those bills; almost always from their users. One extreme example of this is the Hola service (, a proxy that anyone can use at no charge. Wonderful;right? Well, not necessarily. When you sign up for the service, you are agreeing to their terms and conditions and their privacy provisions. In the terms, they say that they can use your PC... [...]

If you need a new computer for your business

If you are running an online company, it’s critical that you have a reliable computer. If your computer goes down and you can’t write or place ads, if you can’t respond to orders or inquiries, even if you can’t check your email, that’s a big setback. Some people treat their computers like they treat their cars, replacing parts whenever something breaks, and staying with what they have. Around here we keep ours 6-7 years. However, no matter how frequently you upgrade, eventually you must upgrade. Maybe you are at the place where you need a new computer. You want to... [...]

4 New Social Media Platforms You Can Use To Promote Your Business

It can be hard to keep up with your social media marketing opportunities. There are so many platforms to choose from that knowing which are best is sometimes a challenge. Of course, you should make sure your business is represented on the “tried and true” Big 3: • Facebook • Twitter • Pinterest But, that’s not enough these days. In addition to these three, you should also be sure that you have visibility on some of the fresh, new platforms, as well. Which of the newest offerings have the most potential? In this article, we will discuss four of the latest newcomers... [...]

How smart people do stupid thing on social media

It could be on a business account, but more likely it’s on your personal social media account that you say something dumb. You may make a racist remark; criticize a friend in intemperate language, or take a political position that infuriates a big portion of your readers. The best defense if not doing it, of course. But if you don’t realize the dangers, you may act without thinking. Parents are starting to warn their teens and even younger children of these dangers. Future prospects for college admissions and jobs may be harmed by careless social media use. But the problem will be... [...]

Beware: Outlook 2010 patch KB 3114570 reintroduces Calendar bugs

Since many marketers use Microsoft Outlook to manage their email, we want to make you aware of this new article in InfoWorld, by Woody Leonhard. Microsoft just released a patch to correct problems in their Outlook email client. While it may correct some problems, unfortunately, it reintroduces other problems in the calendar function. An initial patch in early December solved some earlier bugs, but caused some users to only be able to use Outlook in “safe mode.” In mid-December, Microsoft released another patch to correct that bug. But that patch wasn’t widely available until... [...]

MS Windows 10 a big seller/ giveaway

Microsoft says that 200,000,000 computers, tablets, phones and Xboxes have used Windows 10 in the last month. And, with their marketing push and free conversion for most users (the vast majority of Windows users use Windows 7), they expect a lot more to use it, too. They have been aggressively pushing users of earlier versions of the software to convert to Windows 10. They are expected to become even more aggressive, adding it to the list of updates that get installed automatically. Some users, ourselves among them, are finding the conversion doesn’t go smoothly. Even though the Microsoft... [...]

Happy New Year and Blessings to All People of Good Will

The new year is finally here. We have turned another page on the calendar, but if we choose, we can also turn another page in our life’s direction. Each year builds on the ones that have gone before. ■ What did you learn in 2015? ■ What new skills did you acquire? ■ What did you decide to change? Now is a good time to assess your business direction and goals. Many people choose the SWAT tool for assessment. SWAT is an acronym standing for: • What are my Strengths? • What are my Weaknesses? • What are my Assets I can better employ in my business? • What are the Threats to my... [...]

Another year of blessing, joy and success

2015 is almost gone. It has been a wonderful year for many marketers, and for that we can thank God. There have been challenges, to be sure, but on the whole, it has been a good year. Today, especially, and now through the New Year, we can enjoy the warmth and comfort of family and friends. We can think back, and we can look forward. Celebrate our achievements, and make plans for what is to come. We are not publishing any ads today. It’s time to take a break for reflection, refreshment and family fun. We are aware of a “Boxing Day” sale that starts tomorrow. We will place a notice... [...]

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